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Submitted By umuaji
Words 540
Pages 3
hristy This was a good start but the project description could be more detailed. The cost-benefit analysis was missing – it should be like the one seen in the week 2 assignment from Husky and should have all three alternatives in a spreadsheet. Cost estimates for salaries, hardware, software should be researched and source cites used. For a good example - ask Stephen Van Mil for a copy of his work.
Consider the example MOV below that is fairly detailed – at least one MOV should address the loss of students ...
EXAMPLE MOV: Customer satisfaction, as measured by a validated survey that we have been using to measure customer satisfaction, will increase by 45% and will be responsible for increasing the number of student enrolments and for increasing student retention – this will result in 4 students per month being at the school who would otherwise would not be there. This result will come from losing only .5 students per month (on average) and from the gain of 3.5 new students per month (on average). The increase is expected to be gained in the first year and remain steady at this rate for at least 3 years.
As supported by our customer satisfaction survey, we will increase customer satisfaction by 45 to 50 percent and increase student enrollment and retention. Enrollment and retention would result from higher customer satisfaction numbers would lead to a client loss of .5 students monthly, and a new customer draw of 3.5 per month. The growth is expected to remain the same for a year and then remain steady for the next three to five years.
MOV analysis and support:
In real life you would have data that you collect and, research that you conducted. For class we had the following assumed data from the MAA file located in the Week 1 content area of the classroom (or you could create your own assumed data for class). You would use information from this data

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