...Operations Management and Healthcare Nicholas Drzycimski Operations Management SCMS 3510-003 University Of Memphis November 9, 2015 Introduction Most people would agree that access to healthcare is an issue with definite room to improve; there are constant demands from both taxpayers and the society for change. Organizations which provide healthcare are faced with economic limitations and constraints, long waiting times and queues of patients. Healthcare organizations are also affected by strict budgets that prevent them from procuring additional resources. One solution to combat all three of these constraints simultaneously would be to implement ideas and concepts from the Operations Management field of business. The most effective concept would likely be Lean production, that is, limiting as much waste as possible while using what resources are on hand to their most effective state possible. Of course, this is a very difficult goal to achieve when dealing with the unpredictability of day-to-day operations at a hospital, but measures can and should be taken to limit as much waste as possible and maximize efficiency of resources used. While new ways to implement more ideas and concepts of Operations Management into the healthcare industry are constantly being researched, there are aspects and tasks that are performed in a Hospital that can be considered the operations of a hospital. The goal of this paper is to explain some of these operations of a hospital...
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...Health Care Operations Management Roles and Goals A healthcare operations manager has many rolls when it comes to their scope of work. The general description would that a, “Healthcare operations management is a discipline that integrates scientific principles of management to determine the most efficient and optimal methods to support patient care delivery” (JR Langabeer, 2008). While healthcare operations managers must focus on cost reduction and stream lining processes they also have many other functional responsibilities. Healthcare operation manager’s also have different roles and goals throughout their career to help meet organization goals. A healthcare operations manager has many roles such as using logistical practices to create common process throughout the organization to help stream line processes. JR Langabeer states that, “there must be a broader adoption of operational and logistical management techniques into hospital business affairs. Monitoring and maximizing labor productivity for all medical support and allied health professionals is critical to maintaining salary expenses” (JR Langabeer, 2008). These are just a few roles that a healthcare operations manager would have on the job but this role is very important to controlling cash flow. By focuses on the work force and making sure that it is productive while staying within cost and schedule is a great plan because it can maximize earnings while getting the job done on time. Other roles that...
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...Hospital Collaboration and Healthcare Costs Apparently, U.S.A is one of the countries with the highest level of health care expenditure constituting over $ 8000 of the country’s annual per capita income. This health care cost is on the rise and have to be addressed from a distinct health perspective. Hospital merging refers to acquiring of one hospital by another and undertaking its activities either fully or in part to minimize costs and other operation limitations that they face in the American health sector (Ho 2007). Thus, many hospitals merge to boost their market share, acquire more patients with a view of expanding their operations and achieving greater profit margins than those firms that are run separately. Effects of hospital mergers on healthcare costs A number of researches have been conducted on the American health expenditure using a sample of American hospitals from hospitals association in the country. In comparison, independent hospitals were useful as a control sample. These two groups of hospitals gave divergent information that was weighed against national hospital expenditure records. Findings of such studies reveal that merging of hospitals have the potential to cut down on costs of operation in similar to hospitals that operate in isolation but manage their costs effectively (Kaiser Family Foundation 2004). Additionally, very little proceeds accrue from merging of hospitals let alone not increasing influx of patients in merged hospitals. Moreover, hospitals...
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...1.0 Executive Summary All in One Family Healthcare will provide the best care to every patient every day, at affordable pricing and in a family oriented environment. All in One Family Healthcare’s objectives include increasing consumer awareness of the importance of healthcare, making a profit within the first two or three years of operation, and franchising the company within seven years of operation. All-In-One Family Healthcare is a medical clinic that provides five services in one convenient location. Our medical division tends to basic healthcare needs such as annual check ups, physicals, minor blood work and common ailments. Other divisions within the clinic include pharmacy, optometry and dental services. All in One development will include the franchising of the company resulting in more All in One’s in North Carolina and eventually taking our business nationwide. Ultimately All in One plans to have locations in all major cities and operate as one of the nation’s most profitable and recognized health care facilities. All in One FHC will be open Monday-Friday from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The pharmacy department will remain open until 2:00 a.m. All in One will be closed on holidays such as Christmas, New Year, MLK Day, Memorial Day, etc. All in One Family Healthcare will have a simple management strategy. Since this is an LLC, the company will be run by the various owners and orders shall follow down the chain of command outlined in this section of the...
