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My Cultural Place Analysis

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My Cultural Place Our world is full of cultural places. To understand what this means, the word places needs to be defined. Places, in the geographical sense, is defined as an ongoing composition of traces. Traces are anything left behind by people. This could be marks, residues, or remnants left by cultural life. These traces could be material things or it could be of non-material things. Material traces are something you can physically see and touch like buildings, graffiti, signs, or statues. Non material traces could be things that we hear, smell, taste, or feel. Everyone’s cultural place is different. The actual location of the place may be the same but the way each person views the place is different. For me, my cultural place is California, more specifically southern California. …show more content…
Since southern California is large, the coordinates are used as a general location, the point does not represent all of southern California. This place is known to have a lot of earthquakes. The earthquakes have shaped this landscape into what we see today. The quakes have given rise to many mountains, the San Andrea’s fault, and places like Death Valley. Most of Southern California’s climate is hot desert. This climate can vary slightly depending if you are near the coast, in the mountains, or inland. Since the climate is hot desert, the vegetation had to adapt to live in these conditions. Some plants, like the cactus, store their water within itself, so during the dry seasons it can live. Southern California also has vegetation that is very common like trees, flowers, and bushes that are found anywhere. Animals also live in this climate, for example, lizards, snakes, scorpions, coyotes, raccoons, eagles, blue jays, and

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