...for numerous amounts of television shows actually depict a lesson to lure in an audience. Take the television show Scrubs. Written and directed by Ryan Levin, this comical series about a well-renowned hospital and its staff depict the everyday lives of four different characters. In this comical show that allows four friends to comment on their everyday lives about being a doctor, resident intern, and surgeon. A story line based on the comical genius of the producers of both South Park and Weeds. Follow me as I analyze both the good and bad aspects of all four of the characters tell their sides of the story through each others lines. The storyline of many different television shows normally have exactly the same sequence of events. First, the scene is set in a hospital. But as many people do not know, Sacred Heart Hospital is no ordinary hospital. Here, everyone hates everyone in a sarcastic manner. All the employees hate the boss, the chief of medicine; Dr. Bob Kelso because he is some hypocritical, crazed maniac that cannot even once admit that he really needs friends or loves his wife. As for the maintenance staff is concerned, the only person who actually is involved inside the lives of all four friends, the crazed Janitor, known as Janitor, takes all matters into his own hands when he begins his need for chaos with J.D. As for everyone else, they sort of just go along with absolutely everything that happens between the four friends and their crazed adventures. ...
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...Stuck In Another Life I’ve entered a time warp; I'm back in my seventh grade English class. I look around and I see old classmates. People I haven’t seen in years. My old best friend is on my left with her buck-toothed smile and a crooked ponytail. The white walls contain nothing but a solitary poster that reads, "Books are gateways to another life" in bright green letters drawn on a cartoon brain. I can never guess what it means. I walk in to that class after lunch every day, sit at my desk, and stare at it for an hour and a half, yet I can never relate to it in any way. My teacher, strict and on the heavy side, was the type of teacher you didn’t want to get on her bad side. If she even had sides. She was giving us a lecture on how to infer poems with the chalk screeching like nails on the board. Our eyes widened with horror while she talked to us like we were foreigners that didn’t understand the concept of the language. “Songs. Are. Poems.” Not only did I hate poems I hated analyzing them as well. Rock was never in my interest so I detested “Fully Alive” when Ms. Brock first played it for us to analyze. It was impossible to even concentrate on the first verse of the song due to the icicle forming on my nose. I guess since she was a heavy-set lady she got warm very easily and insisted on keeping the room temperature in the forties. The song itself was depressing but it only made it worse that I was having a flash back. My uncle was lying on the hospital bed, quiet and without energy...
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...Senior Project Self-Evaluation When it comes to my senior project I wanted to complete a project that I would absolutely be proud of. At first I decided that I would write a short story which would consist of about 20 pages (full length). I brainstormed one morning and decided that it would be best and most creative for me to create a children’s book. Right away when I came to this conclusion that I would create a children’s book, I knew right away that I wanted Mrs. Butler to assist me in my project. Mrs. Butler gladly accepted, and she played a huge part in making my book the way that it is. At first I did not know a lot about dialogue and other aspects that make a story more complex. With the help of Mrs. Butler, she and I sat down and she went through what I needed to do to make the dialogue help. At some point within the project I would take a stumble and she would give me that nodding head of approval to keep going, and to...
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...It was one rainy day in Southern California. I was on my way to school riding shotgun, my day had started off right. I did not mind the rain until I got off the car. All you hear is a big splash. My feet were soaked. I could feel the cold water seeping into my socks. “Well this is a bad start to my day,” I said out loud. I walk inside school and rush to class before I got another tardy slip. That would have ruined my day. Finally, I sit down in my favorite desk and wait for Advisory to start. I loved Advisory because I could finish my homework or talk to my friends. The next bell rang for first period. I had AP English Literature with Ms.Wyatt who was also my basketball coach. As soon as I walked into the classroom I felt a cold air hit my...
