...ello se determinó si cumple o no con la norma vigente. Se realizaron sobre la muestra 16 pruebas simultáneas e integrales para obtener una idea global de su composición, pues arrojan 22 características distintas condensadas en la tabla siguiente: Las celdas marcadas en rojo son aquellas reguladas por la norma vigente aplicable. La norma vigente aplicable es la NOM-001-ECOL, para la cual se proporciona la siguiente tabla (consultada en la página de la SEMARNAT): Tabla 0.1 NOM-001-ECOL...
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...MISION SER UNA EMPRESA ABIERTA PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LA CONSERVACION DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE Y DIFUSION DE INFORMACION AMBIENTAL. VISION SER MODELO Y REFERENCIA EN NUESTRO SISTEMA AMBIENTAL POSESIONANDONOS REGIONAL Y NACIONALMENTE, A TRAVES DE ACCIONES VINCULADAS CON EL GOBIERNO PARA LOGRAR EL DESARROLLO Y CONSERVACION DEL ENTORNO AUTOSUSTENTABLE. OBJETIVOS * VINCULAR LAS ACCIONES QUE SE REALICEN DENTRO DEL Sistema de Gestión Ambiental con otras dependencias involucradas en la preservación ambiental * Desarrollar actividades ambientales dentro y fuera de la empresa 1.0. Antecedentes 1.1. Descripción botánica Planta herbácea, de tallo corto en forma de botella, un poco curvado, de 1 a 1.5 m de altura; las raíces son adventicias, fuertes y de ramificación escasa, nacen de la base del trono formando un sistema corto y compacto. Las hojas están dispuestas en roseta basal, dando un aspecto semejante a un maguey; las inferiores son muy cortas, las centrales son largas, alcanzan de 0.5 a 1 m de largo y las apicales son mas cortas, la base de la hoja envuelve al tallo y se abre en una lamina lanceolada acanalada, rígida, con el ápice muy agudo, los bordes pueden ser espinosos o inermes, según la variedad. La inflorescencia es terminal, las flores individuales se fusionan entre si y con el tallo central en forma tan completa que es casi imposible distinguir donde termina una flor y comienza otra; en una inflorescencia corriente hay 100 a 200 flores dispuestas...
Words: 3750 - Pages: 15
...Pages de variables تعلم البرمجة مع بيثون 3 ُ تأليف : جرار سوين ِ ترجمة : هشام رزق الله وآخرون مراجعة و إخراج : مجتمع لينكس العربي النسخة اللكترونية من هذه ص يمكنك الحصول عليهها )باللغة الفرنسية( مجانا وبحرية من: ً النصو ّ http://inforef.be/swi/python.htm ) How to think like a computer scientistكيف تفكر كعالم حاسوب( بعض فقرات هذا الكتاب قد تم تكييفها وفقا لكتاب: بواسطة: Allen B. Downey، Jeffrey Elknerو Chris Meyers أو: http://www.openbookproject.net/thinkCSpy متاح على: http://thinkpython.com جميع حقوق الطبعة العربّية محفوظة لتجتمع لينكس العربي )2102 – 3102( جميع حقوق الكتاب اللصلي محفوظة للمؤلف جيالد سوينو )0002 – 2102( يتم توزيع هذا الكتاب بموجب " Creative Commonsرخصة البداع العامة غي التجارية الشاركة باللثل 0٫2". وهذا يعن أنك تستطيع نسخ وتعديل وإعادة توزيع هذه الصفحات بحرية تامة، ش ط أن تتبع عددا من قواعد هذا التخيص. ً وفي الساس، اعلم أنك ل يمكنك الحصول على ملكية هذا النص وإعادة تتتوزيعه )معتتدل أو غيتت معتتدل( محتتدِّدا لنفستتك حقتتوق تأليف ونش أخرى. الستند الذي قمت بإعادة توزيعه، معدل أو غي معدل، يجب أن يتضمن النص الكامتتل للرخصتتة أعله وهتتذا العشعار والتمهيد الذي يأتي بعده. الوصول إلى هذه اللحظات يجب أن يبقى ح را للجميع. يمكنك طلب مساهمة ماليتتة لتوزيتتع ً هذه اللحظات، لكن البلغ الطلتتوب يجتتب أن يرتبتتط بتكلفتتة النستتخ. ل يمكنتتك إعتتادة توزيتتع هتتذه اللحظتتات وجعلهتتا بحقتتوق تأليفك ونش،ك، ول يمكنك أن تحد من حقوق الستنساخ للنسخ الت قمت بتوزيعها. . الترخيص : هذا العمل...