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...the rapid changes in a health care system around the world, healthcare organizations need to develop strategies that will help the organization to sustain with any difficulties that may arise. Healthcare systems expand their cultural leadership strategies in order to gain a thorough understanding of situations (Johnson, 2009) that will effectively improve their operations in community. Healthcare organizations use both the dynamic culture leadership (DCL) and the omnibus leadership as a model for implementation and a strategy for their success (Johnson, 2009). This paper will compare and contrast the strategies and applications of both model in an effective healthcare facilities that is committed in improving the health of the community As traditional leadership model fails to integrate the aspects of environment, cultural distinctiveness and higher power influences, the omnibus leadership model (OLM) was created to evaluate leaders and their leadership styles (Johnson, 2009). Under the omnibus leadership model, healthcare organization mission can be clearly defined only if the healthcare organization has appropriate resources; on the other hand, under the dynamic culture leadership model, health care system need to clearly state its mission so the employees can understand and know what is expected from them in the facility in order to better serve the community (Roberts, 2013). Few of healthcare organizations are unsuccessful in providing the necessary services...
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...Emerging Economies and Globalization Argosy University Module 5: Assignment 1 LASA 2 BUS6512 Jerome Bates June 4, 2015 Table of Contents Abstract……..………………………………………………………………………………p.3 General Electric Health (History)..…………………………………………………………p.4 Theories Behind the GE Healthcare Move…………………………………………………p.4 International Product Lifecycle.…………………………………………………………....p.5 Comparative Advantage……………………………………………………………………p.6 Possible Pitfall of the Strategy……………………………………………………………..p.8 Solutions to Pitfalls…………………………………………………………………………p.9 HR Strategy in India………………………………………………………………………..p.9 HR Strategy in China……………………………………………………………………….p.10 Training Design (India,China)………………………………………………………………p.10 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..p.11 References………………………………………………………………..…………………p.12 Abstract Untapped markets are not always available, but are out there; the question is, how do you find those markets? How do you tap the untapped? How do you find untapped markets with the proliferation of growth in economies, societies and markets within a world that is becoming a market without defined borders? As companies continue to grow and trade also expands, it now is crucial that MNC’s looking to expand their business, look for growth in a global lens sense. In this essay, the discussion will be just that. How MNC’s can reach untapped markets and expand the growth of their business, most notably, General Electric Health. This has been made possible due to the continuous...
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...The Innovator in Healthcare Workforce Solutions ANNUAL REPORT I N N O V AT I O N I N H E A L T H C A R E W O R K F O R C E S O L U T I O N S Dear AMN Healthcare Shareholders, 2011 was a year of continued market recovery, solid execution, and evolution. Our clients’ desire for more workforce solutions and innovative service offerings, coupled with AMN’s leading position in this space, has more clearly differentiated our value proposition and put us at the forefront of growth and thought leadership. More than ever, we are leveraging our stronger talent, capabilities and infrastructure as a meaningful differentiator in the market, and have earned the privilege of serving the largest and most diverse group of clients and clinicians nationwide. A REVIEW OF 2011 growth in Travel Nursing, there were a number of other key highlights during 2011: • We expanded our national leadership position in clinical managed services programs by adding over 20 new MSP clients, representing an estimated $80 million in projected annualized gross spend under management. In 2011, our revenues through MSP contracts grew by 38% on a pro forma basis to $185 million, representing a third of our Nurse and Allied Healthcare Staffing business. Penetration of MSP revenues is primarily in Nurse Staffing at this time, and we believe over the next three years there will be a similar shift in the Allied Staffing and Locum Tenens businesses. AMN is well-positioned to capitalize on this continuing trend...
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...of the problems at the Managed Care Organization of America is that the healthcare professionals are put in a position where they are inhibited in their involvement over the communication and networking systems between the Nursing Administration, the head of each nursing unit or the RN or LVN in charge, and the certified nursing aids. This executive summary takes a brief look at designing and developing a contract process program that integrates cooperation and communication systems between the Nursing Administration, the head of each nursing unit or the RN or LVN in charge, and the certified nursing aids. Another challenge for the Managed Care Organization of America is the unclear policies in the Hospital Equipment Management Program. This executive summary offers a proposal whereby the healthcare professionals would develop and monitor a two-way communication channel and incorporate it into the Hospital Equipment Management Program, hold related workshops that can be attended by the Director of Hospital Operations and the division managers, build a cooperation team that unites operational goals and develop systems that evaluate whether these operational goals are being met and implemented with success. This executive summary also gives a brief overview of how leadership and management affects operational goals and networking when the VP Ancillary Services undermined the Director of Hospital Operations by interfering with the training and handling of compressed gas cylinders...
