...PHILOSOPHY OF HOLISTIC CARE AND SPIRITUALITY IN PATIENT-CENTERED APPROACH Patient-Centered Approach: The level of increasing competition, technology, education, logistics and communication opportunities of our age made it necessary to focus on the expectations and desires of the patients in health care. With the humanistic approaches in the health care, the necessity has increased even more. And with the patient-centered approach, it became the contemporary approach, which is regarded as the presentation of the health care. The patient-centered approach is an approach, which guarantees the patient values in clinical decisions at a certain extent and is respectful of the individual preferences, needs, and values of the patient. The approach...
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...The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Book Review by Jerry Cyccone The book I chose to review, “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Huong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures”, by Anne Fadiman, is a non-fiction narrative about the collision of cultural relativism and medicine. The book describes the struggles faced by the Lees, a Hmong family that emigrated from Laos in 1980, to the city of Merced, California. The story revolves around young Lia Lee, the second born from her parents and a sufferer of epilepsy. Difficulties arise when barriers in communication, culture, and religion surface between American physicians and Lia’s parents over Lia’s treatment. These barriers, further enhanced by both side’s ethnocentric beliefs and failure to work together, resulted in creating a series of events that would eventually determine the fate of poor Lia Lee. Lia had her initial seizure at the young age of three months old. In an unfamiliar country and not fluent in English, yet concerned by Lia’s seizure, the Lees brought Lia to Merced Community Medical Center. From the beginning, the inability of both Lia’s parents and the doctors to communicate with each other, made it almost impossible for Lia to even be diagnosed properly. In fact, the first diagnosis of Lia was that she was suffering from a “bronchial infection” (p. 26). Yes, Lia did have breathing issues, but because of the language barrier, the doctors didn’t realize until...
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...Anne Doy Grand Canyon University: HLT 310V October 4th 2015 Personal Worldview Inventory Each individual has a personal view of the world that has been influenced by things such as: upbringing, education, religion, life experiences and relationships. In the modern worldview, there is little thought given to the mind or soul as this is something invisible and so is not measureable. The postmodern view sees people as energy that can be manipulated to restore balance. The Christian worldview believes that we have been created by God in his image (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Spirituality, religion and personal beliefs surrounding worldview questions, can all impact healthcare today. This paper will discuss the meaning of spirituality in the context of healthcare and the questions relating to individual worldviews. Meanings of Spirituality Spirituality can mean different things to different people. It can be the exploratory component of religion (Borg, 2013). There are some who will say that spirituality is meditation, being in tune with nature or talking to spirits, others will say that spirituality is being linked with something greater than them. This often involves seeking for the meaning of life. It can also be said that true spirituality comes from the Holy Spirit of God. As a result the person experiences emotions such as: love; joy; peace; kindness; goodness; faithfulness; gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5: 22-23). The importance of spirituality is that it shows...
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...edge technology; it is the only country that has witnessed the wrath of the atomic bomb, and it has the most massive economy in the world. The Japanese have interesting and amazing traditions that have been passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years. Japanese people can be very modern but till hold onto traditions that have been passed on for centuries. They wear amazingly beautiful clothes, have interesting art techniques and have one the largest markets for music. Japan is also known for their Geisha girls, martial arts, and bizarre foods. Origins “The Japanese Archipelago includes more than 3,000 islands, covering a total area of 377,835 square kilometers. The four main islands, from north to south, are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu” (Szczepanski, n.d.). There is evidence that people inhabited Japan 30,000 years ago. According to Szczepanski (n.d.), these people were called Jomon and were hunter and gatherers who lived off the land. Japan first appears in the historical records of China in about 300 BC. There are many theories regarding the evolution of Japan. The most popular is that “Japanese gradually evolved from ancient Ice Age people who occupied Japan long before 20,000 B.C., and widespread in Japan is a theory that the Japanese descended from horse-riding Asian nomads who passed through Korea to conquer Japan in the fourth century” (Diamond, 1998). Japan gained its independence and culture while emerging from isolation...
