...De Certeau, Michel. The Practice of Everyday Life. Translated by Steven F. Randall Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. In this insightful and thought provoking book, de Certeau endeavours to establish his theory of productivity and consumption being innate in everyday life. To add, de Certeau explores Foucault’s concept of social practices in Disciplines and Punishment, Bordieu’s habitus, and others, as his introductions to the procedures of everyday creativity, or practices. Furthermore, he explains the system of “the relations between consumers and the mechanism of production” while distinguishing two uses of practices: strategy and tactics. By opening the discussion with the “everyman” or the “nobody” he is talking about the philosophy of anonymity. There seems to be some mixed emotions towards this everyman, both praising yet somewhat negative. For how he is shown with “already democratic in inspiration” but has also “embarked in the crowded human ship of fools.” (pg. 1) The character noble in his struggle of existence against hostile systems, but is ironic in simplicity. Saying that, trivialities stand between the everyman’s paths. De Certeau claims that there is a must in using common language as a means to understand common, anonymous, people, when his language is anything but. Anonymity, the mass, hides within general society’s perception and are unknown to all, even to themselves. Saying that common is so unanimous that it is hard to differentiate...
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...exercise keep my stress level low. I feel great, and I sleep well. Professionally, I will make sure that I keep a calendar that allows me to do things like get to the gym before work, or take a walk at lunchtime. The self-care strategy that I would like to implement is working on self-boundaries. These boundaries include being able to say no, or putting things that I need to do first. Norm Dasenbrook indicates that a person who is unable to say no, risks being irritable and becoming overwhelmed (Laureate Education, 2010). One way that I can implement this in my personal and professional life is to keep a calendar that reflects a reasonable schedule. Scheduling time for the things that I enjoy will keep me from over committing. Another tactic that I can employ is to not give someone an answer immediately. Saying “I need to think about it and get back to you,” will give me time to decide if it is the best thing for me to do. Counselors often become negligent regarding taking care of their health and welfare. Cummins, Massey & Jones detail the importance of taking care of oneself in order to be...
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...was very considerable since it covered a major route into Roman Mesopotamia and beyond into north Syria or northwestwards into Asia Minor (Haldon, 2008). The Battle of Dara takes place outside the city walls in the summer of 530. It is at this pivotal battle that the Roman forces reinforce the small force theory that is used on the modern battlefield (Leonhard). The Roman Commander Belisarius had proven himself a resourceful commander, known to do a great deal with very little. History has shown that Belisarius takes his soldiers into battles vastly outnumbered and yet they end up victorious. THESIS The intent of this battle analysis is to highlight three key events, causes, effects, and lessons learned as it relates to the battle tactics that the Romans used at the Battle of Dara. It has been argued by historians that the larger force usually end the battle victorious. By examining this Battle, we will prove that warfare has evolved throughout the years. Small forces of highly trained and disciplined soldiers can out maneuver and be victorious in armed conflict against a much larger force despite having limited resources. KEY EVENT 1 The previous year relations between the Roman emperor and the Persian king had started to deteriorate drastically. The Persian king viewed the outpost at Dara as a direct threat to the Persian Empire. Dara was located along a major route into Roman Mesopotamia and north Syria. King Kavadh of Persia was determined to remove the Romans...
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...In military tactics, a flanking maneuver, or flanking manoeuvre (also called a flank attack), is an attack on the sides of an opposing force. If a flanking maneuver succeeds, the opposing force would be surrounded from two or more directions, which significantly reduces the maneuverability of the outflanked force and its ability to defend itself. A psychological advantage may also be present, as the confusion and threat from multiple directions is often problematic for morale. An ambush is a long-established military tactic, in which combatants take advantage of concealment and the element of surprise to attack unsuspecting enemy combatants from concealed positions, such as among dense underbrush or behind hilltops Penetration of the Center This maneuver involves concentrating superior force at the center of the opposing line in order to punch a hole and then to exploit the gap with a reserve force. This maneuver is usually attempted if flanks are protected by obstacles such as rivers Envelopment of a Single Flank This maneuver involves pinning attacks on the opposing center, sometimes a flank as well, while using mobile forces to try and turn the other flank and roll up the line towards the center. This maneuver is one of the most frequently used. Advantages include the possibility of enveloping a portion of the opposing army and usually offer less risk of disaster than other maneuvers. However, disadvantages still include the risk of a counterstroke against one’s weakened...
