...The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: The Benefits, Challenges and Application in Public Speaking and Communications The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a personality assessment tool that provides people with a very clear understanding of their personality and how that personality influences all the different aspects in their lives. There are sixteen different personality types and each one has the description of how that person behaves in the society. People can greatly benefit from knowing and understanding their Myers-Briggs type. When people know their personality type and spend time understanding how their personality works, they become more efficient and genuine individuals. The MBTI creates self-awareness in people which make them feel better...
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...The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an assessment test based on Carl Jung’s psychological types and the attitude of introversion and extraversion. Carl Jung believed that much of our conscious perception of and reaction to our environment is determined by the opposing mental attitudes of extraversion and introversion. Extraversion is an attitude of the psyche characterized by an orientation toward the external world and other people. Introversion is an attitude of the psyche characterized by an orientation toward one’s own thoughts and feelings. According to Jung, everyone has the capacity for both attitudes, but only one becomes dominant in the personality (ENGLER, B 2014). The Myers Briggs assessment asked me a total of 72 questions about how I perceived things that have occurred in my life and my personal values and beliefs. My test result for the Jung typology test was personality type ENFJ....
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...and the Army from our lessons on ethics, self-awareness, and resilience. From a self-awareness and resilience standpoint, my Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) score is the same now as when I first took the test in 2000, despite a multitude of experiences in different settings. So my outlook and temperate are very stable. Based on my experience with MBTI and other diagnostic tools, I have long embraced them as reasonably accurate depictions of how human beings process and communicate information. I have also embraced them as reasonably accurate predictors of likely how humans will react given the circumstances. The Army attracts people with diverse ways of thinking into it ranks and attempts to inculcate them with a set of shared values meant to guide ethical decision making. This paper will further explore the nuances of self-awareness, resilience, and ethical decision making. Myers Briggs has 16 type indicators. I am an INTJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging). Given multiple deployments, multiple assignments, a plethora of interactions with various personalities in a multitude of settings, it has not changed in 17 years. Therefore, I am convinced my type indicator is hardwired....
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...The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a series of “two-choice items concerning preferences or inclinations in feelings or behavior” (Aiken & Groth-Marnat, 2006, p. 401). This assessment is scored on four scales: “Introversion-Extroversion (I-E), Sensing-Intuition (S-N), Thinking-Feeling (T-F), and Judging-Perceptive (J-P)” (Aiken & Groth-Marnat, 2006, p. 401). With these four scales the MBTI assessment can come up with 16 possible personality types. The MBTI searches for “preferences and does not measure trait, ability, or character” (www.myersbriggs.org). Once the questions are answered and assessed the respondent is assigned to a personality type that most fits the answers that were given during the assessment. This test...
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...The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test is an exceptional tool to determine not how a person relates to other but to determine how a person develops their perceptions, gather information and makes decisions. The Myers-Briggs personality preference of Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging (ENTJ) are known as the natural born leaders. Generally being a leader is an admirable trait. However, there are times when the ENTJ preference can alienate others and be seen as micromanagers. Needs work FREETHINKING LEADERNeeds work on APA According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Test, it has been determined that I possess an Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging (ENTJ) personality (Personality test based...
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...The purpose of taking an assessment like the Myers Briggs Type Indicator is to assist you in finding the best career choice that is suitable to your personality “type”, and perhaps, the assessment will give your future employer a better understanding of your personality, work ethic and preferred communication style. The outcome can be positive, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is widely used in many organizations and industries to help improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace. However, I believe that there are always exceptions to the rule because not every individual can be identify into a specific category, and personality type does not always relate to job performance. My personality type is “ENFJ”, Extravert (1%), intuitive...
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...This Saturday academy helped me learn about my personality, social identity, and how to present my “story” in a personal essay. Based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Test, it identified me as an ENFJ—extraverted feeling with introverted intuition. This identification interrupted me as an honest individual with excellent people skills and is well-organized. This personality type’s description was very accurate when describing my personality. For example, I have always had great people skills after working for my family’s business since I was four years old, where I had to communicate with customers daily. As a result, knowing my Myers Briggs type can help me understand my family, friends, colleagues, and especially myself. On the other...
