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Nursing Ethics Case Study

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This ethics situation is a very serious and scary situation that involved many people at fault. I gathered that all four principles, autonomy, justice, veracity, and beneficence were violated in this example. A woman was given blood despite being Jehovah’s Witness, a religion that does not permit and form of blood acceptance. Even though blood was deemed necessary for the health of the patient, it is important for the nurse to respect the wishes of the person being operated on. I understand that in some cases special care needs to be taken, but someone should have contacted the family to ensure if the proper action was taken.
In my opinion, the blame falls directly on the unit manager, but there was also lack of action by the others involved. …show more content…
She should do her best to support and promote the needs of the patient, despite what the other healthcare professionals think. It is ethical for the nurse to respect the beliefs of the patients and be honest with her and her family. It is obvious that the woman did not want blood because of her religion. The nurse should address the issue by voting for the unit manager to inform the patient, because it was her responsibility to inform those involved of special conditions of the patient. Even though it seems that no harm was done, what if that patient rejected the blood transfusion and had a reaction to it? I believe that despite the repercussions of being honest, it is always best to be truthful. Because the patient was not able to consent to the blood transfusion, even when she needed it, the information given in her paperwork should have been adhered to. According to the textbook, “the patient’s physician or other independent healthcare practitioner is required by law to explain or disclose information about the medical problem” (Finkelman, pg.188). This means that, by not informing the patient of what has happened or what could happen without blood transfusion, the professionals could be punished by the law. I think the best method would be to inform the family and patient that a blood transfusion was administered without knowledge of the patient’s religion because it is common for amputations to require blood transfusion. I know that if I woke up after surgery and was told I was given a blood transfusion, I would feel taken advantage of as well as angry that my wishes weren’t followed. This could, and likely should, result in disciplinary action from all of the medical professionals involved as well as a lawsuit; however, more care should have been taken to properly assist the

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