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...of concerns they closed the communication channels and PETA, being left in the dark regarding progress, went about their usual shock tactics for garnering KFC’s and the public’s attention. The communications were handled via e-mail and phone, eventually developing into a promise for face-to face communications. Unfortunately, this may have been a ploy by KFC to “buy time” or at least let the heat die down from the backlash of a negative media report. The communication was cordial and polite, however, the responses began to take longer and longer to be received by PETA and they grew concerned that action would not be taken by KFC. The communications began to deteriorate and PETA began to use harsher methods of indirect communication with KFC to get their attention. By leaking details to the press and handing out shock items, they were hoping to back KFC into a wall where they would have to respond immediately. The messages that were sent by KFC were messages intended to keep PETA believing that they were actually working on the concerns that were brought to their attention. They were delay tactics made to make the recipient feel good. Meanwhile, PETA was quite aware of the tactics used and were prepared to deal with them. While KFC was the giant in this case, PETA was surely well versed in responding to their non-action and delay tactics with actual responses that were tried...
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...Strayer University Bus 340 Tactics To Look Out For Nancy Wilson-Walker Professor Gary Reinke Contract Negotiations Week 8 Assignment 4 June 02, 2013 Strayer University Bus 340 Tactics To Look Out For Nancy Wilson-Walker Professor Gary Reinke Contract Negotiations Week 8 Assignment 4 June 02, 2013 References Dawson, Roger. (October 10, 2011). Top Twenty Power Negotiating Tactics. Home Business Magazine, 3rd Edition. Retrieved from http://www.homebusinessmag.com/marketing/how-guides/top-twenty-power-negotiating Farrington, Jonathan. (2007). Negotiating Tactics Tricks and Threats. Salesopedia. Retrieved from http://www.salesopedia.com/index.php?option_content&task=view&id=746 Cameron, Matt. (February 8,2012). Negotiation #5: Tactics used at the table;The end game (Part 3 of 3). Retrieved from http://whoto.wordpress.com/2012/02/08negotiation-5-tactics-used-at-the-table-the-end-ga Tactics To Look Out For In order for an individual to be successful in negotiating, they must be able to recognize tactical use. The ultimate objective in tactic use is to decrease the expectation of your opponent, so in return you may obtain a favorable conclusion to your negotiations. In general, if you’re able to recognize tactical usage, you should be able to reduce the percentage of effectiveness that weighs against use. Tactics such as the Flinch, the Vise, and the Monkey are techniques that a beginning or experienced negotiator can add to their team’s playbook...
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...The Art of Negotiating 1 The Art of Negotiating Negotiating Pressure Points, Negotiating with Non-Americans Edward Dingle, Jr. Strayer University Business 302 Instructor: Professor Pauline Tonsil 5, March 2011 The Art of Negotiating 2 The Art of Negotiating Negotiating Pressure Points, Negotiating with Non-Americans Power Negotiators know that they can get a much better deal if they know how to apply negotiating pressure points. Time can be either a friend or a foe. Two tactics related to time that you need to understand are time pressure and time investment. The time pressure tactic indicates that if one side is under time pressure to come to an agreement quickly, it gives the other side tremendous negotiating power. The secret to using time pressure as a tactic is to find out the other side’s deadline, but not let them figure out your deadline. This important because most significant concessions in any negotiation will be pushed very close to the deadline. This happens for two reasons. First, people faced with a deadline usually tend to procrastinate. And second, people tend to become a lot more flexible when confronted with time pressure. If you want to see how time can be used as a negotiating tool, just watch some children try getting concessions from their parents. Children know all about time pressure. If they want something, they ask for it just at the last moment. They wait until you're rushing out the door when you’re already late...
