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Old People Portrait


Submitted By mabaydar
Words 594
Pages 3
Tutor-Marked Assignment

TUTOR-MARKED ASSIGNMENT This tutor-marked assignment is worth 21% of the final mark



Question 1 This question’s objectives are to identify the type of information system and building approach used in the implementation of an information system in an insurance company. Read the case study Modernization of and answer the following questions. (aour answers using the following tabular format with each entry written in at most 30 words, and provide a word count.    new product development system availability access to filed documents Old situation (max. 30 words) ……. (word count) System availability New situation (max. 30 words) …… (word count)

New product development

Access to filed documents (18 marks)


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Tutor-Marked Assignment


Chapte the source employed by Income in building the system. Explain your answer. (6 marks) Systems can be classified based on the management groups they served. Identify the type that Income‟s eBao system falls under. Explain your answer clearly. (6 marks)


Question 2 Based on a case study, this question requires you to:  identify the relevant strategic business objectives,  identify the information system type,  describe how information system supports a strategy,  identify the business intelligence tool used.

Chapter 3 of the course text carries a case study st answer.
Strategic Objective Reason (max. 20 words) Supporting quote from case

1. < list most significant objective here >

“………………… ……… ….. .……. …… ……. …..…”

2. 3.

(19 marks) (b) Chapter 2 section 2.2 discusses four types of system, namely TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS. Evaluate carefully which type does the kind of information system as described in the case study falls under. Present your answer using the following table.


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Tutor-Marked Assignment


Evaluation (max. 30 words)


1. … 2. … 3. … 4. …

… … … …

Information system falls / does not fall under this type. … … …

(16 marks)


The first paragraph on page 129 indicates that the credit card companies use the strategy of „focus on market niche‟. Provide a short description on how information systems support this strategy. Present your answer in not more than four points of one line each. (8 marks) Refer to the section at chapter 6 - Tools for Business Intelligence (pg 254 – 258). Identify one tool discussed in the section that is featured in the case study. Provide TWO reasons to explain your answer. (7 marks)


Question 3 The objective of this question is to conduct a short research, on a test event carried out world-wide on the Internet. Do window-print-screen(s) and paste the image(s) into your TMA solution document. If necessary, crop and resize the images to ensure legibility. On your image, mark out the following details, labelling each with the phrase in quotes: i. date of article, label as “Date”, ii. publisher of article, label as “Publisher”, iii. name of the event, label as “Name”, iv. organiser of the test event, label as “Organiser”,


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Tutor-Marked Assignment

Note: (1) The question asks for a news article, not commentaries or blogs. Student will have to exercise judgment in selecting and submitting article that bears evidences of news reporting. (2) Illegible image(s) will attract penalty. (9 marks)


Explain what the test is about. Present the answer in 6 to 10 points of one line each. (Note: Provide some background to the Internet addressing architecture.) (8 marks)


Describe the results of the test. (3 marks)

----- END OF TMA -----

Tutor-Marked Assignment – Page 5 of


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Art Tem Paper

...The Human Figure in Art Student Name University The human figure in art, sculpture and other art forms involves the study and appreciation of the beauty of the human body (Human figure (aesthetics) , 2013). It can involve the body shape, including different postures, such as sitting, standing, sleeping, or even while in motion, walking or running. I think that the human figure is one of the most interesting and beautiful to look at, and it absolutely amazing to look at how much the human figure in art has changed over time. Different cultures believed that the human body was beautiful in different ways. Some show humans in the art as perfect and almost God like, while others show them in a more realistic form. Another amazing part about the human figure is not only are we observing the way a body looks, but also we are feeling the emotions that these characters are portraying. This is what makes human figure so fascinating. In the following essay I will be selecting fifteen examples of the human body in art. One of the oldest sculptures discovered to date, was carved using simple stone tools. It is a tiny limestone figurine of a woman named the Venus of Willendorf. This sculpture was named after its find spot in Willendorf Austria. It is said that the Venus of Willendorf was made anywhere between 28,000 and 25,000 BCE, and the artist is unknown. The sculpture is tiny, and features anatomical exaggeration. It typifies Paleolithic representations of women, whose...

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