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Obama Care Pros And Cons

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The people of the United States are being robbed. Ever since the Affordable Care Act was passed a lot of U.S Citizens feel like they are being robbed of their money. Affordable Care Act is also known as Obama Care created by President Barack Obama in 2010. Proposed to provide all citizens with health care in order to protect them from going into debt. A program that was created to help people receive health care services in order to keep a healthy nation is starting to make the nation angry. The Affordable Care Act should be repealed because although it helps the people, it has brought many economic problems. The Affordable Care Act attempts to keep people healthy without much cost, but many U.S Citizens think that it's absurd that …show more content…
Therefor the creation of the Affordable Care Act corrected that problem, but since companies were prohibited to increase the payment of the health insurance because they were ill the medical bills of the person needed to be payed by someone. That someone would have to be the taxpayers. According to Bill Bischoff in his article “Obamacare tax increases are now locked in at least through 2016.” taxes are being used to pay off the medical bills of other people, and Medicare tax percentages would be charged according to what position you take such as a large business owner or a small business …show more content…
As the patients increase the staff in hospitals need to increase as well in order for the hospitals to provide the same service that they did before the Affordable Care Act was enacted. Ben Sutherly an author of the website, wrote in his article “Affordable Care Act: System of Interdependence” how the enforcement of health insurance, would encourage more people to go to the doctors office. All people going to the doctor might sound good but if everyone goes to the doctor's office at the same time the doctors and staff would not do there job appropriately. The doctors and staff would be in a rush to attend all patients and not provide good quality service. Not only would the quality service lower but the salary of the employees ranging from doctors to nurses would be less than their salary before the Affordable Care Act was enacted . The more patients there are, the more the salary would be affected. According to Dan Mangan in the CNBC website the hospitals have had a difficult time in finding staff, paying them what they were payed before the Affordable Care Act was enacted, and in providing good quality. If there is an unhappy staff then there would be less people that would be less interested in applying for a job at that location, causing the hospital to be lower in staff. The Affordable Care Act has affected

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