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Multi-Generational Home Buyers: A Case Study

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Will Multi-Generational Home Buying Affect Real Estate Investors?
There are many factors affecting the way people buy homes. In recent years, the concept of multi-generational living has resurfaced. The US Census describes multi-generational households as consisting of three or more generations living together. With three generations living under one roof, how will this affect real estate investors?
Larger Homes Will Continue to Be Enticing
The average square feet of floor area in homes continued to increase. In 2013, homes averaged 2,600 square feet. With more people interested in multi-generational households, the need for more space will become even more prevalent.
Strategically, investors can create a portfolio of homes that helps them avoid profit …show more content…
Investors should look for homes with universal designs.
Homes that are perfect for multi-generational households have features and designs that can accommodate household members of varying ages. For instance, bathrooms should not only be attractive, but they should be designed in a way that allows elderly family members to enjoy all the features of the bath without compromising their safety.
Additionally, as an investor, you should look for homes that have open floor plans. Home buyers who are considering multi-generational living will rely on effective communication to coordinate activities both inside and outside of their homes. Walls prevent this from happening. Multi-generational homes encourage movement and conversation by limiting walls.
Buyers Are Going to Be Younger
When it comes to multi-generational homes, odds are younger people are purchasing these homes. They want their immediate families to have easy access to their parents. Additionally, it prevents them from covering the costs of senior living

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