...Objective (S.M.A.R.T model) 9 3) Strategic 11 4) Tactics: 12 5) Control: 12 V. The Detailed Budget for “Family Togetherness” event 12 1) ‘Salute’ 12 2) ‘Discover castle’: Visit castle with guider. 13 3) ‘United night’: It is the evening that all members in the family have comfortable time in castle to talk, to share and enjoy royal banquet. 13 4) ‘Competition among families’: it is a gift from sponsorship Coca-Cola. 13 5) ‘Child menus in the restaurant’ (sponsorship with Coca-Cola) 14 VI. Marketing and operation 14 VII. Management risk 15 VIII. References 15 I. Executive summary The purpose is to develop a new business strategy for Special Events in 2013 for 1 month. In this plan, we provide the background of Warwick Castle where happens the event. Moreover, we conduct some analysis about audit, core competences of Warwick Castle, and list 8 events happened at the same time in season. In addition, it is the plan to develop service, analysis of special event ‘Family togetherness (SOSTAC, marketing and operation, management risk). II. Introduction 1) A Short story of Warwick Castle Lord Brooke David Greville sold Warwick Castle in November 1978 after which it became a visitor attraction under the Tussauds group. Extensive restoration work has been carried out between then and 2010, which meant that more of the Castle has been opened to the public than before. For the first time in 1982, wax figures were introduced to the Castle...
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...years of war and thirty six years of repression under Generalisimo Fransisco Franco, but how is General Franco remembered by the rest of the world? What legacy did he leave internationally? 2 It is a confused and varied one: to those closest to him he was a husband, father, and statesman; to Hitler, he was an obstacle on the road to world domination; to the Jews who fled from Hitler he was a hero; but to the many Spanish minorities and to his opponents in the Spanish Civil War he was a monster. 3 The answers to the questions posed are addressed in a variety of sources. One of these sources is the book Hitler Stopped by Franco, by Jane and Burt Boyar, who write a relatively straightforward book that explores many positive sides of Franco’s character. An alternative, contemporary view of the dictator, Franco: A Concise Biography written by Gabrielle Hodges focuses on the negative legacy of General Franco. This side of Franco rears its head in many other sources, including Hitler and Spain: The Nazi Role in the Spanish Civil War 936-939, a monograph by Robert H. Whealey. In it he focuses, as the title...
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...14 PROSECUTOR V. DUSKO TADIC INTRODUCTION The main belligerents in the Bosnian War were the forces of the Republic of Bosnia(Bosnian Government Forces) and Herzegovina and those of the self-proclaimed Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat entities within Bosnia and Herzegovina,Republika Srpska and Herzeg-Bosnia, who were led and supplied by Serbia and Croatia respectively. The war came about as a result of the breakup of Yugoslavia. Following the Slovenian and Croatian secessions from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991, the multi-ethnic Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was inhabited by Muslim Bosnians(44 percent), Orthodox Serbs (31 percent) and Catholic Croats (17 percent), passed a referendum for independence on 29 February 1992. This was rejected by the political representatives of the Bosnian Serbs, who had boycotted the referendum and established their own republic. Following Bosnia and Herzegovina's declaration of independence (which had gained international recognition), the Bosnian Serbs, supported by the Serbian government of Slobodan Milosevic and the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), mobilized their forces inside the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to secure Serbian territory, then war soon broke out across the country, accompanied by the ethnic cleansing of the Muslim Bosnian and Croat population, especially in eastern Bosnia and throughout the Republika Srpska...
