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Mr. Slim Business


Submitted By jopaun
Words 700
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Secret Shopper Evaluation Form

Date Shop Sent: Shopper:

Th 6:15PM
Date Day of Week Exact Time, inc. AM/PM Amanda
When was this shop done? Name of Employee:
Description of employee if they had no nametag or uniform (include gender):

1. Questions and key points (relevant to scenario) presented to the employee:
Hello I would like to use my guest pass !


Approximately how long was your interaction with the employee? How long did it take for an employee to acknowledge you? 2. What was the employee’s answer to your inquiry?
Ok Great, Here is the liability form you need to fill out and I need to see your ID please?

------------------------------------------------- We want our staff to be courteous and to acknowledge members who approach them as well as dress appropriately; Shirt, nametag, and closed toed (and heeled) shoes. Yes | No | X | | X | | X | | X | | X | | 3. Were you acknowledged (verbally/non-verbally) when you approached the staff? 4. Was the employee wearing an A.S. name badge? 5. Was the employee wearing a uniform? 6. Were you greeted promptly? 7. When leaving from the encounter, did the employee acknowledge you? 8. If you answered no to any of the questions above, please describe the situation below:

We expect: open posture (unfolded arms, standing up while talking, and visibility; no slouching), smile, eye contact, no sarcasm, no inappropriate conversations, no cell phone usage, and undivided attention from staff during encounters with our members. * Did the employee: | Not at all | A little | Somewhat | A lot | Very much | 9. Make eye contact with you? | | | | X | | 10. Smile during the interaction? | | | | | X | 11. Display an open posture? (no slouching, visible) | | | | X | | 12. Stand up during your encounter? | | | | X | | 13. Ask: “Do you have any other questions?” | X | | | | | 14. Ask: “Is there anything else I can help you with?” | | | X | | | 15. Recommend any other activities/programs to you? | | X | | | |

16. Please explain your answers for questions 9 through 15:
Employee was very confident. She looked like she really wanted to help me out.

We want our staff to be: Efficient – Adhere to the policies and procedures – Refrain from transferring calls if they can find out information themselves – Be informative and knowledgeable about programs & services offered – Use resources – Go above and beyond. * | Not at all | A little | Somewhat | A lot | Very much | * 17. Was the employee confident? | | | | X | | 18. Was the employee knowledgeable? | | | | X | | 19. Was the tone of the encounter pleasant? | | | | | X | 20. Was s/he eager to ensure you were well attended to? | | | | X | | 21. Was the employee helpful? | | | | | X | 22. Did the employee clarify your questions? | | | | X | | 23. Did the employee provide clear responses? | | | | X | | 24. Did the staff display an enthusiastic approach to your encounter? | | | | | X |

25. Please explain your answers for questions 17-24:
Employee was able to articulate well her answers and to be able to convene herself well.

* AREA INFORMATION | Not at all | A little | Somewhat | A lot | Very much | 26. Was the work area neat and clean? | | | | | X | 27. Did the staff appear busy with job-related work? | | | | | X | 28. Was the staff member eating? | X | | | | | 29. Was food visible? | X | | | | | 30. Did the staff use their cell phone during the encounter? | X | | | | |

31. Explain your answers for questions 26-30:
Work was clean. No use of cell phones.

no no 32.

Did you have to wait in line? 33.

If yes, how long? 34. How many customers were ahead of you?
When making this evaluation, please consider ALL of the employee characteristics and behaviors during your encounter; how you were treated overall, how the employee made you feel, how well the employee did his/her job, etc. * | Very Poor 1 | Below Average 2 | Average 3 | Above Average 4 | Exceptional 5 | 35. Overall, the employee did: | | | | | X |

36. For what reasons did you give the employee this score?
Employee did a job with the ARC policy.

37. In what ways did the employee do an average job?

38. In what ways could the employee improve?

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