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Module 6 Reading Comprehension


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Reading Comprehension Strategies

Kimberly A. Rossetti
Grand Canyon University
EED 470 – Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment: Literacy and Language Arts K-3
March 14, 2012

Reading Comprehension Strategies Studies reveal that teaching and instruction utilizing illustrative or visual organizers and templates that are representational, portray associations or connections among concepts. Presenting such graphic matrices as an introduction primes students to commence their learning processes toward a forthcoming educator instruction or assignment (Jitendra & Gajria, 2011). The following will review various graphic organizers, charts, and matrices that can be implemented for further development of reading comprehension. In addition, a summary will follow the illustrative pictorial of lesson introduction that provides an explanation regarding the implementation or utilization considering that particular comprehension example of focus.

Beginning / Middle / End
Beginning / Middle / End

Summary: Using the Hamburger Model diagram will assist students to beef up their writing skills and promote or increase their focus on details while reading.
The paragraph hamburger is a composing or authoring tool that will assist young writers to pictorially summarize important or main elements of a passage. Main focus, narrative or describing text, and concluding sentence are the central components or portions of a complete paragraph, and each section shapes a distinctive chunk of the hamburger (Richards, 2008). During the process of using the Hamburger Method of Beginning/Middle/End will assist students to focus on three main components of a passage or text; the introduction (top bun), the center or reinforcing material (the filling), and the finale or wrap-up sentence (bottom bun). Use of the Hamburger Method also provides teachers with the validation that students have comprehended the theory of arranging their written story in proper succession.
Rationale: The use of the Hamburger writing organizer causes students to organize their thoughts regarding a story or text that they have read into organized and cohesive paragraphs. By presenting the organizer to the students prior to their reading of an assignment, they will be more focused on reading to obtain the needed parts to complete the chart. If part of the filling is omitted, it is an indication that the student did not fully comprehend the assigned reading. In utilizing this graphic organizer will assist students on the method of composing a closing sentence that reaffirms the topic or opening sentence. In addition, it provides a demonstration of the formation of concrete means of how students related the information from the story (Reading Rockets, 2012)

Venn Diagram
Venn Diagram

Summary: Venn diagrams are a very simplistic graphic organizer that triggers the higher order thinking or HOT skills that students already possess, yet do not always implement. Utilizing a Venn diagram is a concrete approach to compare and contrast characteristics or facts. This type of diagram provides students with probability to recognize and classify information from two sources or information about two entities that are different yet similar, such as igneous vs. sedimentary rocks (McConnell, Steer, & Owens, 2003). In most cases, this type of diagram is implemented after reading. If used prior to reading, the Venn Diagram is a beneficial learning tool that leads to improved reading comprehension.
Rationale: When implemented prior to reading, the teacher can assess what knowledge the student already possesses about the topic. Once students have finished reading the assignment, they should be directed to go back and review their diagram and modify the diagram as needed to include any additional knowledge acquired (Jitendra & Gajria, 2011). Implementation of a Venn diagram also allows the teacher to assess the direction class discussions should follow to encourage further insight and comprehension on the part of the students.

Fishbone Diagram or Cause & Effect
Fishbone Diagram or Cause & Effect

Summary: A Fishbone Diagram is a graphic or pictorial drawing or model that distinctly demonstrates the connection between a subject or theme and several aspects that are interconnected. The silhouette of the diagram resembles the bones of a fish or in this case, the framework of story and the relation of the topics and factors contained within the passages. (McCrudden, Schraw, & Lehman, 2009). A great story to diagram using this method with younger students is “Tucker the Turtle”. When Tucker gets upset and angry he used to kick, hit, and scream at his friends. Instead, he has learned to tuck into his shell and takes time to think. In the story, Tucker gets angry; tucking his head into his shell is the cause. The effect is that when he takes the time, while in his shell he calms down by taking three deep breaths and comes up with another way to approach the problem that got him upset in the first place. The Fishbone or Cause and Effect Diagram necessitates that learners focus their comprehension to categorize and arrange notions regarding an incident that preceded other events that occurred in the story. Tucker leads children to think about alternative ways of dealing with anger issues.
Rationale: The Cause and Effect Diagram compels early learners to put sections of the story together in a manner that creates a new whole. When students are capable of merging or relating sections of the reading material, they start to view fresh associations that create an overall depiction. This type of diagram is an educational supplemental tool for story forecasting and assists early learners to concentrate on the events of the story. When an educator implements this diagram into their teaching methods, students start to realize that there is an effect for every action or cause that relates to a consequence that is the overall conclusion of the story (McCrudden, Schraw, & Lehman, 2009).
Cubing: A Strategy for Asking Questions from Multiple Perspectives
Cubing: A Strategy for Asking Questions from Multiple Perspectives