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...tu Twelve Domains of Culture Chart |Mexican |Chinese |South Korean |Indian |Laotian |German |Canadian |Japanese |Filipino |Brazilian | |Overview, inhabited localities, & topography |Prefer to be referred to as Mexican American, geo-graphically, historically, and culturally diverse, reside mostly in CA, TX, IL, AZ, FL, NM, CO, 90% live in urban areas, fastest growing ethnic population in U.S. |Immigrants to Western countries very diverse, culture differs with mix of west and traditional values & beliefs, value accountability to family & neighbors, value higher education, most live in CA, NY, FL, TX |Some major industries are electronics, telecommu-nication, chemicals, & steel. Entertain-ment industry is booming. Mountain-ous. Rapidly increasing immigrant group in U.S.. |Leave their country to attain a higher standard of living. Both religious & social system |Land-locked country in South-east Asia. Mountains & flood-plains. Trop-ical mon-soon climate. Mon-soon season from May to October Popula-tion of 5.2 million as of 1998. 70% of popula-tion is under 30 years old. Most live in rural villages near a temple. Paddy rice is subsis-tence for major popula-tion. |Reserved, formal, like order, love music & celebra-tions. Christmas tree with all its décor is a German creation. 60 million Germans in U.S.. Beautiful landscapes mountain ranges, lowlands & ocean borders. Largest economy in Europe, third largest in world. Climate similar to NW portion of U.S.. Embrace...
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...meaning and importance. Before the advent of Christianity in the Igorotlandia, the Igorots or the people of the Cordilleran region in the Philippines were animist or pagans. Our reverence or the importance of giving honor to our ancestors is a part of our daily activities. We consider our ancestors still to be with us, only that they exist in another world or dimension. Whenever we have some special feasts (e.g., occasions during death, wedding, family gathering, etc.), when we undertake something special (like going somewhere to look for a job or during thanksgiving), we perform some special offer. We call this "Menpalti/ Menkanyaw", an act of butchering and offering animals. During these times we call them in our prayers to join us in spirit. We do this also to ask for help and/or ask for guidance, etc. The prayers are usually performed by an elderly person of the town (called "pangamaen" for a man and "Panginaen" for a woman; however an elderly man has preference to be "the prayer renderer" when we have the choice). By the way and to reiterate, our practices of revering are not a form of...
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...Unit 1 VOCABULARY Text Muscle Binds (p. 3) virtue (n.), virtuous (adj.) to involve smb. in smth., be involved in/with, involvement (n.), involvement with/in strenuous (adj.) smugness (n.), smug (adj.) superiority (n.), superiority complex, superior (adj.), superior to smb. (opposite) inferiority (n.), inferiority complex., inferior (adj.), inferior to smb. lure (v), lure (n) eternity (n.), eternal (adj.) cripple (v.), cripple (n.) flourish (v.) humiliate (v.), humiliation (n.) fad (n.), passing fad drag (n.), real drag charity (n.), charitable (adj.) mortal (n., adj.) obsess (v.), be obsessed by/with smth. obsession (n.), obsession with smth terms (plural) in practical/political/economic terms, in terms of time/money/efforts Word Combinations to result from smth to result in smth apart from Expressions with “come” (p.7) Idiomatic expressions (p.8) Physical complains (p.18) Text How are your genes? (p. 19) span (n.), life span determine (v.), genetically/culturally/biologically determined, to determine + whether/why/who/what Text of the sample composition (p.30) benefit (v.), to benefit from, benefit (n.), to reap/receive benefit from, beneficial (adj.) test-tube (n.), test-tube baby controversy (n.), to create/cause/spark/stir controversy, controversial (adj.) affect (v.) hostility (n.), hostile (adj.) interfere (v.), interfere in/with abuse (v.), abuse (n.) ban (v.), ban (n.), ban on smth. One Man’s Meat is Another Man’s...
