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Monitor Article Comment Continuation


Submitted By andre228
Words 685
Pages 3
Financial analysts and great investors like Warren Buffet will tell you that the best thing you can do for your financial future is to budget your income. The budget these gurus talk about consists of putting your money towards priorities in order from greatest to least important. They tell you that before you spend any income you must save as much as possible, then pay your bills and spend the rest if there is any left to spend. One of the most important aspects of this budget is making sure that you are consistently saving a preset dollar amount or percentage of your income. This habit will create a cushion for any unforeseen need for money in the future. In other words, you are creating yourself a rainy day fund. To some, this tactic might seem aggressive and unnecessary but from personal experience as a college student on a fixed income, budgeting income is crucial. Although a personal and local government budget amounts are substantially different, at their core they are all about prioritizing money appropriately and responsibly. So when I read Hidalgo County Judge Ramon Garcia’s article that the county rainy day fund helps to limit overspending I couldn’t help but to agree. In his column, Judge Garcia expresses that a government’s budget reflects its vision, strategies and priorities. For Hidalgo County, the top priority is “to provide for the health, safety and general welfare of its residents in an efficient and cost-effective manner.” An additional part of the needs of a county is establishing a rainy day fund. A rainy day fund is important to a county not only because the funds could be needed in an emergency situation or in any contingency, but also because they help determine the county’s credit rating of debt securities to potential investors. Judge Garcia states that Hidalgo County “continues to maintain a strong bond rating.” This accomplishment is

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