...Aurelia aurita also known as the Moon Jelly, are the most frequently recognized kind of jellyfish. They inhabit the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans along the shore. The moon jelly isn't very large, it varies in dimensions from 5cm to 40cm across. The animal has four lilac and pink half-moon shaped gonads underneath and in the middle of its semi-transparent bell. The bell is huskier in the center, diminishing towards the perimeter. Similar to other jellyfish, it has limited mobility, therefore the current of the ocean is its way of transportation. Moon Jellies have two primary stages in their life cycle. the polyp stage and the medusa stage. A fully developed polyp reproduces asexually. This is called budding, assembling a whole colony...
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...As the Moon decreases in size, it goes from full to dark, The moon is in her Crone aspect and this is a time of letting go, it is also a time of completion. The moon is waning as it gets smaller again, after the full moon. As the moon seems to disappear in the sky. Like the waxing moon phase, it lasts about 14 days. Goddesses associated with this phase of the moon are Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan. The Waning Moon will slowly reduce in appearance on its way towards the New Moon Phase. The Waning Moon is the point of time where the Moon appears to get gradually smaller, similarly with the Waxing Moon there is a Gibbous phase of this process known as the Waning Gibbous. The Waning Gibbous is the point between the Full Moon and...
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...what I found out about the theories behind the formation of the moon and they are quite interesting. One theory can be considered is the concept of “captured moon”. This theory states that the Moon was formed somewhere else and was later “captured” by earth. Any leftover planetesimals that lose their orbital energy on their original orbit around the sun can be captured by a planet into their planetary orbit. However in order for it to loose enough orbital energy to be pulled into the planet’s gravitational field, an extended atmosphere consisting of dense gas should exist so that friction causes loss in energy of the body. These kind of moons are usually identified by either a rotation opposite to that of the planet or a large inclination to the planet’s equator. This theory explains the difference in densities of earth and moon. However it can be negated since the moon is relatively large compared to the size of Earth, it would have released after some time as the Earth would not have had enough energy to contain it in its gravitational field. Examples of such captured moons in our solar system are Triton of Neptune and Phobos and Deimos of Mars....
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...Did you know shark attacks could potentially be more likely when there is a full moon ? Scientists have been curious about the same question due to statistics. Research sides that there is most likely factors that make it more likely for shark attacks to occur in this small fraction of a month. 63.5% of shark attacks in the past 5 years have happened within a 4-5 day span of a full moon. If you look at that statistic and shark attacks had the same occurrence everyday then only about 30% of shark attacks should happen within a 4-5 day span of a full moon. There are more than twice as many shark attacks in 8-10 days of a month than there are in the other 20 days of the month. The tidal range during tides concentrate plankton and nutrients on edges such as shorelines. That would potentially put sharks in more danger because the shorelines are where most sharks are captured and killed. If the sharks get pushed up to the shoreline...
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...Did you know that the Earth has only one natural satellite? The moon is a celestial object that orbits around the Earth. The moon was named after an ancient and powerful deity, Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon. The moon is an interesting celestial object because of its history, composition, and the research that has been conducted on it. According to Universe Today (2015), the moon was discovered on July 20,1961. Since its discovery, 24 people have visited the moon. The moon is the fifth largest satellite in our Solar System. To date, there has been no life found on the moon. The Moon formed into a hardened solid about 4.1 to 4.6 billion years ago. The moon is our closest cosmic neighbor. Humans have been exploring its surface ever since they first discovered telescopes....
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...Luna, The Wonderful Moon Woman Every night you see the moon, right? How much do you really know about the moon? Did you know that the moon has a name? Do you know the moon’s name? Do you know her history of being on this Earth? What purpose do you find the moon has? Everyone sees the moon, Luna, as just a way to tell that the night has approached. Have you ever looked up in the morning and saw the moon? It might not show out as much, but the moon might still be still there. Over twelve million years ago, there was a little girl, Luna. Luna wasn't an abnormal child, Luna was an extraordinary child. She had powers that was unnatural to any human eyes, her unknown powers could make her travel in time. She could travel anywhere she wanted, she went to the past and saw the story of how the sun was made. The sun was truly made by space gods, whom were trying to create a ball of stars so they could play catch, instead of a ball they made the sun. Luna became disinterested in the trolls and went back into her time period. When she returned, her adopted mother questioned, “Where have you been? I walked into your room because I overheard strange noises, and I came to see if you were okay, then when I entered you was nowhere to be found. I was terrified and worried about you.” Luna...