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...Extroversion would be the desirable personality characteristic out of the 5 for my company. An extroverted person tends to be very outgoing, energetic, enthusiastic, sociable and talkative. This is key for our business because we need someone who is going to be able to work deals, help sell our business. They need to be able to negotiate and communicate with the business we’re cooperating with in order to figure out the scheduling and discuss contract deals. I will use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in order to assess my applicant’s characteristics. It is a widely used test that is very good at measuring introversion and extroversion, which is perfect for what I will be looking for. Extroversions are the outgoing, sociable, talkative, type...
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...The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) is a psychometric test used to measure psychological preferences in how a person makes decisions and perceives their surrounding environment. A mother-daughter pair, Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers developed the test based on the typological theories of Carl Gustav Jung. After more than fifty-years of research and development, the MBTI has become the most widely used and respected personality tool. Eighty-nine companies out of the US Fortune 100 make use of it for recruitment and selection, or to help employees gain a better understanding of themselves and their colleagues (Psychometric Success, 2013). The primary theory behind the MBTI is that each person's personality fits into only one of sixteen types. These categories are based on four features of personality, each consisting of two opposite preferences called dichotomies. The MBTI combines an individual’s preferences from each dichotomous pair, denoted by a letter, to yield one of the personality types. Each type is equally valuable and according to the theory, everyone has an innate preference that determines how he or she will behave in all situations (Myers-Briggs, 2013). The four dimensions are: Extroversion (E) vs Introversion (I). This dimension reflects the perceptual orientation of the individual. Extroverts are said to react to immediate and objective conditions in the environment. Introverts, however, look inward to their internal and subjective reactions...
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...Life Styles Inventory™ & Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator®: A Comparison of Two Surveys We are often asked: “What is the difference between the Life Styles Inventory™ and the MyersBriggs Type Indicator®?” Whereas both of these surveys help individuals to better understand themselves and others, they differ in terms of what they measure, how they measure it, and how the results are used. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to highlight what we believe are some of the most important differences between these two popular instruments. The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) measures twelve distinct thinking and behavioral styles that are distinguished by their orientations toward task versus people and higher-order needs for satisfaction and growth versus lower order needs for security and safety. The LSI builds on the work of a variety of noteworthy psychologists, including Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Albert Ellis, Karen Horney, Timothy Leary, David McClelland, Harry Stack Sullivan, as well as management scholars, such as Fredrick Hertzberg, Douglas McGregor, and Ralph Stodgill. It is designed to provide individuals with an opportunity to identify specific strengths in their thinking and behavior, as well as any “stumbling blocks” that may be standing in their way. As such, the LSI is used to initiate positive changes in how people approach their work and interact with others— changes that can increase both their personal and professional effectiveness. In contrast, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)...
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...The more I would continue to navigate in different websites, I was more certain that my type of style is Assertive style. (MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Lists the three types of style Aggressive, Passive, and Assertive style. Not only does it give the reader the definition on the styles moreover of the beliefs, type of communication, characteristics, behavior, nonverbal cues, verbal cues, confrontation and problem solving, feelings and lastly the effects. What did I learn from taking this assessment? Well for one, is maintaining integrity towards myself and others. By keeping our promises, we would be reflecting the character of a person with strong moral principles while keeping the trust of those within our life. I've always been the...