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...Growing up in my family was always a fun and imaginative experience for me. Whenever my family did something new, or went on a trip, I loved to doodle the things I saw, or what I thought I could've seen. My imagination was so large as a child, and still is to this day, but I used to love to make up silly stories and tell them to my parents, I now wonder if they could’ve ever made since of them. When I was older and a tad more mature to better understand the world around me, this fancy thing called the 18th amendment rolled around in 1919, which meant that people could no longer sell alcohol. But the part that mattered to me was that my family's brewery shop was shut down and we no longer could make money from it. But shortly after that, I went off to college and became an independent man. I attended a college called Dartmouth college in 1921 but years to come, I transferred to Oxford college. My goal then was to become an English professor, but after graduating and returning to the US I was still illustrating and I successfully published my first cartoon. Just months after returning to the US and publishing my first cartoon, I...
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...Opening a book creates a whole new world of exploration of the imagination. Every turn of the sharp crisp pages leads to a new discovery, an intriguing sense of the mind to where you will never be capable of putting a book down for even a second. As a child there are countless memories I can recollect of learning to read and experiencing that same exact feeling. Many people have been influential in the process of my own literary advancement over the years. Only a few of those people stick out very vividly in my mind, Mrs.Kathy, Mrs.Shannon, and my grandfather Odom. Mrs.Kathy was one of the first individuals to introduce me to reading and it all started with bedtime stories. I can remember crawling into the tall hickory wood sleigh bed in the guest room and bundling up with every stitch of blanket underneath the reading lamp. The eagerness that set in my brain could not wait for Mrs.Kathy to turn the first page and dive into a world of imagination. As she sat down on the edge of the bed she would start reading excerpts out of an old story book. While she was reading I would read along in my mind until I could only hear a faint whisper of her voice following silence as I drifted into a light sleep. Afterwards, I would hear the lamp switch make a clicking sound and the door creak as it came to a shut. Laying there in silence for a few minutes I would roll over, turn the lamp on, pick the old story book back up and read page after page until my hearts content. It was in those moments...
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...Changed My Life Written by: Colin Rhoney English 111 (A2) Ever since I first began to read, books have always been a major influence in my life. My childhood was full of many memories of reading many wonderful books. I remember spending hours upon hours going from shelf to shelf, looking for new books. The library became almost like a treasure hunt, searching every row and every book before discovering just the right book to read. The most exciting part was when I would come across a new book that I could immerse myself into and imagine all the possible adventures I could have. The library became a safe haven, a place where I could escape the outside world and the troubles it brought, and jump into many great books where happy endings are endless. As I grew up, my yearning and passion for books gradually turned into a lost joy. The excitement I got from going to the library was no longer present; the happiness I received from secluding myself from the world in my room, spending hours of time reading, was gone. All to be blamed by one small step in my life: middle school. So when, in ninth grade, a group of classmates longed for me to read a book called Harry Potter, I was a little skeptical and curious as to what it was and why they wanted me to read it. Since my obsession for books was pretty much gone, I was a little hesitant and it took me a while to actually pick up the first book. After long debates and discussions of how fascinating the books were with my classmates...
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...In the words of Dr. Seuss, “Fiction is my addiction!” Fiction has been my addiction this summer. I was required to read two books, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith and Calico Joe by John Grisham. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a book essentially a book about what it means to be human. The book is about a family’s life in poverty and their struggle to get out of it. Calico Joe is about an aspiring, young baseball player who is breaking all the records. Then a tragic incident happens causing his baseball dreams to be ruined. When reading these books you learn the true meaning of “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” At first glance, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith seemed very intimidating. The mere size of the book made me think it...
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...One of my very earliest memories is my mum taking my sister and I on our first trip to the library. As I remember, I was not a big fan of that first experience. I was dragged away from my toys and games and made to walk down to the local library. The library was old and smelt like my grandmas house. The front door creaked and scraped along the ground leaving marks across the rotten, wooden floorboards. Once you were inside, you were welcomed by the old librarian, her name was Mary. She was short and plump with a hunch back and big feet. I remember trying to keep as far away from her as possible. In the library there was shelf after shelf of books and a few couch chairs scattered around the room with fabric tearing off the sides. This was my earliest memory of being exposed to books and libraries and it was definitely not an experience I enjoyed. When I turned 5 my outlook on reading began to change after I received many new books for my birthday. Each night my mum would make me a sweet hot chocolate, settle me down into bed and get out one of my new books. I loved to listen to my mother read to me, she always knew how to keep me entertained, by raising the pitch of her voice and really getting into the story of the book. But after a few nights I decided I wanted to read by myself. I grabbed a book, opening the cardboard cover to these crisp, white, glossy pages with paragraphs printed in Times New Roman and artistic, cartoon drawings at the bottom of each page. Reading for...