Words: 58244 - Pages: 233
...Concepts fondamentaux Correction et d´tection e Codes lin´aires e Codes d´tecteurs correcteurs e Arnaud Labourel Courriel : arnaud.labourel@lif.univ-mrs.fr Universit´ de Provence e 15 novembre 2011 Arnaud Labourel, arnaud.labourel@lif.univ-mrs.fr Codes d´tecteurs correcteurs e Concepts fondamentaux Correction et d´tection e Codes lin´aires e S´curisation de la transmission d’informations e Distance de Hamming Erreurs de transmission Codage par blocs Coder et transmettre Codage de l’information Information cod´e par des 0 et des 1 e Codage transmis sous la forme de courants, ondes, etc. Erreurs de transmission Remplacements de 0 par 1 (et inversement) Un bit par microseconde : accumulation d’erreurs de transmission taux d’erreur de 10−6 et connexion ` 1Mo/s, en moyenne 8 a bits erron´s transmis chaque seconde ! e Arnaud Labourel, arnaud.labourel@lif.univ-mrs.fr Codes d´tecteurs correcteurs e Concepts fondamentaux Correction et d´tection e Codes lin´aires e S´curisation de la transmission d’informations e Distance de Hamming Erreurs de transmission Codage par blocs Exemples Exemples concrets Internet Protocole TCP : erreur d´tect´e, correction par e e retransmission Le CD Rayures ou impuret´s du support (peu fr´quentes e e mais tr`s volumineuses) : correction ` la vol´e e a e Le port s´rie Correction de petites erreurs relativement fr´quentes e e mais isol´es : correction imm´diate e e ...
Words: 8902 - Pages: 36
...ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL CAPITAL DE TRABAJO, ¿O QUÉ LE PASO A NUESTRA VENTAJA? Caso de estudio preparado por Ing. Diana Gutiérrez 19 de Octubre de 2008. RINCON MUSICAL, ¿RENOVARSE O MORIR? A finales del segundo trimestre del año en curso, después de una reunión en la que la gerencia analizaba las sombrías cifras pronosticadas para el cierre de año, el Sr. Enrique Calderón, Presidente de la compañía, veía con desesperación como las ventas iban en picada drástica. Habiendo revisando los números de los últimos tres años, quedaba muy claro como la venta de máquinas había disminuido en alarmante proporción. Como resultado del análisis de los estados financieros, tenía como conjetura que los distribuidores (principales compradores de la marca) se veían en circunstancias similares, ya que además notó un atraso en la cartera de cobranza. ¿Qué es lo que estaba sucediendo, cuáles eran las causas del declive de las ventas? Y aunado a esto, ¿por qué los clientes se estaban retrasando tanto en sus pagos, cómo se estaba administrando el departamento de cobranza de la compañía? La Reseña de los daños. Rincón musical es una empresa mexicana fundada en 1950, cuyo giro principal es comercialización de sinfonolas. Pero fue en 1984, cuando el Sr. Enrique Calderón adquirió y comenzó su expansión por todo el país, extendiéndose además Guatemala, El Salvador y Brasil. Desde entonces, es el distribuidor exclusivo de empresa Rowe International para México, Centro y América del Sur. la la a la La...