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... HCS/483 Medical Robots Healthcare, education and communications are ways that individuals can interact with computers, especially in healthcare areas. Computers and software are practically in every area of healthcare. An important role of computers is the increase of its capabilities, availabilities, and accuracies of information that is used in the support and development of our health care systems. Some remarkable changes have occurred in our health care systems due to computers. One such computer is a medical robot. To allow surgeons to have a better access to areas that are more precise and tedious, a medical robot can be used for these types of operations. Privacy risks With the use of medical robots, there are more chances of privacy risks. A health care robot will be monitoring a patient 24 hours a day, and all the information that is collected and stored can be at risk. The reason for privacy risks is that all information that is collected can or will be reported to other robots, human providers or health information technologies. Healthcare robots will have capabilities of connecting to other devices and this will mean the transference of personal data. Healthcare robots will have the need of being sure they are running and functioning properly and this can be an issue of privacy. When maintaining the operation of the healthcare robots they will have the need of technicians and data service providers. ...
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...Running head: ETHICAL MISCONDUCT AND HEALTHCARE FINANCE 1 IMPACTS OF ETHICAL MISCONDUCT AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS Richard Muabe Grand Canyon University: October 5, 2013 ETHICAL MISCONDUCT AND HEALTHCARE FINANCE IMPACTS OF ETHICAL MISCONDUCT AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS 2 Grave infringements of ethical demeanor by healthcare financial managers have made captions over the past few years. Heads of the academic community and financial healthcare industry mutually consider these defiance to represent the encouragement of the uncertain ethical environment of the 1980's, a collapse of inner and outside control, and a breakdown of individual personality on the part of a few personalities. Violations of ethics by financial managers of healthcare are dangerous, since they habitually stay obscured from view up to the time they explode into a complete flame of outrage, continuing to fume extensively after their detection, demanding a massive charge not only in dollars and cents but in respect and status. Throughout the past years there have been several situations of immense fraud concerning financial managers of healthcare, such that just in 1992, the breaches conveyed to Healthcare Financial Management Association(HFMA)'s Executive Committee were as follows: Two hospitals jointly condemned to prison an individual who was a vice president in one of these hospitals, and at the same time director of patient's accounts in the...
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...Solution | Healthcare Network Allied Telesis Healthcare Network Construction Guidebook Contents Healthcare Network Solution | Introduction Outline of a Healthcare Network Importance of the network Main requirements in designing a healthcare network Non-stop Network Network bandwidth and QoS (Quality of Service) Data capacity Network bandwidth and cost of LAN devices QoS (Quality of Service) Redundancy and proactive measures to overcome network failures Core switch redundancy Comparison of redundancy of communication Loop protection Secure and Reliable Network Security Importance of security: both physical and human factors Threats to network security Network authentication External network (Internet) connection Inter-regional cooperative healthcare network Effective use of Wireless LAN Security in Wireless LAN Install and operation of Wireless LAN Ease of Operation Critical issues for network operation SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Measures against system failures; device failures, incorrect wiring Use of SNMP IPv6 Network Configuration Example Network configuration for hospitals with fewer than 100 beds Network configuration for hospitals with more than 100 and fewer than 200 beds Network configuration for hospitals with more than 200 beds (i) Network configuration for hospitals with more than 200 beds (ii) 3 4 4 5 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 2 | Healthcare Network Solution Healthcare Network...
