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New Marketing


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UDION Foundation Script for TVC 02 Title: As dreams dissolve

GKwU ¯^‡cœi Acg„Zz¨ cÖ_g Ask bs 1 `„k¨ ‡d«gRy‡i †mvbvjx isGi KZ¸wj wkLv †QvUvQzwU Ki‡Z _vK‡e| R¡jšÍ Kqjvi ga¨ †_‡K K¨v‡givwU †ei n‡q G‡m Av¸‡bi wkLvq †dvKvm Ki‡e| ‡¯øv‡gvk‡b Av¸‡bi dzjwK S‡i co‡Z _vK‡e| `~‡i Av¸‡bi dzjwK¸wj wW‡dvKm n‡q †ev‡Ki AvKvi avib Ki‡e| ‡K¬vRk‡U †nj‡g‡Ui Kuv‡Pi ga¨ w`‡q GK‡Rvov †PvL‡K `„p `„wó‡Z ZvwK‡q _vK‡Z †`L‡ev| †K¬vRk‡U SvjvB Kivi `„k¨| nv‡Zi ivLvi †jvnvi `ÛwU SvjvB †gwk‡b M‡j †jvnvi mv‡_ †j‡M †h‡Z _vK‡e| GKwU ev”Pv bZzb wKQz GKUz Zz‡j wb‡e SvjvB Kivi Rb¨| gv ivbœv Ki‡Q Ggb GKUv BbmvU© †`Lv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| Kcv‡ji we›`y we›`y Nvg gy‡Q Avevi KvR ïiæ Ki‡e| msjvc e¨vKMÖvDÛ wgDwRK ïiæ


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UDION Foundation Script for TVC 02 Title: As dreams dissolve

GKwU ¯^‡cœi Acg„Zz¨

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(msjvc wbw¤§) Avgiv wK cvwi bv GKwU wkï‡K •kke Dcnvi w`‡Z? Avgiv wK cvwi bv GKwU ¯^‡cœi Acg„Zz¨ iæL‡Z?

(f‡qm Ifvi I WvqjM wbw¤§) AkÖæwm³ wb¯újK Pvnwbi wf‡i Avi KZwU •Kki cÖvY nviv‡e? iƒp ev¯ÍeZvi •ewPÎgq aŸsmh‡Á •kke wK ïay SvcmvB i‡q hv‡e? Avgiv wK cvwi bv GKwU wkï‡K •kke Dcnvi w`‡Z? Avgiv wK cvwi bv GKwU ¯^‡cœi Acg„Zz¨ iæL‡Z?

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Edgemark New Services and Marketing Marketing C212 Task 1

...EdgeMark New Services and Marketing Marketing C212 February 2nd, 2015 EdgeMark New Services and Marketing EdgeMark Cinemas are a chain of movie theaters located in 37 states with 475 theaters in those states covering the west coast, east coast, and Midwest. EdgeMark’s profits, like other cinemas, have been in a small but constant decline over the last 12 years. Industry Wide Average of 2.05% ticket sales decline per year for the last 12 years also, when adjusted for inflation, revenue has dropped an average of 1% a year for the past 12 years (Domestic Movie Theatrical Market Summary, 2015). The chain is currently looking to increase ticket sales, loyal customers, and profits by adding additional products and services. New Services Marketing executives for EdgeMark have proposed two new services, which are premium memberships and special viewings. These services are aimed at increasing patronage by loyal customers, and enticing new customers to become loyal patrons. Both services will be easy to setup and operate and will add to profitability for years to come. These new services are both feasible and will enhance the cinemas profitability in the following ways: ▪ Little cost to initiate and operate ▪ Added profit from membership fees and additional ticket sales ▪ Added profit from additional food and beverage sales ▪ Increased patronage by loyal customers ▪ Increased numbers of new loyal customers ...

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