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...THUNDERBIRD THE GARVIN SCHOO L OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT A07 -05 -00 15 KISHORE DASH McDoNALD's IN INDIA I do not see any thing wrong with McDonald\ doing business in India. A/fer all, if ts not McDonaldization that we know of 11 is a Big MaCcommodatw n. A Senior Bureaucrat in New Delhi In October 1996, McDonald's opened irs ttrst Indian ourlec in Vasant Vihar, a n affluent residential colony in India's capital, New Delhi. As of November 2004 , McDonald 's has opened a total of 58 restaura nts, mostl y in the northern a nd western parr of India (Exhibit 1). 1 While McDonald 's opened 34 restaura nts in five years (by 2001 ), 58 restaurants in eight yea rs (by 2004), it is now pla nning to add more than 90 new restaurants in the next three years. 2 Although the initial scenes of crowds lining up for days outside the M cDonald 's res taurants in Delhi and Mumbai are no longer seen, Indian consumer response to McDonald's products still remains very strong. The ten McDonald's I visited in Mumbai and Delhi were pac ked with young people, children , and yo ung p a renrs enjoying ice c reams, sp icy potato wedges (instead of the usual frenc h fries), and Happy M ea ls. The growth of M cDonald's in India is not as rapid as in China (Exhibit 4) . Bur irs growth is nevertheless impressive . How did McDo nald's d o it? How d id a hamburger cha in becom e so promi nent in a cultural z.one dominated by non-beef, non-pork, vegetarian, and regional foods such as chofa bhatura...
Words: 14472 - Pages: 58
...Features • Compatible with MCS®-51Products • 2K Bytes of Reprogrammable Flash Memory • • • • • • • • • • • • – Endurance: 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles 2.7V to 6V Operating Range Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz Two-level Program Memory Lock 128 x 8-bit Internal RAM 15 Programmable I/O Lines Two 16-bit Timer/Counters Six Interrupt Sources Programmable Serial UART Channel Direct LED Drive Outputs On-chip Analog Comparator Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes Green (Pb/Halide-free) Packaging Option 8-bit Microcontroller with 2K Bytes Flash AT89C2051 1. Description The AT89C2051 is a low-voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 2K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read-only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C2051 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT89C2051 provides the following standard features: 2K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 15 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, a precision analog comparator, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C2051 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable...
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...ARCHITECTURE ET TECHNOLOGIE DES ORDINATEURS Sylvain TISSERANT Université de la Méditerranée Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Luminy - Département d’informatique 2003 S. Tisserant – ESIL – Architecture et Technologie des Ordinateurs - 2003 2 Introduction I.1 Architecture des ordinateurs I.1.a L'informatique aujourd'hui Apparue au milieu du 20ème siècle, l'informatique a connu et connaît une évolution extrêmement rapide. A sa motivation initiale qui était de faciliter et d'accélérer le calcul, se sont ajoutées de nombreuses fonctionnalités, comme l'automatisation, le contrôle et la commande de pratiquement tout processus, la communication ou le partage de l'information. Dans nos sociétés occidentales elle omniprésente. Après avoir été un outil réservé aux centres de recherche, elle s'est implantée dans l'industrie et depuis les années 80 elle envahit nos foyers. Au départ nous n'avions que des systèmes centraux, puis sont apparus les postes de travail individuels, très rapidement reliés en réseaux locaux. Tous, ou presque, sont maintenant connectés à la "Toile". Nombreux sont les projets actuels d'utilisation et de gestion d'une puissance de calcul énorme distribuée sur un grand nombre de sites disséminés de par le monde. L'informatique est en grande partie responsable de la profonde transformation que connaît actuellement la civilisation des pays riches. Les évolutions techniques sont telles que la durée de vie des matériels est relativement courte. Le marché...