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...with business transactions. For example business partners within the United States tends to lean towards an interpersonal level and having other form of relationship outside is frowned upon. In Asian countries businesses will not even begin negotiating until a relationship is built and there is a level of trust. The use of a middle man can be helpful when negotiating in order to gain an understanding of the background information of the foreign negotiators. Aside from the importance of etiquette and social customs it is important to know the negotiating tactics employed. When doing business with China, Japan, and South Korea it is important to know the differences between each individual country. While they are all Asian countries and there are many similarities in etiquette there are many differences when dealing with negotiations. Before negotiations starts one must be conscientious of attitudes and styles, the sharing of information, pace of negotiations, and bargaining. China and South Korea share the attitude and style of distributive and contingency, while Japan is more cooperative. The Japanese see “negotiating as joint problem solving”. (Lothar Katz) China and South Korea’s distributive and contingency style of negotiating rely on the use of aggressive techniques they are usually willing to compromise. Even though the use of aggression is common it is generally easy to reach an agreement if a conflict were to arise. Conflicts with the Japanese are rarely settled...
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...team’s strengths and weaknesses will be assessed. The Pacific Oil strengths included their negotiation team and the strength of the VCM market. Their weaknesses included poor organizational control, managerial decision making, and their failure to recognize the changing interests of Reliant Chemical and selection of a negotiation strategy. Reliant Chemical strengths were assessed as a strong organizational relationship and management decision making. It recognized, resolved and or reconciled the changing interests of Pacific Oil, derived the best approach for the negotiation, determined the relationship with the other negotiator(s), and selected the appropriate strategy and tactics. Reliant Chemical had one assessed weakness, which was its possible vulnerability to effective counter tactics. The paper concluded by providing a recommendation to close the negotiation with Reliant Chemical on more favorable terms to Pacific Oil. Introduction The Pacific Oil Company negotiation filled with examples of how people (Corporations, Management and Negotiator(s)) should prepare, interact and react during a negotiation. The negotiation for Pacific Oil had numerous challenges during the negotiation with Reliant Chemical. Those challenges will be assessed and discussed in this paper. Specifically, the paper will focus on the negotiation team perspectives, organizational structure of both companies, followed by their...
Words: 5908 - Pages: 24
... negotiate the sale of the Bullard Houses, a historic property in the fictional city of Gotham City. My partner had the role of a representative for Downtown, Inc., the current property owners. He was attempting to negotiate a deal to sell the property to a buyer that would revitalize the current property as a luxury residential housing complex. I had the role of a senior partner from Jones & Jones, a leading real estate firm, negotiating the sale on behalf of Absentia, Ltd. Absentia, Inc., which is controlled by the Conrad Milton Hotel Group and wanted to purchase the property to develop a luxury hotel. Under strict instructions from my client, I was not allowed the divulge the intended use of the property. Following a tense 45-‐minute negotiation, we failed to reach a negotiated settlement. The issue which led to this impasse was the mix of residential and commercial ...
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...Phoenix Organizational Negotiations MGT 445 Dr. Christina Aleksic April 29, 2013 Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis Negotiations can be an in-depth process that may have a huge effect on an individual’s future. Selecting an effective negotiating strategy is vital when negotiating with other parties. There are numerous styles of negotiation strategies that an individual can use to have a fruitful negotiation. Several negotiation strategies are including collaboration, accommodation, competition, and avoidance (Lewicki, Saunders, & Barry, 2006). Dependent on the situation, one strategy may be more effective than another strategy. Two such examples in which different negotiation strategies were functional are Negotiating New Vehicle Purchases (Craver, 2005) and Town Settles Mall Suit (Chiaramida, 2010). A review of each article, including the application of negotiation strategies and a compare and contrast analysis will highlight the differences from each scenario. Article One (Distributive) In Negotiating New Vehicle Purchases (Craver, 2005), the competitive strategy is used. The article walks through six negotiation stages encountered when purchasing a car. The goal of the article is to prepare the buyer for the dealership’s tactics and maximize the buyer’s negotiation power. The first negotiation phase begins before entering the dealership by determining the true dealer cost for a vehicle. The second negotiation phase begins the discussion with a salesperson over price...
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...length. In Part 1 of your journal, you are required to critically reflect on negotiation simulations from Week 9 to 11 and apply appropriate cultural, communication and negotiation theory/ies to identify and evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses. In part 2 of your journal, you are required to critically reflect your final negation simulation on week 12 and identify your improvements and evaluate processes and application while including effective and ineffective strategies and tactics compare with week 9 to 11. In Part 3 of your journal, you are required to identify the most significant ethical issues surrounding the negotiation simulations from week 9 to 12 and provide recommendations on how could you avoid the issues. Your individual negotiation plan for the Final Group Negotiation Simulation in Week 12 forms Part 4 of your reflective journal. Please record and reflect on your negotiation planning process and specify your negotiation roles, responsibility, strategy and tactics. Each group member will be given different roles and responsibilities, so each member’s negotiation plan will be different. Advice: Students should communicate with team members effectively,...
