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Nfl Case Summary

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During the 2013 National Football League (NFL) offseason, outside linebacker Elvis Dumervil was a free agent and expected to resign with his then current team the Denver Broncos. His former agent Marty Magid was tasked with faxing a copy of Elvis Dumervil’s restructured deal to the Broncos by the deadline, and he failed to complete that task causing Dumervil to become a free agent. Shortly after this occurred, two situations would occur that would affect Magid’s career negatively. First, Elvis Dumervil would inform Magid that he no longer required his services as an agent. Second, Magid would receive notice from the players association that he was suspended and fined because of the situation with Dumervil. At the time, the Broncos has been short on salary cap space and were asking Dumervil to restructure his contract to make $8 million per year instead of the $12 million per year he was scheduled to earn. The backstory behind the Broncos cap situation was that “Denver ended up with a 2013 cap spend of $120.9 million, leaving …show more content…
The fact that both of them could have had the re-structured contract signed and faxed back to the Broncos a long time before the 4 p.m. negotiating deadline. Second, is the manner in which the NFL deals in their contract negotiations between teams and players when they at times rely on a fax machine to finalize deals. Finally, “while Miami > Philly in March, would it maybe have been worth Dumervil's time to be on hand with his agent as negotiations reached the critical stage” (Chilton, 2014, p. 2)? That is the foolish aspect of this situation. Why would Dumervil not be in Philadelphia for at the time of the most crucial aspect of his contract re-structuring? Perhaps Dumervil was quick to blame his agent when he should have placed some of the blame on himself? Regardless of this mishap, life would go on in the

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