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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: A Case Study

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Introduction Though many disorders deal with the issues of compulsions and obsessions, one condition in particular has consequences affecting an individual on a number of different factors. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) consists of recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images as well as repetitive behaviors or mental acts (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). As a related condition, hoarding disorder occurs when an individual owns a substantial number of something to satisfy his or her persistent, mental desires for some personally significant reason. To intervene, occupational therapists (OTs) may consider having their clients identify bad habits as well as establish daily routines that could improve their organizational …show more content…
These groups allow individuals to have a support system from other like-minded individuals. Moreover, OTs can then educate these individuals, incorporating problem-solving and organizational skills. Then, the group can apply their learned knowledge collaboratively which may increase their motivation to replace their obsessions and compulsions with appropriate behaviors (Holmes, Wolter, & Harris, 2014). Within a self-help group, an OT may find it meaningful to assist clients in identifying their routines and habits (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014) such as perhaps clients’ inconsistency in cleaning up the home on a daily basis. Due to their information-processing difficulties, clients with the disorder require a graded approach (Dissanayake, Barnard, & Willis, 2017) to organization. Specifically, the OT may suggest for the client to sort through and dispose of items that have lesser then greater value to him or her. Although OTs could implement many variant interventions, support groups and suggesting changes to a routine could leave an incredible impact on a …show more content…
OTs have not implemented treatment for these individuals, hence, OT interventions have not taken place yet. Interestingly, predominantly psychologists implement interventions for individuals with hoarding disorder though OT could have a role in intervening in hoarding cases, like issues with ADLs. Thus, OTs should receive specific training for these individuals (Dissanayake, Barnard, & Willis, 2017) since they can address aspects of the disorder that other professionals could not. Furthermore, using one’s therapeutic self with these clients includes understanding personal contextual factors (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014), influencing the client’s hoarding. For instance, my grandma will keep expired boxed and canned food, but events like the Great Depression influenced a desire to stock up on food. Therefore, a OT must look at the whole person, building rapport with the client and allowing him or her to achieve health, well-being, and participation in life through engagement in occupation (American Occupational Therapy Association,

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