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...Anthropology Unit 1 – online Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present. There are 4 areas of Anthropology- 1. sociocultural - examine social patterns and practices across cultures, with a special interest in how people live in particular places and how they organize, govern, and create meaning 2. , biological/physical - seek to understand how humans adapt to diverse environments, how biological and cultural processes work together to shape growth, development and behavior, and what causes disease and early death 3. archaeology - study past peoples and cultures, from the deepest prehistory to the recent past, through the analysis of material remains, ranging from artifacts and evidence of past environments to architecture and landscapes 4. linguistics- is the comparative study of ways in which language reflects and influences social life Unit 1 – Book Anthropology – the study of humankind in all times and places Colonialism – when one nation dominates another through occupation, admin (military) and control of resource’s. Cultural imperialism – refers to the promotion of one nation’s values, beliefs, and behavior above those of all others. Most famous empiricist – Franz Boas (1858-1942) he rejected racism and saw everyone as equal Radcliffe Brown – focused on how culture worked as a whole to maintain itself Malinowski – paid attention to his key informants’ point of view (groundbreaking methodology) Influences on Canadian Anthro – museums, academic...
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...MEDICAL TOURISM IN PHILIPPINES SUBMITTED BY – DIVYA YADAV Mba-mt (09-11) INDEX About Philippines…………………………………………………………… 3 Introduction ………………………………………………………….. 3 Geography ……………………………………………………………. 3 Climate………………………………………………………….............4 Population ……………………………………………………………...4 Language ……………………………………………………………….4 Currency………………………………………………………………...4 Religion…………………………………………………………………4 Culture and Society……………………………………………………..4 Tourism in Philippines ……………………………………………………… 5 Tourism statistics……………………………………………………….5 Famous tourist destinations…………………………………………….6 Events…………………………………………………………………..8 Healthcare system in Philippines……………………………………………..9 Medical Tourism …………………………………………………………… 10 Medical Tourism in Philippines …………………………………….. 10 Top Hospitals for Medical Tourism in the Philippines……………… 13 Popular medical tourism procedures available in Philippines………….14 Wellness centres………………………………………………………..17 Cost comparison………………………………………………………...18 Entry and Exit Requirements to the Philippines………………………...18 Statistics of Medical Tourism in the Philippines………………………..19 Inclusions of a Philippines' Medical Tourism Package…………………19 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………..21 ...
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...The role of non-evidence based beliefs on anti-vaccination-Literature Review Student Name: Institution: Introduction Anti-vaccination proponents have largely embedded their energies in promoting doubt in parents, instructing forms of biomedical fear while capitalizing on their spiritual and paranormal belief naivety to enforce the same. These approaches are ensured to make it possible that even with any increase in people’s knowledge and evidence, their rational strength over anti-vaccine movements become a myriad.[Lewandowsky et al. 2013] Decision making becomes a weak thing to do because by looking at both ends, things seem to parallel each other. There those who believe in an unquestionable trust in political figures, doctors and other medical professionals. Other parents seem to look at homeopathy, nature and metaphysical tendencies to resolve their medical dilemma as regards to the vaccine.[Huntley and Peeters, 2010; Battles, 2008]. It is at this point that Lewandowski et al. [2013] and his believed that with an increase in knowledge the worldview polarization of science also doubled. Apparently, these issues are evident to point out to the fact that anti-vaccine attitudes are predicted by them. But there is very limited research in place, to depict the underlying factor beneath these forms of psychosocial behaviors against vaccines. The notion of worldview approach to anti-vaccine over vaccines is a current one and stems from paranormal, spiritual, and conspiracy beliefs...
Words: 6697 - Pages: 27
...Title: The Effects of Pseudo-Science and Superstitious Beliefs in Student’s Life Table of Contents Appendix A • Acknowledgement Page 3 • Consent Form Page 4-5 Abstract Page 6 Background of Info Page 7 Introduction Page 8-9 Literature review Page 9-13 Methodology Page 13-14 Result Page 15-17 Discussion Page 18-19 Conclusion Page 20 References Page 21-23 Appendix B • Survey Questionnaires Page 1-4 • Figure Page 5-6 • Journals Page 7-17 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this golden opportunity to thank Mr. Goh Wai Meng, our ADP Co-Coordinator for allowing me and giving me the opportunity to take up Senior Project as a subject. I also like to thank Mr. JQ. Lim, for his kindness and long dedication in helping me in completing the project. Without his guidance and help, I would not be able to complete this subject successfully and comprehensively. Not forgetting our fellow classmates for in giving us the co-operations by giving me the necessary information which helps me in finishing my compilation on time. Without them, the class also would not be a fun, learning environment. Through this subject, I able to understand and...