Summary: Understanding material from a story or interpretive passage necessitates that learners develop into cognizant readers, searching for various viewpoints and perceptions by “active questioning, practice trying out ideas, and rethinking what they thought they knew” (Wallace, Perman, Hail, Hurst, 2007, p. 45; Wiggins & McTighe, 2005, p. 21). For instance, the writers recommend a six-sided (cube) interpretation that is comprised of describing, decoding, relating, having perspective, understanding, and acquiring self-knowledge. Utilizing strategies such as the cube should cause students to look beyond the simple task of retelling a story, pushing or urging them to implement their higher order thinking abilities (Wallace, Perman, Hail, Hurst, 2007, p. 46). Just as a regular cube or die has six sides, students are required to examine topics implementing up to six different points of view. To accomplish this, six questions are created per cube with each question paralleling to a higher-level thinking skill. As well as being able to encourage or push students beyond their standard mode of thinking, teachers also have the capability of differentiating by constructing cubes “with questions of varying degrees of difficulty” (Wallace, Perman, Hail, Hurst, 2007, p. 46). Cubes can also be identified according to complexity by color-coding with the color of the question sheet matching the color of the cube.
Rationale: Cubing can be implemented to instigate open or free writing. In this instance students would be allowed a specific time period with which to investigate each of the six provided viewpoints or perceptions. By introducing the activity prior to reading, assists students to investigate the topic and assess what knowledge they already possess, and think about what requires additional deliberation (Wallace, Perman, Hail, Hurst, 2007, p. 46). Cubing is a great method of assessment that allows educators to appraise the level to which learners have comprehended the topic or passage. Areas that are determined to be difficult for students can be utilized to generate class discussion. In addition, educators are provided a glimpse into the area or perspective that students are shying away from or demonstrating hesitation.
Story Mapping
Story Mapping

Summary: A story map is a graphic pictorial of the background information or the succession of main occurrences of story characters. Utilizing this type of graphic organizer will insight students of early reading comprehension to focus when studying to glean key ideas and words that will guide their understanding of the story. This technique empowers readers to associate stories events and to recognize structure in literacy selections. In addition, story maps can be utilized as a framework for storytelling and retelling, and as outlines for story writing. Especially when there are no pictures included in the reading material, a visual map can act as a guide. In this instance, a story map assists students to be prepared for what they will read by providing guided information regarding the characters and the difficulty they will face within the story. Students will be able to use the story map as a guide to determine or gather their thoughts on the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Using the story map, they will be required to note important characters, storyline, and establish details when considering the stories venue (Gately, 2008).
Rationale: When teachers review story maps they will be able to detect if students were able to visualize the story, characters, events, and settings. Such a graphic organizer will improve comprehension of stories by classifying and categorizing major incidents within the story. Going even further, a teacher can allow students to utilize their story map to write a few sentences or paragraphs in the way of retelling the story as a means of verifying if they understood what was read. Another more in depth assessing use of a story map will demonstrate if a student understands that person within the story are interconnected (Gately, 2008; Vaughn & Edmonds, 2006).

Four Square
Four Square

Summary: Four Square graphic organizers implement the tactic that leads to enriched understanding by guiding students to associate theories and concepts. Reading and literacy learners frequently realized that graphic organizers simplistic and helpful in their general reading, writing, and comprehension assignments. Four Square organizers are a great tool in rereading, and assessing a book while reading. To accomplish this, students can implement the Four Square graphic organizers can direct or channel reading in a way that fosters character analysis and then adapt or translate the information gathered using the Four Square into a synopsis (Wallace, Pearman, Hail, & Hurst, 2007, p. 49).
Rationale: Educators employ the Four Square graphic organizer to determine if the student understood the quintessence of the passage or story contradictions and resolutions. Further, that the student was able to apply same to real life situations. With the ability to modify the measures for each of the squares, the teacher can make the most use of this teaching strategy to develop and improve student comprehension. This type of graphic organizer can provide a guide for initial groundwork when reflecting on the overall story. When teachers modify the graphic organizer and the ways utilized will ensure that all students have gained necessary strategies for reading comprehension to be successful (Wallace, Pearman, Hail, & Hurst, 2007, p. 51). Compare / Contrast
Compare / Contrast