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...For centuries, mankind has wondered how the moon came to exist. The Greeks, the Romans, and the Egyptians all conjured their own myths and theories as to how the it came to be. Few people continue to believe these today, though, as new, scientifically backed theories have formed. Scientists believe that the moon’s formation either followed the co-accretion model, the capture model, the fission model, or the big impact model. The co-accretion model suggests that the Earth and its moon formed simultaneously from the same debris. This theory does not support the Earth and the moon’s difference in iron contents, so most scientists do not believe this occurred. The capture model proposes that the moon formed somewhere else in the Solar System and was later pulled by gravity into orbit. This theory also possesses problems as the physics of capturing an object as large as the moon is...
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...Introduction There are many significant factors which lead to the moon landing. These are some of the important dates and the missions in the space history; first successful orbital launch was of the Soviet unmanned Sputnik 1; mission on 4 October 1957. The satellite is believed to have orbited Earth at a height of about 160 miles; Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey into outer space, when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on 12 April 1961. On July 22nd 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon and Buzz Aldrin the second. Dr Wernher von Braun Dr Wernher von Braun was a German rocket engineer and designer and an aerospace. He was the designer of the famous but destructive V2 rockets. The Soviet Army was about 200 miles from his office in 1945 when von Braun assembled his planning staff and asked them to decide how and to who should surrender. Afraid of the well-known Soviet cruelty to prisoners of war, von Braun and his keen staff decided to try to surrender to the Americans. Kammler (a high ranked officer) had ordered relocation of von Braun's team to central Germany; however, a conflicting order from an army chief ordered them to join the army and...
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...Every incredible moment in history has been certainly on the internet, which has then been followed by many conspiracy theories, the Apollo moon landings are doubtlessly one of those moments. On July 21, 1969, two astronauts set foot on the lunar surface, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Since then, NASA has been accused of staging the landing at a soundstage in Hollywood despite all of the compelling evidence to the contrary. The iconic photograph of Buzz Aldrin going down the ladder of the lunar module Eagle, caused many conspiracy theorists to claim that they could have taken the photo using an artificial light source. They were right, but, Nvidia, a computer graphics chipmaker proves a new digital reconstruction of the Apollo 11 landing...
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...Each week we build on the ideas presented in prior discussions. The themes of classical mythology build and intermingle: chaos and order, beauty and ugliness, male and female, and now, light and darkness, or more specifically, gods and goddesses of the sun and moon. Apollo and Artemis are the most obvious representations of the sun and moon; however, there are numerous other gods and goddesses that have some tie to these celestial bodies. This begs the question: why are there so many different gods and goddesses associated with the sun and moon? And, moreover, what are we to make of the duplicitous nature of these gods and goddesses? As has been discussed throughout the quarter, the gods and goddesses are a projection of humankind, and like humankind, they possess duplicitous characteristics. More than anything else, the plurality of the sun and moon gods and goddesses highlights the importance of the sun and...
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...favorite, so therefore I learned a lot about them from him; however, he has never been a fan of The Who. Therefore, I was rather excited when I was assigned a research paper on The Who; a band who I really knew nothing about before American Popular Music. In the following paper, I will provide details about The Who’s individual band members’ lives, as well as information in relation to the band in general. The Who had four main members: Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, and Keith Moon. In addition to being the band’s guitarist, Pete Townshend took on the roll as the primary song writer. The most interesting fact I found about Townshend, is that he owns his own book publishing company. He actually published a book of his own called “Horse’s Neck” which consisted of a variety of short stories. Townshend has maintained a musical interest throughout his life, even after The Who broke up in 1983 (The Who Official Band Website). Roger Daltrey has always been a passionate musician; to the point where he even designed many of the bands guitars (The Who Official Band Website). Recently, Daltrey’s passion for music resurfaced. According to Mayer Nissim, a reporter for Digital Spy, “Roger Daltrey has confirmed that he is to tour The Who's 1969 album Tommy in full.” This article is from April 27th, 2011. Through further research, I found that the band had joined again in 2006 and released their first album in twenty-four years (The Who Official Band Website). The upcoming tour will...