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...WORKING DRAWINGS HANDBOOK This page intentionally left blank WORKING DRAWINGS HANDBOOK Fourth Edition Keith Styles and Andrew Bichard Architectural Press An imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 30 Corporate Drive, Burlington, MA 01803 First published 1982 Second edition 1986 Third edition 1995 Reprinted 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003 Fourth edition 2004 Copyright © 2004, Keith Styles and Andrew Bichard. All rights reserved The right of Keith Styles and Andrew Bichard to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1T 4LP. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: ( 44) 1865 843830, fax: ( 44) 1865 853333, e-mail: permissions@elsevier.co.uk. You may also complete your request on-line via...
Words: 46330 - Pages: 186
...thế các thành viên theo Quyết định số 863/QĐ-TCTK ngày 07/8/2007. Ban chỉ đạo điều tra gồm 7 thành viên: 5 thành viên từ TCTK là lãnh đạo Tổng cục, lãnh đạo và chuyên viên của Vụ Thống kê Xã hội và Môi trường (XHMT) và lãnh đạo Vụ Tổ chức Cán bộ; 2 thành viên từ UBDT là lãnh đạo và chuyên viên Vụ Chính sách Dân tộc. Trưởng ban là ông Đỗ Thức - Phó Tổng cục trưởng Tổng cục Thống kê. 3. Xây dựng phương án điều tra Phương án điều tra đã được xây dựng ngay sau khi có Quyết định số 107B/QĐ-TCTK. Tuy nhiên, do UBDT cung cấp mẫu điều tra quá muộn (ngày 18/6/2007) nên đến ngày 07/8/2007 mới có Phương án điều tra chính thức. 4. Dự trù kinh phí điều tra Bản dự trù kinh phí lần thứ nhất được TCTK xây dựng và gửi UBDT (Dự án VIE/02/001 - SEDEMA) vào đầu tháng 2 năm 2007 với tổng kinh phí là 397.669 USD. Qua nhiều lần làm việc về...
Words: 8321 - Pages: 34
...JÖNKÖPING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL J ÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY C EO r emuneration in l isted E ur ope an insurance companies Trends and justifications over the years 2005-2009 Authors: Sara Palmén Jönköping International Business School Avare Suleyman Jönköping International Business School Tutor: Dr. Petra Inwinkl Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance, Jönköping International Business School Master thesis within Business Administration Title: CEO remuneration in listed European insurance companies – Trends and justifications over the years 2005-2009 Authors: Sara Palmén, Avare Suleyman Tutor: Dr. Petra Inwinkl Examiners: Dr. Petra Inwinkl, Prof. Gary Cunningham Date: Spring 2010 (uploaded 2010.06.03) Key words: CEO, chief executive officer, remuneration, fixed pay, variable pay, short-term, long-term, benefit, Europe, insurance, incentive, attraction, retention, agency theory, financial crisis, trend, justification. Abstract In the ever so increasingly competitive business climate of the 21st century, human resources are vital for corporate success. Employees need proper incentives to perform in goal-oriented manners. Incentive systems, especially Chief Executive Officer [CEO] remunerations, have been a popular topic since the 1990s, and this tendency has increased both during the 2002-2003 corporate scandal era, as well as the financial crisis which sparked in 2007. The recent tendency appears to lean...
Words: 23597 - Pages: 95
...The NMEA 0183 Protocol Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is the NMEA 0183 Standard? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1 Electrical Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 General Sentence Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Talker Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sentence Identifiers and Sentence Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Some Proprietary Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Manufacturer Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 The material presented in this document has been compiled from various inofficial sources. It is neither a complete nor error-free description of the NMEA 0183 standard. In particular, it does not cover the new sentences and the high-speed interface defined in version...