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...The Story of My Search “A name represents identity, a deep feeling and holds tremendous significance to its owner”, by Rachel Ingber. This quote is true, my name hold’s feelings that it’s basically trapped in a file book. Only I have the key to open it. I’m the owner of my name, Bethany Kendall Sheely. I already know half of what’s in my file book about my name. Bethany comes from the New Testament in the Bible. Lazarus, Mary, and Martha lived and did their studies there. My name also means House of Figs, House of Song, and House of Mary. Bethany is also Hebrew and used mostly by Catholics. Kendall is an English baby name which means Royal Valley. Also means valley of the River Kent. Now I didn’t know much on Sheely. I knew it’s Irish and...
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...simply happy to be there with my friends . We were just getting our own very first books to read by our teacher, Miss Julie. All of the other students were simply throwing their books and doing Lord knows what with their guided reading books when they got the books handed to them . But if you looked closely, you would see a blond-haired, blue-eyed little girl in the corner of the classroom actually holding her book and attempting to read. I was always trying to be like my older sister growing up, so , if I wanted to be like her that meant that I would have to get smart, really fast . There I was as a tiny preschooler actually attempting...
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...Linda awoke with a start. She felt a brushing on her arm. At first she thought it was a nightmare. But she wasn’t sure. She groped around blindly in the dark until she felt her nightstand. She felt the familiar cord on her lamp, and pulled it, instantly covering her room in warm light. The only difference about her room was the book on her nightstand. She picked it up and began to read. She had already read the first story. It was about a boy, named Archie Smith. She started on the second story. It had a picture of an angry man beating a lump under a rug. She giggled, and was curious about what happened next. But she felt tried. She turned off her light, put the book next to her, and drifted off to sleep. She had fitful dreams about creatures...
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...When I was four to five years old I started receiving books for my birthday, Christmas and every celebration. I read every book I received repeatedly. A friend’s house, a pool party or a road trip – whatever the occasion may be, I always brought a book along to read. Eventually I was gifted a book from a neighbor titled “Alberto the Dancing Alligator” by Richard Waring. I could not put the book down after the first time I read it. That was my first memory of being excited about a book. From the first book I read to the most recent one, reading has affected my life in various ways. As I got older, my English classes started introducing new types of literature and I was being exposed to new things. As time went on and I was being required to...
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...In the book Woodsong we as the readers never get to know the name of our main character. At first I found this a little odd but as the book progresses this actually turns out to be one of the books features. In a way it adds a whole other level of emotion to the story. Instead of being given a name to go off of you as the reader are given free range to put whatever name you want into the story. Its because of this that the book is filled with emotional elements not only for the main character but also the reader as well. At one point in the book our main character is talking about how he killed his first deer when he was twelve years old. He was hunting at his grandparents farm in Alaska. He explained that after he shot the deer he couldn't help but feel a flood of emotions take over his body and his mind....
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...can have the same opportunity and free to take part into this interconnect-kind of business. There are neither products nor services required in an affiliate business which by means we are promoting others’ products instead. One of the most famous affiliate online business is EdyBiz.com. In an affiliate marketing, there are basically four important elements that we need to take into our considerations. First, marketing channel where we identified our type of channel in promoting products either through social media, website, or self-approach. Next, is marketing campaign in which we are supposed to plan on how to accelerate our effort to advertise that particular products. Third, we identify our target market or audience by specify them whether students, parents, followers in social medias or any other group of people. Last but not least, we can eventually start to choose a product to be promoted. Other related components of affiliate marketing is the acronym of A.I.D.A which stands for awareness, interest, desire and action respectively. Awareness is important as our first step to create ones consciousness towards our specific product by having them knowledge of the existence of the product. We can accomplish that by sharing the picture and...
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