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Personal Narrative: My Research In My Writing Process

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The internet has made researching effortless for writers. However, writers who don’t have skills to conduct good research will invariably come up short. Research has helped me develop a detailed multi-step web search, with deep cross-linking and simplicity of renewing a search with a single click. Online research has helped me improve in finding and choosing the right search engines like Google scholar, Google books, bibliographies and blog posts. Additionally, I can effortlessly access various databases which include scholarly articles, academic journals, online encyclopedias, archived editions of periodicals such as The New York Times, and other resources. Also, I have improved my evaluation on websites such as checking whether its …show more content…
However, recently I explored on further media platforms like Publisher, PowerPoint among others hence enabling me to publish my own writing on the web including messages composed in the form of images, comics, animations, presentations, web sites, and video. This has helped me to publish content that can potentially reach anyone with web access, which stands in contrast to the previous platform. In other words, new media tools and platform have made it possible for me to become a publisher and producer of all kinds of content, including written as well as multimedia. As a result, that has created a major shift in how information is distributed and the potential to influence large …show more content…
Additionally, I learnt about sentence fluency by arranging my ideas in a sentence for greatest effect. Among the four major writing styles which include persuasive, expository, descriptive and narrative writing, my highly affluent writing style is expository writing. Mainly, its purpose is to explain a concept while including details for support. Majorly, my strength is that I’m an amazing researcher. I can find those amazing facts in a seemingly endless amount of story lines. However, my weakness is identifying where to start. I always find myself thinking a dozen or so pages at

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