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...UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE KIGALI (ULK) FACULTE DES SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES ET GESTION DEPARTEMENT DE GESTION B.P 2280 Kigali ETUDE DE FAISABILITE TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE D’UN PROJET DE TRANSPORT EN COMMUN DANS LA VILLE DE KIGALI DENOMME « RWIZA TRANSPORTATION SERVICE, RTS » PERIODE : 2008-2014 Mémoire présenté et défendu en vue de l’obtention du grade de Licencié en Gestion Par MUNYANEZA Faustin Directeur : CCA NDABATEZE Abraham Kigali, avril 2008 DEDICACE A notre regretté père; A notre chère mère ; A nos frères et sœurs. REMERCIEMENTS Que le Dieu de gloire et de louange trouve ici notre profonde reconnaissance pour sa bienveillance et ses merveilles prouvées au cours de notre travail. Nos sincères remerciements s’adressent aux autorités et au corps professoral de l’ULK, pour leur éducation tant morale que scientifique. Nos remerciements s’adressent aussi au CCA NDABATEZE Abraham qui nous a guidé tout au long de notre travail. Nos sentiments de profonde gratitude s’adressent au Fonds National d’Assistance aux les Rescapés du Génocide (FARG), pour son soutien financier au cours de notre formation. Enfin, nous tenons à témoigner notre gratitude envers tous ceux qui, d’une manière ou d’une autre, ont apporté...
Words: 14821 - Pages: 60
...Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual VLT® 6000 Series Adjustable Frequency Drive 12/01 Revision K 23-6108-00 Safety Guidelines ! DANGER 1. Rotating shafts and electrical equipment can be hazardous. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all electrical work conform to National Electrical Code (NEC) and all local regulations. Installation, start-up and maintenance should be performed only by qualified personnel. Factory recommended procedures, included in this manual, should be followed. Always disconnect electrical power before working on the unit. 2. 3. 4. Warnings Against Unintended Start 1. Although shaft couplings or belt drives are generally not furnished by the manufacturer, rotating shafts, couplings and belts must be protected with securely mounted metal guards that are of sufficient thickness to provide protection against flying particles such as keys, bolts and coupling parts. Even when the motor is stopped, it should be considered “alive” as long as its controller is energized. Automatic circuits may start the motor at any time. Keep hands away from the output shaft until the motor has completely stopped and power is disconnected from the controller. Motor control equipment and electronic controls are connected to hazardous line voltages. When servicing drives and electronic controls, there will be exposed components at or above line potential. Extreme care should be taken to protect against shock. Stand on an insulating pad and make it a habit...
Words: 54111 - Pages: 217
...C HAP TER 1 Web Site As a reminder, the web site for this book can be found at: www.pearsoned.ca/byrdchen/ctp2009/ Here you will find: · · · · · · · Glossary Flashcards and Key Terms Self-Tests Updates and corrections to the textbook and Study Guide PowerPoint slides Links to other relevant web sites A short on-line survey ($100 cash prize available) Instructions on how to install the 2008 ProFile program and download updated sample tax returns and Cases when the updated ProFile software is available in January, 2009 A “Guide to Using Your Student CD-ROM" How To Work Through Chapter One We recommend the following approach in dealing with the material in this chapter: The Canadian Tax System r Read the text pages 1 - 3 (paragraph 1-1 through 1-11). r Complete Exercise One-1 on page 3 of the text. The solution is on page S-3 of this Study Guide. All solutions to Exercises and Self Study Problems and Cases can be found in this Study Guide and the page numbers all start with the prefix S-. Read the text pages 3 - 4 (paragraph 1-12 through 1-16). Complete Exercise One-2 on page 4 of the text. The solution is on page S-3. Read the text pages 4 - 5 (paragraph 1-17 through 1-22). r r r Tax Policy Concepts r Read the text pages 5 - 6 (paragraph 1-23 through 1-25). r r r r Complete Exercise One-3 on page 6 of the text. The solution is on page S-3. Complete Self Study Problem One-1 on page 30 of the text. The solution is on page S-4. Read the text pages 6 - 7 (paragraph...
Words: 109055 - Pages: 437