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Fantastic Beasts

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Some beasts are really interesting, but there is also magical beasts.But if they get loose in a muggle(No-Maj) city, that’s horrific. The author of the book is J.K. Rowling .The books title is “Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them”, and takes place on the date of 1926 in the city of New York.This book is about a person who loses and must find beasts in New York and fight a strong parasitic force.

The main characters in the book are Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, and Jacob Kowalski. Newt Scamander’s interesting, unique, weird, intelligent, and on page 45 and 46, is says” I’m writing a book about magical creatures”, and “No. A guide to help people understand why we should be protecting these creatures instead of killing …show more content…
The book takes place in New York City on the date of 1926. Newt Scamander has a mental struggle when he had a real close friend and they became best friends because they didn’t fit in at school.There was an incident but does not tell what happened in the book. On the website “”, it states “ In 1913, one of Leta's experiments involving a Jarvey went wrong, endangering the life of another student. Rather than see his good friend expelled, Newt took the blame and was sentenced to be expelled from Hogwarts in her place.” The main external conflict is Newt Scamander saving Credence from wreaking havoc on the city and dying. (Information about an Obscurus/Obscurial at “”) . The book begins with five Aurors being killed by Grindelwald.Next, Newt Scamander arrives in New York City and going through security, and after that, Newt’s Niffler gets out of his suitcase and gets in a bank so Newt goes in the bank, and gets his Niffler. Next of all, Newt gets taken in to MACUSA(Magical Congress Of The USA) by Tina for Newt’s Niffler getting loose,almost getting the wizard world revealed, and not Obliviating the muggle witnesses that saw magic. The next thing is that his creatures were released into the city by the muggle, Jacob Kowalski, and after that, they they capture 2 of Newt’s creatures and and enter his suitcase but Tina

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