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...http://www.nckvietnam.com Understanding the Global Spa Industry http://www.nckvietnam.com This page intentionally left blank http://www.nckvietnam.com Understanding the Global Spa Industry: Spa Management Marc Cohen and Gerard Bodeker AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON • NEWYORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO • SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier http://www.nckvietnam.com Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA01803, USA First edition 2008 Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone ( 44) (0) 1865 843830; fax ( 44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http:/ /elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any...
Words: 153860 - Pages: 616
...philosophy. For the work of Aristotle, see Metaphysics (Aristotle). |Philosophy | |[pic] | |Branches[show] | |Aesthetics | |Epistemology | |Ethics | |Logic | |Metaphysics | |Social philosophy | |Political philosophy | |Eras[show] | |Ancient | |Medieval | |Modern | |Contemporary | |Traditions[show] | |Analytic | |Continental | |Eastern | |Islamic | |Marxist | |Platonic | |Scholastic | |Philosophers[show] | |Aestheticians | |Epistemologists | |Ethicists | |Metaphysicians ...
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... dates back to the earliest known times of human existence. The oldest of all Chinese texts, the I Ching, is a divination system older than recorded history. James Legge says in his translation of I Ching: Book Of Changes (1996), “The desire to seek answers and to predict the future is as old as civilization itself.” Mankind has always had a desire to know what the future holds. Evidence shows that methods of divination, also known as fortune telling, were used by the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians and the Sumerians (who resided in what is now Iraq) as early as six‐thousand years ago. Divination was originally a device of royalty and has often been an essential part of religion and medicine. Significant leaders and royalty often employed priests, doctors, soothsayers and astrologers as advisers and consultants on what the future held. Every civilization has held a belief in at least some type of divination. The point of divination in the ancient world was to ascertain the will of the gods. In fact, divination is so called because it is assumed to be a gift of the divine, a gift from the gods. This gift of obtaining knowledge of the unknown uses a wide range of tools and an enormous variety of techniques, as we will see in this course. No matter which method is used, the most imperative aspect is the interpretation and presentation of what is seen. The general consensus is that divination f...
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...Mantesh TABLE OF CONTENTS Cure Tooth Decay Book Description Foreword By Timothy Gallagher D.D.S. President of the Holistic Dental Association Introduction 100% Real Dental Healing Testimonials Leroy from Utah Ms. Steuernol from Alberta , Canada Mike from Ashland , Oregon Pioneering Tooth Cavity Remineralization CHAPTER 1 DENTISTRY'S INABILITY TO CURE CAVITIES Reaffirm Your Choice to Cure Your Cavities The Real Cause of Cavities Remembering Your Connection Fear of the Dentist How Conventional Dentistry Works Micro-organisms Conventional Dentistry’s Losing Battle Against Bacteria The Failure of Conventional Dentistry Chapter 1 References CHAPTER 2 DENTIST WESTON PRICE DISCOVERS THE CURE Lack of Nutrition is the Cause of Physical Degeneration The Healthy People of the Loetschental Valley, Switzerland Modern Swiss were Losing Their Health The Healthy People of the Outer Hebrides Gaelics on Modern Foods are Losing Their Health Genetics and Tooth Decay Aborigines of Australia Nutritive Values of Diets Compared Fat-soluble Vitamins and Activators Mantesh Why Tooth Decay with Modern Civilization? Weston Price's Tooth Decay Curing Protocol Dr. Price's Protocol Summarized Chapter 2 References CHAPTER 3 MAKE YOUR TEETH STRONG WITH FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS How Teeth Remineralize 101 Hormones and Tooth Decay Cholesterol The Miracle of Vitamin D Vital Fat-Soluble Vitamin A Cod Liver Oil Heals Cavities Weston Price’s Activator X More Fat-Soluble...
Words: 66501 - Pages: 267