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Old Men Book Vs Movie

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No Country for Old Men is a literary classic that many readers have enjoyed for the last few years. This book has been the bases for a wonderful movie directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. While the book is normally preferred with the discussion of if the book or movie was better. It is decided that the movie was more impactful to the character portrayal of the three major characters: Llewelyn Moss, Sheriff Bell and Anton Chigurh. The lighting, the way the movie was shot and other cinematic element contributed to the overall feeling of better development of the characters then the book version The way the movie was shot subconsciously forced us to identify with Moss. The first time we are introduced to him, Moss looking through a rifle scope. This unorthodox angle works to effectively put us, the viewers, in Moss’s shoes; we are Moss in those instances. The lighting also helps to show the we should identify with Moss. Throughout the movie the Coen brothers seemly made it a point to make Moss appear to be the "good" guy. Every time you see Moss he is in the light. Even when he died later in the movie he is still lying in the light. This lighting again helps to subconsciously identify with Moss. As humans we are instinctually afraid of the dark, the dark represents the unknown. We like things we can clearly see and with Moss being in the light most of the time. It is natural to side with Moss. …show more content…
He is just a normal guy, trying to make off with the satchel of money and fighting for his life throughout. He is shown to be a modern day western hero. A tough, strong willing, and most of all human; a character that any person would like to

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