...Rockefeller Case Study 1. How would you evaluate Rockefeller in terms of his motive, his managerial ability, and his ethics? What lesson does his career teach about the relationship between virtue and success? Rockefeller had great motive he saw the demand for oil and build a company and fortune around it. He managed his business well and really put an emphasis on efficiency and responsibility but was ruthless and unfair to competitors getting huge discounts on shipping and other mediums he drove out his competition so he was very unethical in that sense. I think Rockefeller was a good businessman but reading about him showed how you don’t have to have virtue to be a success you can be ruthless and underhanded and still ascertain your wealth. 2. How did the environment of the Standard change in the early 1900s? What deep historical forces are implicated in these changes? The Sherman anti-trust law came about, the source of all American antimonopoly laws and by 1890 standard oil controlled about 88% of the oil industry so they were immediately targeted by 1904 they controlled 91%. The Sherman Antitrust laws finally came into effect and the company was broken up in 1911 3. What were the impacts of the oil trade on society in major dimensions of the business environment, that is, economic, cultural, technological, natural, governmental, legal, and internal? It really changed the business environment because it brought up issues of fair business practices and company’s having...
Words: 684 - Pages: 3
...Redefined Family: Same Sex Parent Households An Annotated Bibliography Pederson Yoest, Sarah. “A Family of a Different Feather”. Fort Worth: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, September 30, 2007. The author speaks about Children’s story “And Tango Makes Three”, a book that parents tried to ban from school libraries. The book spoke of two male penguins who were in love and we not the traditional family. The zookeeper noticed the two males doing everything together including nesting but could not lay eggs. The zookeeper gave the male penguins a extra egg laid by another family that needed to be cared for. Tango which was the two male penguin’s daughter, became the first penguin female to have two daddies. The author’s 5 year old daughter of this article was curious as to why Tango had two daddies. A simple reply of “there are all kinds of ways to be a family”. There are a lot of children all across America that are in Tango’s situation. Pooley, Julie Ann. “Resilience in Same –Sex Parented Families: The Lived Experience of Adults with Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Parents.” Journal of GLBT Family Studies. 2014, Vol. 10 Issue 4, p329-353. 25p. 1 Chart The author examines the results of research done on children who had at least one parent who was identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual. Children raised by same-sex parents were psychologically healthy, and as socially and academically well-adjusted as their peers who were raised in traditional heterosexual-parented families. These children...
Words: 771 - Pages: 4
...up, I realized from a young age that I had an undeniable passion for boxing. Ironically, my passion lead to the most difficult struggle I’ve ever faced. Unlike my fellow peers, I strayed away from the normal athletic pursuits and instead of representing a football uniform, I found myself in the gym with boxing gloves strapped to my wrists. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that like many contact sports, injury is always a possibility. My sophomore year, I was training six days a week, for multiple hours a day. Pushing myself at this extent led to a severe stress fracture in my right shoulder: my punching arm. The doctors advised me that this injury might inhibit me from ever fighting at my caliber again. I felt devastated and helpless to my injury and for days after hearing the news, I feel into a depression that felt inescapable. However, in a moment of epiphany and with the help of my loving and motivational coach, I decided not to be a victim; this was not the end of my dreams. In the months to come, I clawed my way through countless hours of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Eight months later, I found myself at the qualifiers of the US Junior Olympics. Six rounds of fighting later, I stood on the podium victorious. I will never forget the feeling I had that day, the day my dreams came...
Words: 251 - Pages: 2
...to write a commentary about it for the webpage in your e-portfolio: Use the questions to help you write the commentaries DO NOT WRITE QUESTION NUMBER. It should be paragraphs. Questions are only a guidance. Reports 1) What was the purpose of each report (report 1, report2, report3)? 2) Who is the audience for each report? 3) How did you make sure you met the requirements of each publication? 4) How did you make sure you observed copyright for each publication? 5) Reports The purpose for the three reports was to create the three course meals for the people attending the Olympics 2012.The audience for the report is for every age group. To make sure that I met the requirements of each publication I had to try my best at it then get my teacher to check over it to make sure I was successful at doing it. I recorded the sources information by using a source table. I made sure that the reports met the needs for my audience by making sure there was a little bit of everything, e.g., less junk food and more healthy foods. The feedback helped me with this section because it helped me improve my work. Meal card The purpose for the meal card was to create a type of menu for the audience/ people attending the Olympics to help them choose what they wanted to eat. The...
Words: 1882 - Pages: 8
...needed in order to make sure that a business is going to be working correctly in order for it to make money. All these things should be considered and reviewed regularly to ensure it’s running as smooth as it can be. The main thing that makes a company work is to have effective teams in place to make sure that all the work is being done and that they are being collaborative when working together. Within Xtrac there are many elements that are key in order to make sure that the business can function and this is because of the way that the teams are laid out and to make sure that the workload is even. In order to make the process work, there needs to be members of teams that are going to merge to say make sure that making a new product is feasible. Xtrac use a relativity small business plan to work out who is where and what they are going to be doing in terms of the teams, people and where they are, like what department. The first team that should be taken note of and should be used as a benchmark are the Managers and Senior Members of the company. There are many reason that the management team is effective and how the are beneficial to the organisation. Without the management team there would be a lack of work done in the company. They make sure that people are doing what they need to be doing and have the power to change things around and to make the processes faster in order to make more money in the time that they have got. They need to make sure that all the people on...