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...different countries or states. Study show electronic negotiations either cost organizations’ money, loss of relationship, and reputation. Before negotiating with any organization or individual electronically, the suggestions from a few articles provide scenarios to achieve the organizations goals. Traditional tactics in negotiation allow personalization, rapport building; however, with poor training, experience, and meager negotiation tactics endanger the result of closing the deal. The importance for organizations to recognize a customer wants, needs, values, and concerns assist during the negotiation process. Analyzing two different articles provides the reader with different methods and strategies, which later compares, and contrasts. Electronic Negotiators The use of technology benefits both parties to close, fund, transfer, alternate proposals, contracts, or receive a commitment accordingly. Northwestern University provided several students with an interesting test, which according to Charles Craver, a writer for The Negotiator Magazine, mentions half of the students who made preliminary phone calls before e-mail negotiations succeeded with ease [ (Craver, 2007) ]. Compared to the other half who negotiated by e-mails first were constantly in disagreement. The research shows consistent evidence to those negotiating electronically, the importance of building rapport with a five-minute call and greater chances to reach an agreement. The importance of this simple...
Words: 1426 - Pages: 6
...@>SAGE Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC • •-*» •• • i ' w ' t * • * 5s" i- . •> - • • y . » " •• is • Acknowledgments Preface PART I: THE FUNDAMENTALS 1 The Nature of Negotiation: What It Is and Why It Matters Intended Benefits of This Chapter The Essence of Negotiation What Is Negotiation? 5 6 6 When Do People Negotiate? Technology 6 4 3 xvii xix 1 3 Why Has Negotiation Become a More Important Skill? The Workplace 7 8 9 10 11 How People Negotiate: The Dual Concerns Model The Pros and Cons of Negotiating The Shadow Negotiation 10 What Does a Negotiation Look Like? Conclusion and Implications for Practice READING 1.1 - ONLINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE?, 8Y DAVID A . LARSON 1 3 19 READING 1.2 - BALANCING ACT: HOW TO MANAGE NEGOTIATION TENSIONS, BY SUSAN HACKLEY Preparation: Building the Foundation for Negotiating Intended Benefits of This Chapter The Essence of Preparation 23 23 23 The Preparation Process, or How to Make I t All Happen Strategic Planning: Establishing the Framework Defining the Situation Setting Goals 29 30 25 25 25 Determining Your Strategy Strategy Implementation: Operationalizing the Plan 30 The Component Parts of the Situation 30 Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) Reservation Prices or Resistance Points 33 Bargaining Power 35 Analyzing the Other Party 35 32 Rapport Building and Testing Assumptions 36 Where Should...
Words: 2095 - Pages: 9
...The Principles of Negotiation Abstract It is said that negotiation is an art that requires a good amount of study and a lot of practice to be able to do it successfully. This paper will show the basic guidelines that can help a person responsible for negotiating. It is said that whenever two or more people exchange ideas in order to reach an agreement or understanding, they are negotiating. It does not matter if this discussion is in the living room of your home to decide what program you will watch or between two companies over what will be the breakdown of funds in a joint business venture. As we have learned during this class whether the Program Manager is asking for resources, negotiating with a vendor, or dealing with conflicts on the team, he will need to be a skilled negotiator. In 1968 Mr. Gerard Nierenberg wrote a book titled “The Art of Negotiating: Psychological Strategies for Gaining Advantageous Bargains” (1968), in it he states, “Any successful negotiator must be familiar with human behavior and able to correctly anticipate their opponent's beliefs. They must then be able to use the right techniques and tactics to satisfy both their and their opponent's needs.” Nierenberg calls this the "Need Theory of Negotiation." This paper will show that negotiation is not a game but a way of life for successful program management. When you are tasked with managing a diverse team made of people from all over the company that do not really belong to you, negotiation...
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