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...The Creative Industries and Scottish Film. With its exquisite landscapes, monumental architecture, and breath-taking coastlines, it is no wonder Scotland has always been such a powerful draw to film makers and producers alike. The Scottish film industry has grown from strength to strength in recent years. Arguably putting itself on the map in the nineties with films such as Braveheart (1995) and Trainspotting (1996), Scotland now lends its locations to multimillion-pound productions such as Skyfall (2012), The Dark Knight Rises (2012), Sunshine on Leith (2013) and The Railway Man (2014) as well as TV productions including Game of Thrones (2011) and Outlander (2014). To what extent have Scottish films such as Braveheart and Trainspotting impacted on the tourism industry and given their contrasting portrayals of the Scots, does one hinder tourism more than the other? Can we say whether or not there is a distinct notion of ‘Scottish national identity’ and if such a concept exists to what level is it illustrated in Scottish film? Has the Scottish film industry had an impact on the political landscape in Scotland since it was devolved in 1998? Finally given the effects of Scottish film in Scotland, what has the government put in place in order to develop the industry further? Scotland has produced many world renowned films over the last two decades and has had a large impact on the creative industries in Scotland. It has long retained a certain romance which frequently appeals...
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...Feather girls - analysis and interpretation The short story 'feather girls' by Claire Massey, from 2010 is a very imaginary and well written story, which leaves you behind with the sensation of unknowing. I believe the text has a very deep meaning to it, which I will try to find. In the short story we meet a man called Bill. We can see from the text, that Bill is old "A collection of regulars cluttered the bar, all grey haired men similar age to him". Bill has a wife, who he does not see very often, as she has "flown off" by herself, as their children were grown. In the village, where the story unfolds it is common to give your wife a feather coat from feather girls, but Bill has fallen in love with a feather girl. The feather girl's name is unknown, but Bill and her have been seeing each other for a long time "All these years of going to meet her and yet still, every time, he felt like a lad. They have been doing the same thing over and over again, meeting each other at a local pub called the Hare and Anchor, eating vinegar crisps with salt "packet of salt and vinegar crisps. Here at the pub we are introduced to the landlady of the pub, Mary. Mary is the most interesting character in my opinion, because her curiosity about the couple is intriguing. Mary is described as stingy "Mary was stingy with the coal, still too early in the year for a fire whatever the chill in the air said". Mary is living in the past, and never throws anything away "Collections of one kind...
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... Nasredinova Shakhnoz * Yung-Chul Kwon** Abstract The realization of market reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan is indissolubly connected with the carrying out of active foreign investment policy. Due to the limitation of internal sources of financing, the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan tries to attract foreign investment in the economy, especially the active sharing of foreign investors during privatization and denationalization. In this regard, we analyze the dynamics and structure of foreign investments, investigate the role of foreign investment in the economy, analyze the general climate of foreign investments, and define priority directions to attract foreign investments. Based on this analysis, we provide a guideline of foreign investment policy to attract foreign investment in the economy of Uzbekistan. . Key Words: Republic of Uzbekistan, investment climate, role of foreign investment, attraction of foreign investments * Main Author, Doctoral student, Department of International Commerce, Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea ** Corresponding Author, Professor, Department of International Commerce, Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea, email : yckwon@ yumail.ac.kr I. Introduction «..it is necessary to create even more favorable legislative conditions, guarantees and economic stimulus for wide attraction of foreign investments into a national economy, first of all direct investments....
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...property that they identify as having heritage value or heritage character. A key piece of each record on a community heritage register is the Statement of Significance. This is the part that satisfies the Local Government Act requirement to indicate the reasons why property included in a community heritage register is considered to have heritage value or heritage character. A Statement of Significance (SoS): summarizes the description, heritage value and character-defining elements of each historic place reflects modern values concerning history and historic places identifies what part of history a historic place represents, and how and why that is of value and importance today Writing a Statement of Significance about a historic place does not establish its heritage value. The SoS simply records the heritage values that community members already associate with the place. It shows how a particular historic place represents broader community heritage values that, ideally, have been identified in advance through extensive research and community consultation as part of the local government’s heritage conservation program. The heritage values identified within a Statement of Significance extend beyond the physical aspects of the historic place. A community’s historic places are the physical manifestation of the aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultural, social or spiritual heritage values which form the heritage character of the community. The SoS...
