Premium Essay



Submitted By etuch1980
Words 764
Pages 4
LAB 3.1

INTRODUCTION English coffee houses were crucial and essential to the spread of Enlightenment around 1650 and according to (Steven Johnson ) from the video coffee houses like “Grand Café” were at the center of where some great ideas came from. Before those years Drinking water was not safe to drink and most of the population was drunk all day from consumption of too much alcohol. Alcohol was the beverage of choice (Steven Johnson) as they drank beer in the morning, Wine for lunch and beer and wine to end their day. But with the transition to coffee and tea that is from a depressant to a stimulant, great ideas sprung up leading to the age of Enlightenment and thus and era of great awareness and creativity in and around Europe and the world. Coffee houses were like an architecture of space were ideas could have sex according to (Steven Johnson) from the video leading to space for creative thinking. There has however been drastic change ever since those years on till today Summary of Key Findings With the evolution of Coffee houses and subsequent involvement of people who would later develop great ideas to accompany their findings, ideas would later became innovations. To follow up with their findings scientist would later be sent around to science labs during weekly lab meetings, conference tables and coffee shops to really find out how ideas are develop to gain a sense of were great ideas really come. And came to realize that when people come together in those places they develop ideas which may not even materialize in the short term but in the long run as the case maybe. They realized that signature behavior or patterns are found in few. That an idea is a single thing that would later become a network emanating from Neurons inside the brains which have never been formed before and would form

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