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...that are open. They contrite on the 3 organizational behaviors of culture, communication, and structure. They believe that these 3 make them the way that they are today. They even have to do things that they don’t want to do at times but they believe if they don’t do what is needed to make them. Starbuck’s also believes if they don’t focus on success they will not give their all that they should for their customers. They believe that they should never let a customer down. If they do they know that they could have consequence that they would and will have to deal with. With the 3 different organizational behaviors they look at each one and do an analyst on them on a regular basis. With culture they look at the decisions that they have to measure the appropriateness for the company. Along with developing satisfied customers all the time. Recognize that they profitable is essential to the future for them to succeed as a company. Communication is very important for them. Starbucks is motivated by the communication between their employees and their customers. They always want to know what could be done if there is anything that need to have attend to it if needed. How well is the company doing as a company. What is needed to be improved if there is anything that is needed to be done with performance?...
Words: 1879 - Pages: 8
...adapted its policies in response to an identified target market characteristic. Topman have many polices that are there in order to make the experience and the time in the store or buying online better for the consumer. The polices are often tailored to the target market to make sure that they are meeting the market characteristics. Topman makes sure that the target market that they are aiming towards is going to be attracted to what they have on offer in terms of a brand and a business. The polices within Topman would have been adapted and made to response to the characteristics of the target market they are aiming towards. The target market of Topman is teenagers and students, through from around 14 years of age to around 25 years of age. The range of clothes and what the offer has all is adapted around this. This does include the prices and the methods of payment that they accept online and in store to make it affordable to look good on a low budget because all of the people in the target group that the are marketing towards don’t have much disposable income but are all at the time in their lives that they want to look the best they can and do spend a lot of time on the way they look and what they go out the house wearing. All the policies that Topman use and support are and have been adapted to suit the needs and characteristics of the target market. Topman offer and will always provide student discount online as well as in store. Topman outline the fact that they are...
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...Event Organiser: Role- Event organisers are important when it comes to business events needing to be planned. The effect of a bad event could destroy a business’s reputation. The even organiser’s job is determined by what event they need to organise and who it’s for. Type of event In house event for staff: These are members of staff who currently work for the event management organisation. The kinds of events staff may be involved in working at are staff parties or internal training event or even business meetings. Organisation Conferences: This event involves other businesses or organisations attending conferences. Some examples of different organisational conference are national and also business conferences, training or networking events, exhibitions. Public Events: A public event is an event that is open to people in the general public. An example of a public event is a charity fundraiser or open day. Tasks performed Find the venue: An Event Manager must ensure that they find and secure a venue for their event. They would also need to know the day and time of the event; they would also need to know the capacity of the venue so they can make sure they have adequate space for their guests. Confirming Attendance: An Event Manager must make sure they have a confirmed number of guests; so they can base all the other plans and decisions upon how many guests they are expecting. However they should also consider the possibility of guests taking long to respond. Setting...
Words: 1159 - Pages: 5
...2015 Bunney Schmidt Recommendation Brief for an Internal Accountant When a company hires an Internal Auditor it is usually to improve the business or make sure internal accounts are effective. An auditor would be hired to come into the business and go through the accounts. The accountant would make sure that the company is complying with the government. The auditor would look for internal fraud, operations, and assets. The auditor is hired to make sure the company is profitable and if not what they should do to become profitable. There are three ways for a company to change profitability; by increasing sales, decreasing variables and or reducing average operating expenses. An internal accountant is brought into a business to improve the effectiveness of the internal day to day operations. The internal accountant will test or audit the internal controls for mismanagements and fraud. The internal auditor will make sure that the business is complying with all of the government’s regulations. If the company is not complying this could mean serious trouble from the government. This is why it is important to bring someone who has a vast amount of knowledge into view the components of the company. When an individual internal auditor is brought into a company they may not have exact knowledge of the company but they know what they are looking for. They will investigate the books of the company. By going through all of the systems they can determine profitable from non-profitable....
Words: 714 - Pages: 3
...1. How long has Innovation been part of your organization’s management agenda? Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months One to two years Two to five years More than five years Is not currently on management’s agenda Don’t know * 2. Please elaborate on your answers (Optional) * 3. Which of the following are drivers for your organization to seek innovation? | Primary driver | Secondary driver | Not a driver | Don't know | Insufficient growth | Insufficient growth Primary driver | Insufficient growth Secondary driver | Insufficient growth Not a driver | Insufficient growth Don't know | Price pressures | Price pressures Primary driver | Price pressures Secondary driver | Price pressures Not a driver | Price pressures Don't know | Increased competition | Increased competition Primary driver | Increased competition Secondary driver | Increased competition Not a driver | Increased competition Don't know | Changing customer needs | Changing customer needs Primary driver | Changing customer needs Secondary driver | Changing customer needs Not a driver | Changing customer needs Don't know | Changing technology landscape | Changing technology landscape Primary driver | Changing technology landscape Secondary driver | Changing technology landscape Not a driver | Changing technology landscape Don't know | Need to develop new markets / segments | Need to develop new markets / segments Primary driver | Need to develop...