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...Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction This research project serves as culmination to the problem involving the restoration of the Basilica. It seeks to summarize, explain and synthesize several highlights of the topic in dialogue with the assigned texts and other readings; it will force additional research and reflections as an instrument for clarifying, defining and augmenting the author’s understanding of the major issues addressed by the proposal. The scope of the study embraces a solution that will lead the restoration of the Basilica to realities and treat the problems involving its reestablishment. Being a national heritage and considered to be one of the first Roman Catholic churches in the Philippines, it is our objective to restore a historical edifice and preserve its cultural legacy and customs. On October 15, 2013, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake shook Bohol at approximately 8:00 in the morning. It caused millions of worth of casualties, hundreds of families devastated, destroyed numerous properties and damaged many historical landmarks and churches, including the Basilica de Sto. Nino. The earthquake crushed most of the belfry and façade; walls and frescoes are cracked, leaving the church in verge of total wreckage. To prevent an entire loss, propositions involving the repair and rebuilding of the damaged areas are to be provided as well as redesigning of the structure’s stability will furnish its constancy to be able to withstand future disastrous...
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...2013 Thapar University [Marketing Management Project Report On] Marketing Strategies for Northeast India Tourism Submitted To : Dr. Girish Jaswal (Marketing Management Professor) Submitted By : Amit Gill (501204003) Gaurav Bisht (501204009) Savpreet Ramana (501204040) Shivam Kohli (501204042) Sumit Vyas (501204047) CERTIFICATE TO WHOM SO EVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that the project report Marketing Strategies for Northeast India Tourism submitted by Amit Gill, Gaurav Bisht, Savpreet Ramana, Shivam Kohli & Sumit Vyas students of MBA 1st year bonafide work carried out by them. During their tenure at the project, they were found to be sincere and meticulous in their work. I appreciate their enthusiasm & dedication towards the work assigned to them. I am hopeful that they will prove to be a good professional and wish them grand success for the future. Date: 3 April 2013 i|Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The success of any research study depends upon a number of factors among which the proper guidance from the experts in the industry and a faculty plays an important role. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to many people. This Project is an effort to contribute towards achieving the desired objectives. In doing so, we have optimized all available resources and made use of some external resources, the interplay of which, over a period of time, led to the attainment of the set goals. We take here a great opportunity to express our sincere...
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...Vocabulary: Goal 1 1. Historical narrative 2. Temporal structure (beginning, middle, end) 3. Time line 4. Historical succession 5. Historical duration (continuity) 6. Primary sources 7. Humanity 8. Historical passage 9. Historical perspective 10. Historical context 11. Literal meaning 12. Historical fact 13. Historical interpretation 14. Historical data 15. Hhistorical analysis 16. Cause-and-effect relationship 17. Value-laden 18. Moral convictions 19. Critique 20. Hypotheses 21. Historical inquiry 22. Eyewitness account 23. Statistical compilations 24. Journals 25. Census 26. Artifacts 27. Economic indicators Goal 2 28. Sustainability – supported,upheld ,of confirmed 29. Fertile Crescent – an area in the middle and near east: formerly fertile, now partly desert 30. Migration - a number or body of persons or animals migrating together. 31. Environment – the aggregate of surrounding things,conditions,or influences;surroundings; milieu 32. Human interdependence – all humans rely on each other. 33. Natural barriers – a natural limit or boundary of any kind. 34. Drought – a period of dry weather that whithers or kills the crops 35. Famine – extreme hunger or scarce amount of food. 36. Trade interactions -the influence of buying or selling trade with other countries. 37. Resources – a source of supply,support,or aid when specificity needed 38. River valley -a natural stream of water flowing in a valley...
