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Mya Angelou


Submitted By jmcdgibbs28
Words 292
Pages 2
Research Paper
Design Reasoning
All Sources For Pictures, Quotes, and Information

"45 Absolutely Stunning Examples Of Silhouette Photography | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers." Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers RSS. 21 Mar. 2013 .

"America the Beautiful." Lyrics. 25 Mar. 2013 .

"The blame game - Indian Blog World, a blog magazine for indians around the world."Indian Blog World, a blog magazine for indians around the world. 21 Mar. 2013 .

"The Juice Bar." The Juice Bar. 25 Mar. 2013 .

"Lilacs & Laughter: A Cottage For Sale in Carmel-by-the-Sea." Hooked on Houses RSS. 21 Mar. 2013 .

"Lou, Boos and shoes: February 2012." Lou, Boos and shoes: February 2012. 18 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou - Biography." Maya Angelou - Biography. 2013 Dr. Maya Angelou, The Official Website. 14 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou - Biography." Maya Angelou - Biography. 25 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou: A Quote for Medical Students | Pinoy MD." Pinoy MD. 18 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou biography." A&E Networks Television. 25 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou- Calypso Blues." Song Meanings. 25 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou." CelebQuote. 18 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou." CelebQuote. 18 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya Angelou." CelebQuote. 18 Mar. 2013 .

"Maya angelou, quotes, sayings, meaningful, story, thoughts." Inspirational pictures. 18 Mar. 2013 .

"Motivator Coach." Motivator Coach. 25 Mar. 2013 .

"New York, Morning, United States | Wallpapers Feed." New York, Morning, United States | Wallpapers Feed. 20 Mar. 2013

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...English 322.001 December 4, 2014 “Phenomenal Woman” Poem Analysis “Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou celebrates the feminine qualities of womanhood, and highlights the different traits for a woman to become ‘phenomenal.’ Maya shows the reader despite what society tells her she still feels great about herself. She believes that it is your inner beauty that makes the woman “phenomenal” instead of your outer beauty. Throughout the poem Maya illustrates how no one seems to understand what it is that makes her attractive because she is not considered to be physically beautiful by society’s standards. So what exactly makes this woman phenomenal? The woman in the poem is appealing to others because of her internal beauty and how she feels about herself. What makes her so phenomenal is that she does not care how others view her society, as well as the opposite sex. Even other woman try to understand what it is about this woman that makes her so attractive, because she does not portray what is considered beautiful by society standards when you look at her. The poem opens up by saying “Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size” She tells the reader in the beginning that it is not her physical attributes that make her attractive. “Men themselves have wondered what they see in me. They try so much but they can’t touch my inner mystery.” This line illustrates that it is not an actual feature that makes her attractive to men...

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