Words: 2752 - Pages: 12
...Organiser For this piece of work I will be explaining the role and describing the skills required by an events organiser; with this piece of work I will be claiming P1 and P2. I am taking part in organising an event in my business class and we have split ourselves into three teams and we have chosen what type of event we are going to organise; we have chosen to plan an afternoon tea. Our event is going to be a fundraising event because we are going to send all our profits to a charity. I have carried out some research on finding out what the role of an events organiser are and what skills they use; this research is made up of internet research and class discussions. What is an Events Organiser? An events organiser is someone who organises an event and they have many different responsibilities; they are responsible for the planning of the event all the way through to the completion of the event. Their events can range from exhibitions, to conferences, to product launches. An events organiser will work with people in different sectors and their work is usually done within a team and is hand-on. They must be able to have a wide range of skills because they will have to complete a wide range of activities; time keeping and working under pressure is an essential as it is these skills that mean an event will be able to run smoothly and efficiently. What are the Roles of an events Organiser? The role of an events organiser will change depending on what event they are organising...
Words: 2454 - Pages: 10
...there are many different positions that make up a company to make sure the company is able to function properly. There are many different levels of employees within a company such as management, trainees, supervisors, owners, sales, and so on. Without all of the different positions it would leave a company with over loads of work for one person and would not leave room for variety with-in the work place. I would definitely have to say though that a company is developed around the type of leaders that represent that company and it is very important that company consists of the best supervisors and managers to carry the team. There are main functions within being a supervisor that helps carry the supervising role smoothly. The few that we are going to be talking about in this manual to help give examples of the best practices for supervisors is demonstrating communication skills, determining effective orientation and training methods, improving productivity for teams, conducting performance appraisals, resolving conflict, and improving employee relations. Good communication skills in the work place are a very big skill to have and make sure you are doing properly. “Communication is the act of exchanging information” (“Developing communication skills,” 2004) so any information that needs to be done in the work place needs to be communicated properly amongst employees. Communicating well with others and making sure every bit of information is being communicated clearly and properly...
Words: 2287 - Pages: 10
... * Cope with stress * Staying calm at all times This is my initial list of the skills required but an event organiser. Then we had a class choice to create the final list. Skills | Describe | * Time management | Time management Is a Key thing to have in an event organiser, you need to be able to stick to deadlines so that what you need to be done is done at the right time. Step by step plans and goals to make for each weak is a good idea to do when managing your time because you’re able to work off something and tick off the things that are done. | * Staying calm at all times | Sometimes you are hit with a lot of things at the same time when being an event manager, if you freak out, it’s really hard to focus on one thing at a time, staying calm will help you finish one thing at a time to the greatest of its extent. | * Organization | Organization is a crucial thing in being an event organizer, you need to be able to know what you’re doing each week and stick to the deadlines you give yourself or that is giving to you, also making sure that everything is happing to your needs and knowing what is happing at all time, knowing everything is going according to plan and the way you want. | * Attention to detail | The golf tournament is a big deal to golfers all around the world, The event organiser needs to make sure they keep their attention to details of the whole organisation, they make sure the people that pay for the expensive seats, are able to...
Words: 1489 - Pages: 6
...Today in History we actually talked about something very similar to this. Some people argued that ethics/morality differs from society to society and are ever-changing. Mr. Guthrie used an MLK quote to explain the concept of morality. Martin Luther King said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” This quote says that we do not necessarily know what morality is and what actions are moral or not; however, over time humans are coming closer to figure out what morality is. As of now, we cannot be sure what actions are truly moral or not. Furthermore, we can infer that some things, such as not killing, are considered virtuous and morally correct because many societies/generations have regarded that...
Words: 839 - Pages: 4
...programs too. They must make sure that everything is in respective order and done in respect and the correct way. A business cannot offer a product or a service to customers hoping that they will like whatever they have prepared for them, they must put themselves in the shoes of the customers in order to know if the service is up to par or as good as the company say that it is (O’Brien & Marakas, 2011). The questions that McGraw-Hill could have asked were simple and plain questions. They could have asked what type of systems did they used when they was doing the Primis System. They could have also asked what team effect was put into making the system and rather or not if the team had any problems putting the system together. Another question that could have been asked was how much hours, days, or nights were put into creating the system and how much time and money was spent into making this program. Did the teams have any serious or major concerns about the Primis system that needed to be addressed to the IT people before they went ahead and decided to put the system together anyhow? They must also take into considerations rather or not the book will be sufficient enough for the teachers to teach and rather or not if the book is what the students need in order to learn what they need to learn from the class. End users must be able to use the product as well if they are looking for a book to refresh their learning abilities on the areas in this book. Most of the time people...
Words: 3174 - Pages: 13