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Narcolepsy Research Paper

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The narcolepsy is a disorder that causes periods of extreme daytime sleepiness and, in some cases, even muscle weakness. Most narcoleptic patients cannot sleep well at night. Some of the patients fall asleep suddenly, even while they are talking, eating or devoting himself to other activities. Unfortunately, narcolepsy is a chronic, incurable disease. However, there are suitable countermeasures and medications to alleviate the most severe symptoms. Many people with narcolepsy also have cataplexy. Cataplexy corresponds to a sudden loss of control of some of your muscles. Narcolepsy is usually diagnosed through your monitoring during sleep, in a special laboratory.
Most narcoleptic patient’s shortage of hypocretin, …show more content…
If the symptoms of narcolepsy are mild, the disease is more difficult to diagnose. The doctor diagnoses narcolepsy based on the symptoms, the person and family on history, on the visit and on exam results.
For narcolepsy there is no cure, but medication, the lifestyle changes and other therapies are able to alleviate many of its symptoms. The therapy depends in each case on the type of symptoms and their severity.
• Not all medications and lifestyle changes work in all patients, you and your doctor may also take several weeks or several months to find out the best therapy. To address the symptoms of narcolepsy disease have to resort to one or more drugs, among which:
• Drugs that help compensate for the lack of hypocretin (The hypocretin is a chemical in the brain that serves to stimulate wakefulness.) These drugs are used to stay awake during the day and sleep at night. They cannot always alleviate the daytime sleepiness, then your doctor may advise you to take them along with a stimulant.
• Sleeping pills.
• Antidepressants- These drugs are intended to prevent cataplexy, hallucinations and sleep

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