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Ob Case Chapter 8


Submitted By dellaisfee
Words 1695
Pages 7
|Universitas Gadjah mada |
|Organizational Behavior |
|Case study: The Pay-for-Performance Program among Denver Teacher Hits a Roadblock |
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|By Umar, Fitri and Claudia |
|10.04.2012 |

1. Analyzing the Denver Public School’s pay-for –performance plan to motivate teachers it appears that while the school district has good intentions their plan is a bit short-sighted and has caused conflict between the two of the three major parties, the school district and the teachers’ union, while hurting the third and most important party, the students. Looking closely at the school district and the teachers’ union point-of-view, it becomes apparent that when implementing a new motivational program, it is very important to analyze how it will affect each of the participating parties.

The school district, in order to motivate their staff decided to implement a process theory of motivation—primarily relying on a combination of expectancy

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