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Submitted By nina138
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Pages 3
The transformation of the United States into a Multicultural society did not happen overnight. However, the concept of equal treatment or any subordinate ethnic groups attempt at advancement and integration if it was not assimilation were met by stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. In every scenario from each Ethnic groups story reviewed, between chapters 6-14 of Racial and ethnic groups, whether it was about the Native Americans genocide, the African Americans civil rights or the Jews migration and the anti-Semitism they faced, the background story remains the same. The positive side is that with time things do change and as more researchers, writers, teachers, and Politian’s persist to bring national and global attention to these inequalities U.S. society has been forced to change in various areas, the work force being one of the biggest areas.

Stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and other racial labeling are used to identify each minority ethnic group and given names like Culture and Ethincity. Ethnic groups are categorized by a name, a Race, as if there physical appearances were not enough to set them apart from one another, thus labeling their identity. Labeling an ethnic groups identity with Stereotypes encourages an unreliable, exaggerated generalization about all members of the group that do not take individual differences into account (Schaefer, 2011). For instance, Surveys show a complex view in the United States of Arab and Muslim Americans. One in four people believe that Islam teaches violence and hatred. (Schaefer, 2011). Or David Riesman’s phrase Gook syndrome, describing Americans' tendency to stereotype Asians and to regard them as all alike and undesirable (Schaefer, 2011). But regardless of how accurate or inaccurate the stereotypes may be, when applied by people in power, they can have a very negative consequences for the people

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