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...ARTS TEACHERS’ GUIDE Grade 9 ARTS Teacher’s Guide Unit I WESTERN CLASSICAL ART TRADITIONS GRADE 9 Unit 1 ARTS TEACHERS’ GUIDE GRADE 9 Unit 1 WESTERN CLASSICAL ART TRADITIONS LEARNING AREA STANDARD The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision. key - stage STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and arts of the Philippines and the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. grade level STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Western music and the arts from different historical periods, through appreciation, analysis, and performance for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. CONTENT STANDARDs The Learner: demonstrates understanding of art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills demonstrates understanding that the arts are integral to the development of organizations, spiritual belief, historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/ occurrences and other external phenomenon ...
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...Anurans in Sitio Pahiron Brgy. Lumbia, Cagayan de Oro City A Research Proposal Presented to the Biology Department, Xavier University Cagayan de Oro City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course Seminar and Problem I (Bio 20L) By: Antonette S. Paquera July 2015 APPROVED: Dr. Astrid Sinco Adviser ACCEPTED: Ms. Christine Lovelle Mahinay Reader Project Title: Anurans in Sitio Pahiron Brgy. Lumbia, Cagayan de Oro City Proponent: Antonette S. Paquera Project Duration: 4 months (June 2015-September 2015) Project Budget: Php 55, 680.90 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Title Page A....................................................................................................................i Title Page B....................................................................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................iii LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................v LIST OF PLATES.........................................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................v I. Introduction......................................................................................................
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...|03/15/2013 | Presented By: Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Problems and its backgrounds Statement of the Problem Hypothesis of the study Significant of the study Scope & limitation of the study Definition of terms Chapter 2 Review of related litreture Theoretical/conceptual framework Research paradigm Chapter 3 Research methodology Research design Research setting Research subject Research instrument Validation of Instrument Data gathering procedure Statistical treatment Chapter 4 Presentation Analysis Interpretation of data Chapter 5 Summary of findings Conclusion...
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...reading’, the meaning of a work of art could be deduced, it was presumed, from a close critical analysis of the autonomous object. This approach is not without appeal: in giving prominence to beauty and aesthetic experience, one assumes some degree of congruence between the aesthetic intent of the artist and the affective response of the intended viewer, both of which are vested in the work itself. In other words, situating the import of an aesthetic work within the object itself, rather than, let’s say, in its cultural context, enables one to circumvent the complex issues of production and reception, not to mention the apparent gap that separates the two. The art-historical counterpart of New Criticism, perhaps best exemplified in the formalism of Heinrich Wölfflin, Roger Fry and Clement Greenberg, found itself on the defensive during the last quarter of the twentieth century.1 Following the historicist and postmodernist currents of the day, art historians were increasingly critical of approaches predicated on the presumed autonomy of the object. Moving away from the self-contained object, scholars placed increased emphasis on the object’s Sitz im Leben – the social, political, and institutional context from which the work emerged. Historians of Buddhist art were not immune to these developments. Where their predecessors engaged in formal and stylistic analysis, iconography, connoisseurship and other methodologies that foreground...
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...Introduction Heritage Tourism Heritage tourism is define as the activities and services which provide international and domestic visitors with the opportunity to experience, understand and enjoy the special values of a region’s heritage, are sometimes referred to as heritage tourism (Lorton, 2013). According to Leigh Burns “heritage tourism is a personal encounter with traditions, history and culture. Heritage tourism is based upon the concept that each community has a story to tell. This is a rapidly growing niche market that is directed towards experiencing the local customs, traditions, arts, history, sites, and culture that authentically represent a particular place (Burns, 2010) Objective of the study The study includes the following objectives: * To identify the heritage destination and the overall satisfaction of tourists who visit heritage destinations. * To observe and understand the trend of heritage tourism in Nepal. * To analyze heritage destination and tourist’s overall satisfaction, and travel behavior characteristics. * To understand the impact of heritage tourism in Nepal. Hypotheses of the Study The study includes the followings hypotheses in order to analyze the relationship between heritage destination attributes and tourists’ satisfaction and their behavior characteristics, to understand the difference in derived factors in relation to their demographic and to identify the differences in the overall satisfaction of tourists’ in terms...
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