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...An Annotated Bibliography For A Research Paper On How To Ensure Equity In Commercial Exploitation Of Outer Space Resources Reference: Lee, R. J. (2012). Law and regulation of commercial mining of minerals in outer space. New York; Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. Lee’s book discusses various aspects of exploitation of outer space mineral resources. Different from other authors, Lee focused his discussion on commercial exploitation and proposed a comprehensive legal framework to regulate such activities in order to benefit the mankind. His book targets a wide range of readers so there is a lot of background information about technological and policy development. Lee himself is also professional lawyer who is specialized in space law, so his book s a reliable source of information. I am able to use this work as a good reference book to discuss how ethical theories such as deontology can be applied to commercial exploitation of outer space resources. Livingston, D. (2003). A code of ethics for conducting business in outer space. Space Policy, 19(2), 93-94. Livingston’s article presents a list of code of ethics for commercial operations in outer space and serves as an independent guideline for companies that want to venture into space. His guideline provides me with a good tool to evaluate different approaches that I want to propose in my paper using ethical theories. I believe the ethical consideration is the most important factor to ensure equity of commercial...
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...news article: There has been a long-lived bit of Apollo moon landing folklore that now appears to be a dead-end affair: microbes on the moon. The lunar mystery swirls around the Apollo 12 moon landing and the return to Earth by moonwalkers of a camera that was part of an early NASA robotic lander – the Surveyor 3 probe. On Nov. 19, 1969, Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean made a precision landing on the lunar surface in Oceanus Procellarum, Latin for the Ocean of Storms. Their touchdown point was a mere 535 feet (163 meters) from the Surveyor 3 lander -- and an easy stroll to the hardware that had soft-landed on the lunar terrain years before, on April 20, 1967. [Video: Apollo 12 Visits Surveyor 3 Probe] The Surveyor 3 camera was easy pickings and brought back to Earth under sterile conditions by the Apollo 12 crew. When scientists analyzed the parts in a clean room, they found evidence of microorganisms inside the camera. In short, a small colony of common bacteria -- Streptococcus Mitis -- had stowed away on the device. The astrobiological upshot as deduced from the unplanned experiment was that 50 to 100 of the microbes appeared to have survived launch, the harsh vacuum of space, three years of exposure to the moon's radiation environment, the lunar deep-freeze at an average temperature of minus 253 degrees Celsius, not to mention no access to nutrients, water or an energy source. [Photos: Our Changing Moon] Now, fast forward to today. NASA's dirty little secret...
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...Final Learning Team Paper GLG/150 Final Learning Team Paper During the early days of mankind, humans were led to believe that he or she were the sole entity of the universe. The Earth was thought of as exact center of the solar system, and that other planets revolved around it. Through the efforts and determination of individuals who refused to believe unchecked facts or documents, Earth is not the center of the universe but is instead a small piece to a larger solar system. The discoveries made by earlier pioneers of science Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton. Developed ideas that help individuals understand the concepts of motion, and the formation of celestial bodies in space. Theories of gravity and space dramatically changed the views in which Individuals determine the origins of our Moon and other planets within our Solar System. As science and technologies progress, ideas of formations and motions in space provides more educated theories of how our world, or universe has formed and will continue to function. The Earth was formed about five billion years ago and is the earliest material in the solar system, which a solar nebula that collapsed from the formation of the sun ("How Did the Earth Form", 2012). Dust and gas from the solar nebula took about millions of years to form into the earth starting with center of the Earth to cool down and form a crust that allowed water to...
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...Birthday Headlines Pauline F. Bacay De La Salle – College of St. Benilde Introduction As final requirement for Technical Writing class, the students were to research on events that were headlines on the day they were born, 20 years, 50 years and 100 years ago. They were to present this in front of a panel in specific schedules their professor has given. This also served as their final exam for the second term of school year 2012 – 2011. They were to follow the APA style in doing the paper including a bibliography of the same format. The research is very useful in their course, which is Bachelor of Arts Major in Consular and Diplomatic Affairs, because it concerns historical headlines around the world and their course mostly consists of majors in history. They may also improve their research making skills and strategies in the study because it requires them to consult more sources for a precise and reliable study. Based on this study, many historical events did happen on the same month of the researcher’s birthday. Some created great effect on today and others are just headlines that shook the world. It’s a way of discovering new things about history and also getting to remember it because it took a mindful of research to get all the information. It also serves as an achievement for a student to create a research paper and applying all that they have learned in their subject. BODY January 31, 1996 50 Dead in Sri Lanka suicide bombing BBC News UK (1996) reported more...
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