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Operation Overlord: The Battle Of Normandy

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What is D-Day? Operation Overlord (also known as D-day) was one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history. On June 6th 1944, the allies invaded Normandy, France. Although they didn’t have as good of equipment as the Germans, the U.S. had better spirit and they were eager to disembark into battle. Before D-day, a military operation of this size had never been attempted. The battle of Normandy was originally planned for the 5th of June 1944 but was postponed due to poor weather. Over 5,000 ships and landing crafts carrying troops and supplies left England. ( Prior to the attack the allied leaders described the invasion in the following manner. Winston Churchill said “And what a plan this vast operation is undoubtly the most complicated and difficult that has ever happened”( General …show more content…
This is called a phantom army it was made to deceive the Germans and make it appear they were attacking at that location. Germany thought that the allies would strike at Calais. The Nazis were very confused where the allies were going to attack and when they were going to attack.
When the allies where planning D-day, the allied scientists where working on a new drug called penicillin. This drug helped kill bacteria and stop bacterial infections. Penicillin saved thousands of lives on June 6th 1944 troops and medics carried it with them in case they were wounded. This was one of the things that helped the allies win the war. (
Before the invasion Winston Churchill said to his wife “Do you realize by the time you wake up over 20,000 men will have died.” The allies expected heavy casualties. By nightfall on June 6th over nine thousand allies were dead. The Battle of Normandy lasted for over three months. Over 450,000 allied and German troops were dead or went missing during the span of the Battle of Normandy.

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