Summary: The compare and contrast graphic organizer offers students another version of the Venn Diagram. Compare and Contrast charts are another method that triggers students to focus on the content and generate a synopsis of characters within a story. In doing so students are able to compare similarities and differences among characters in the story. A beneficial result is the prompting of students to investigate story characters more in depth and their influence on events that take place (Neufeld, 2005).
Rationale: The use of Compare and Contrast graphic organizers is a means to verify how much information was obtained by the students. Were they really reading the story to understand the characters (Neufeld, 2005). Furthermore, it provides insight if a student has understood that they are being questioned to distinguish parallels versus distinctions of two or more characters (Dreher & Gray, 2009).

KWL or Know, Want to Know, Learned
KWL or Know, Want to Know, Learned

Summary: The KWL organizational chart young readers should be able to reference previously gained knowledge. By using this method to trigger a student’s prior knowledge of a topic prior to reading offers an intellectual fascination on the part of the student using the connection of their current information base causing them to want to read the text to gain additional information. This method of reading comprehension has demonstrated increased competencies in comprehension and story recollection (Neufeld, 2005). Selecting stories or texts that contain information possibly tied to students’ personal history, will allow educators to generate occasions for learners to construct consequential associations to newly acquired knowledge that ties into their person history and familiarities (Dreher & Gray, 2009). Such a chart as the KWL could assist students in making predictions about additional knowledge they have the opportunity to acquire
Rationale: KWL graphic organizers assist educators in determining the method to adapt lessons to the current knowledge level of their students and focus on what students desire to learn. When utilizing the chart after a reading assignment it allows the teacher self-assessment to determine if students gained the knowledge that was intended and thereby reached an educational goal (Dreher & Gray, 2009).

Graphic organizers can be beneficial educational means. Uncomplicated adaptations of graphic organizers allow for development of understanding tools for all learners. Nevertheless, educators must be discerning, in selecting the right graphic organizer to be utilized according to the intentions for the lesson and the educational demands of the students (Wallace, Pearman, Hail, & Hurst, 2007). Graphic organizers and charts can be implemented to enable the growth of the intellectual capacity of students before, during, and after reading and writing. “Visual organizers reflect patterns of thinking about content, knowledge; they allow teachers to focus student attention on higher order thinking skills without shifting attention from subject content area” (Clarke, 1991). Such teaching implements or tools have been utilized most significantly to manage student synthesization of text, in reading and writing striving to encourage students to read for both enjoyment and gaining additional knowledge.


Clarke, J. H. (1991). Using visual organizers to focus on thinking. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 34(7), 526-534. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from
Dreher, M., & Gray, J. (2009). Compare, contrast, comprehend: Using compare-contrast text structures with ELLs in K--3 classrooms. Reading Teacher, 63(2), 132-141. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from
Gately, S. E. (2008). Facilitating reading comprehension for students on the autism spectrum. Teaching Exceptional Children, 40(3), 40-45. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from
Jitendra, A. K., & Gajria, M. (2011). Reading comprehension instruction for students with learning disabilities. Focus On Exceptional Children, 43(8), 1-16. Retrieved March 15, 2012, from

(References continued)
McCrudden, M., Schraw, G., & Lehman, S. (2009). The use of adjunct displays to facilitate comprehension of causal relationships in expository text. Instructional Science, 37(1), 65-86. doi:10.1007/s11251-007-9036-3. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from
Neufeld, P. (2005). Comprehension instruction in content area classes. Reading Teacher, 59(4), 302-312. doi:10.1598/RT.59.4.1. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from
Reading Rockets. (2012). Paragraph Hamburger. Retrieved March 14, 2012, from
Richards, R. (2008). The writing road: Reinvigorate your students’ enthusiasm for writing. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from
Vaughn, S., & Edmonds, M. (2006). Reading Comprehension for Older Readers. Intervention In School & Clinic, 41(3), 131-137. Retrieved March 14, 2014, from
Wallace, R., Pearman, C., Hail, C., & Hurst, B. (2007). Writing for Comprehension. Reading Horizons, 48(1), 41-56. Retrieved March 14, 2012, from
(References continued)
Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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