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Mr Tushman Character Analysis

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I’m here today to publicly advocate to those who admire and applaud Mr. Tushman for his work at Beecher Prep this year.
As a parent of this year’s fifth grade class, I am honored to know that Mr. Tushman is our principal. As he mentioned in his commencement address, these children are in transition. Within this important shift, they are coming across somewhat-dicey topics for the first time. This is a huge phase for our kids and an extensive portion is spent at school. Having someone like Tushman as a role model comforts me that my child will continue to practice his morals and well-rounded standards at school. Tushman creates a safe environment where children can create bonds over the supervision of an astounding leader. He is so deeply enthusiastic with expanding the moral imagination of each child and developing character. I trust Mr. Tushman and the extent of his power to do what is best for our students. So why exactly are we all here today? To review Mr. Tushman upon his approach to integrating August Pullman into the community.
August …show more content…
Tushman. Anyone could have been in the woods wandering off just as August and Jack had. They happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Was Tushman supposed to have special attention over August Pullman? He sees August as an equal, as he should be. There was no reason to do anything “special” for him because he did not need it. Any child could have walked too far back in the woods and encountered a group of bullies. This situation does not only pertain to August. I believe this entire issue has more to do with the seventh graders who do not attend Beecher, as they have a lack of respect and sense of kindness. They were able to single out a child with different physical attributes because they grew up learning different isn’t

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