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Mothers In Pop Culture

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Defining the Research Problem
Analysis of Butch Lesbian Mothers in Pop Culture
This research makes a contribution to the current scholarship within feminist, gender, and sexuality studies that have previously not been explored in detail. Scholarship on queer parenting is burgeoning, however, it exists in a silo alongside the current literature on pop culture representations and butch lesbian identity, which is largely dated or unexplored. Bridging these fields of study, this unique analysis discursively traces pop culture representations of butch lesbian parents. Specifically, I contribute to the current research in three ways. First, little feminist research has been carried out on motherhood in recent years. There are only a handful of studies …show more content…
This is problematic, as structures of lesbian sexuality are more “complex, contradictory, and diverse” than current research indicates (Roof 1991). They are rarely analyzed as a significant factor in the development of intimacy, commitment, parental and domestic roles, and child rearing in discussions of lesbian sexuality. This must not be overlooked because butch lesbians are a unique demographic of mothers. They are accountable for their masculinity and sexuality, whereas lesbians oriented towards femininity are able to pass as heterosexual. The few studies on butch lesbian mothering suggest that cultural attitudes and mainstream media contribute to a disconnect between lesbianism, motherhood, child-raising, and stable relationships (see, for example, Epstein 2002; Ryan 2013). Spargo (1999) scholars have been deterred from producing analysis of butch and femme identities – an important aspect of lesbian culture – as to not produce discord in the linear progression of the movement. This coincides with the aforementioned theory put forward by Kawash (2011). The growth of queer politics has contributed to the absence of scholarship considering butch and femme identities. Despite this seeming separation of feminist and queer politics, butch and femme identities have been redeemed in queer theory as both resisting and subverting heteropatriarchy, however, this realm is undertheorized (Phelan 1998). Compelling a contemporary contribution, the shifting landscape demands studies of lesbian motherhood and in particular, research acknowledging butch lesbian identity as a factor of motherhood. Motherhood studies, lesbian studies, and queer theory are fragmented areas of research that can be connected through an evaluation of butch lesbian mothers within the context of pop cultural

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