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...WEEK- 5 ASSIGNMENT HSM-541 HEALTH SERVICE SYSTEM AMERICAN HEALTH CARE ASSOCIATION: WORKFORCE By: Zainab Bohra KELLER MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Professor: Eric Oestmann Date of submission: 23 august 2015 Introduction The primary objective of AHA is promoting quality healthcare provision by all the medical institutions such as the hospitals, and it networks through the public policy system. It is made up of the professionals that provide information about the healthcare as well as an administration to health care providers and the public. It was founded in the year 1898 with the main offices in Chicago, Washington DC, and Illinois. Additionally, it provides the health care information and unrelated information to clinical treatments. However, it has been faced with critical issues throughout its operations in the health care sector in all the states (American Hospital Association, 1974). The key issues are limited service providers, price transparency, quality and safety of the patients, health care information technology, workforce, variations in the health care, working with the employees, teaching hospitals-medical education, emergency readiness, Ebola preparedness and post-acute care among other critical issues faced by American Hospital Association (Jonas, Goldsteen & Goldsteen, 2007). Workforce Over the operational...
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...Supply Chain Efficiency in the Healthcare industry Introduction Healthcare in US is a major area with the country spending almost 16% of its GNP on healthcare costs. The healthcare industry is expected to grow and consume a greater share in the next few years. Hospitals are complex organizations providing a multitude of services to patients, physicians, and staff. These services include dietary, linen, housekeeping, physical plant engineering, pharmacy, laboratory, inpatient treatment (nursing units), surgery, radiology, administration, and others. In the national debate over how to make U.S. healthcare more efficient, one promising area for reform is often overlooked: supplies. Whether the products are knee implants, pacemakers, or expensive medications, hospitals have long purchased whatever doctors desired with little discussion among the parties involved about cost. Healthcare supply chain system is an extremely complex “adsorption model” that moves products downstream with limited visibility into product demand at the point of use. The outcome of the current model results in products that can be out-of-stock as much as 15 percent of the time. The pressures on hospital supply chains are changing too. In the past, a hospital that managed its purchasing costs well could operate efficiently. Today, the cost of materials management can exceed 35% of a hospital's operating budget, with nearly 20-25% attributable to supply costs alone. Despite the supply chain representing...
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...Kinder International Healthcare Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. KIHC Service Provision in Management Consultancy NABH accreditation consultancy Develop SOPs, Policies, manuals etc. Organization assessment audit Business process re-engineering Operational and Retainer Management Consulting Hospital Setting up - Women and Children Care o Conceptualization o Designing and Implementation o Staff Recruitment o Commissioning Kinder IVF o Centre design and setting up o Kinder IVF Protocols o Staff Recruitment o Quality Management NABH accreditation consultancy We are continually seeking ways of improving our services to our valued customers in all business processes by expanding our overall service and now with the addition of “Quality Consultancy Service”. We guarantee quality assurance of an organization by ensuring that the structure, processes and outcomes of the organization are commensurate to the needs of the national and international accreditation norms. Our strength is systematic and working approach of which each steps is bounded by a predefined time scheduled time frame systematic working approach with high level of quality outcome. frame. As a result achievement of the accreditation within a guided by Page 1 of 4 To help the clients to achieve Quality Accreditations as a bi‐product of improvements in service quality, KIHC provide following scope of services: Perform initial Assessment of existing policies, standard operating procedures, processes and infrastructure...
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...RECOVERY ISN’T JUST A GOAL – IT’S OUR MISSION. KINDRED HEALTHCARE 2009 Annual Report Most Admired derimdA Healthcare Companies in the World, Fortune Magazine 2009 and 2010 tsoM FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) Year ended December 31, Operating results: Revenues Net income: Income from continuing operations Discontinued operations, net of income taxes: Income (loss) from operations Loss on divestiture of operations Net income Diluted earnings per common share: Income from continuing operations Discontinued operations: Income (loss) from operations Loss on divestiture of operations Net income 2009 2008 $4,270,007 $4,093,864 $62,612 $60,460 931 (23,432) $40,111 (3,399) (20,776) $36,285 $1.60 $1.54 0.02 (0.60) $1.02 (0.09) (0.53) $0.92 38,502 38,397 Cash flows from operations $233,720 $172,285 Financial position: Cash and cash equivalents Working capital Total assets Long-term debt Stockholders’ equity Dec. 31, 2009 $16,303 241,032 2,022,224 147,647 966,594 Diluted shares (000) Dec. 31, 2008 $140,795 403,917 2,181,761 349,433 914,975 ABOUT KINDRED HEALTHCARE Kindred Healthcare, Inc., a top-200 private employer in the United States, is a provider of diversified post-acute healthcare services based in Louisville, Kentucky with annual revenues of over $4 billion and approximately 54,100 employees in 41 states. At December...
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