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Arguments Against Adhd Medication

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There is no cure for ADHD, hyper, wild, and daydreaming through their daily life. While there is no cure yet found for ADHD, there is a way to suppress it, this is possible with ADHD medications. While it is proven that medication can increasingly suppress many symptoms of ADHD or ADD, some do not believe it is healthy, and some say that there are other ways that can help just as well as the medication. I believe the best treatment for ADHD is the medication.

There are studies showing that ADHD stimulants or other medications will help control people who have ADHD. While this is true, many people believe that an alternative with no medication can work just as well. People who choose an alternative route usually use exercise to subdue the ADHD. Exercise is used to increase a person’s focus and attention. Many people do choose exercise, but there are many other alternatives other than just exercise. Therapy is a good way to help people’s way of life. People with ADHD can attend therapy to find skills they can use in their day to day life, skills such as keeping your attention, controlling hyperactivity, increasing your focus, and decreasing academic struggles. Alternatives are a great way to contain ADHD side effects, but doctors say that …show more content…
The benefits of ADHD medication such as Concerta or Adderall are miraculous. The medication will help alleviate symptoms of ADHD like non attentiveness, academic struggles, social, and behavioral problems. Side effects such as irritability, mood swings, headaches, trouble falling asleep, etc. These are pretty common symptoms that usually present when taking ADHD medications. Some people may think it’s not worth trying because of this, but most side effects will usually go away when decreasing the dosage of your

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