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Notes on Writing Skills


Submitted By sarac97
Words 303
Pages 2
CAW 1100 Thursday, October 8,2015.

What is critical reading?

* The critical thinking is both: set of activities and a particular frame of mind or set of attitudes * Also about being independent, being able to listen and learn from others and develop your own voice and make your own judgments * To be able to form own questions and point out some of the common assumptions * To create critical questions you must first know the argument * To know the argument (What is the thesis and how do they support it?) You have to do some readings and not rely on personal opinions * You want to understanding and be opened to all aspects of any argument; is not about searching for the right answer * Key point of critical thinking and reading: thinking of it as three levels: Analysis, interpretation and evaluation


* Distilling essential concepts into a paragraph or two * Create your own notes * A summary has two aims: 1. Give the overarching ideas in a text identifying the general concepts that run through the entire piece

Seven steps to summarizing * Use title and author in your first sentence * First two sentences of summary should contain author’s thesis, or central concept, stated in your own words * Omit ideas that are not central- be careful not to misrepresent ideas by omitting important aspects of the author’s discussion * Omit minor details and ONLY include an extended example that is a key part of the argument. * AVOID WRITING OPINIONS or personal responses * Do not plagiarize the author’s words. Put ideas into your own words. If using author’s words, they must appear in quotation marks.
*Methods for summarizing

1. Your own reading notes 2. Your own critical questions 3. Writing tools: Writing vocab. Handouts, spark from the York library, our textbook 4. OWL-provides formatting, citations and writing suggestions

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Ece 311 Week 3

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