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...Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Introduction The world economy today is changing in a fast pace and it puts a high pressure on companies abilities to be efficient and productive. Because of today’s demanding business environment companies are under more pressure and a strategic advantage could be in building an effective workforce through a variety of psychometric testing (Suman, 2009). One such psychometric test is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which is widely used in organisations today as a tool. This literature review aims to briefly describe the background history of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and to understand the theory of the test. It also aims to identify and investigate research done on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. One objective is to analyse research on its reliability and validity and also to understand the application of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in different appropriate work and organisational settings e.g. team work. History MBTI is based on the writings of Carl Jung, a Swiss who worked with Freud before parting from him and developing his own theory. Jung was influenced by Freud but suggested that it was something wider than purely sexual or aggressive drives that motivated behaviour. He also shifted focus from Freud’s childhood centred personality development theory to a belief that personality development continues throughout life (Maltby, Day and Macaskill, 2010). When Jung analysed a patient’s case history through two different perspectives...
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...Myers-Briggs content was added to the Foundations of Leadership curriculum a year and a half ago. Since then, Morris has seen type awareness spread throughout the company. Some program graduates have had the training delivered to their staff. And, although Foundations of Leadership is designed for new managers, one Marriott business unit provides the program for its senior managers as well. “Our focus on customer service has been strong for more than 70 years,” says Morris. “The added focus on understanding your own and others’ psychological type is making it even better. Self-understanding and the ability to ‘read’ others can make a big difference. Communications can be tailored to the recipient, and the communicator knows when and if he or she is not getting through. Teamwork is more effective. Learning about type preferences inevitably makes it easier for both managers and their staff to understand and relate to customers—and that is where the payoff comes in.” About CPP, Inc. Since its founding in 1956, CPP, Inc., has been a leading publisher and provider of innovative products and services for individual and organizational development. CPP has been supplying reliable training solutions to businesses of all sizes, including the Fortune 500, for more than 50 years. The company’s hundreds of unique offerings have been used by millions of individuals in more than 100 countries, in more than 20 languages, to help people and organizations grow and develop...
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...My decision to pursue an MBA degree to further my career - Week-2 MGT / 521 September 7, 2010 My decision to pursue an MBA degree to further my career - Week-2 The slow down of the US economy has caused companies to start to down sizing, reducing their workforce by layoffs or closing down completely. The Information Technology is being hit twice as hard by not only the reduction of local positions due to the economy slow down but in addition, the lower cost of outsourcing (Computerworld Staff, Feb 22, 2010) . During a recent reduction in force evaluation by my current employer, I noticed that the employee’s education level was an assessed value, which added to the valuable points for retaining an employee. I decided that continuing my education would be a very important addition to resume, future reduction in force evaluations to maintain my current career or make me more valuable if I was out looking for a job. Originally, I was interested in starting a Master of Science in Management (MSM) (Thomas Edison State College, 2010) to further advancement in my current career in Information Technology (IT) and potentially get into a IT Management position the program is offered strictly on-line. I have also started noticing a pattern of companies “outsourcing” information technology jobs to other countries for cost savings to the US companies and noticed the continued strong increase of revenue for the Outsourced Cognizant Technology Solutions (Ribeiro, Augu) . I decided...
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...Case Study Report for a Distant Client Lois Myers COUN5290 March 3, 2013 Dr. Rita Smith Case Study Report for a Distant Client This study will discuss a recent client who as accessed this firm in an online/technology based manner. This client will be receiving counseling through email/web based technology, and will not be attending face-to-face counseling sessions. Client History The client’s name is Alistair Tarling. His birth date is December 6, 1964. He currently lives in Rockford, IL. The client is a recently immigrated Brisith national, who is married to a US Citizen. His wife is a US Civil servant and is currently in a secure position at work. Alistair is seeking career counseling to help find a career that suits his identity and desires. He is seeking something to help people and remain unnoticed. He does not want to meet for face-to-face counseling currently and will be handling all communication through web-based technology. Alistair has been given the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and the Strong Interest Inventory. Assessment Results The results from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are as follows; 1) on the Extraversion to Introversion scale, Alistair scored a 26, putting him very clearly on the Introversion side; 2) on the Sensing to Intuition scale, Alistair scored a 15, putting him moderately on the Intuition side; 3) on the Thinking to Feeling scale, Alistair scored a 16, putting him clearly on the feeling side; 4) on the Judging to Perceiving...
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