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Oracle 10g Forms


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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques

Oracle Forms 10g release 2 : Demos, Tips and Techniques
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1. Introduction Here is a collection of Oracle Forms 10g sample dialogs extracted from a complete Oracle Forms tutorial. This tutorial has been written in French and it would be too time consuming to translate it all in English. This is the reason why I have only extracted and translated these sample dialogs. The purpose of this article is not to teach how to build a new form from scratch. It intends to show some of the main advanced features of the product. To clearly understand in details how these dialogs work, you will have to open them in the Forms Builder and examine them thoroughly. However, in this article, I am going to explain the best I can the most important mechanisms of each sample. These sample have been tested with an Oracle Forms 10g release on an Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release

2. Description of the sample dialogs

2.1 Main screen


This dialog is the entry point of the samples. Click on a button to start the corresponding dialog.

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques

2.2 Canvases


This sample shows three types of canvas : § § § The content canvas (light green) The stacked canvas (white) The tab canvas (dark green)

Stacked canvas A stacked canvas is displayed atop—or stacked on—the content canvas assigned to the current window. Stacked canvases obscure some part of the underlying content canvas, and often are shown and hidden programmatically. You can display more than one stacked canvas in a window at the same time A stacked canvas allows to scroll a big canvas in a delimited window. In this sample, the stacked canvas (CV_EMP_1) is twice bigger than its viewport. The <Down> button allows to move the stacked canvas programatically:
Set_View_Property('CV_EMP_1', VIEWPORT_Y_POS_ON_CANVAS, 140) ;

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques

Here are the properties of this stacked canvas: Viewport Viewport X position Viewport Y position Viewport Width Viewport Height

77 11 212 138

Physical Viewport X position on canvas 0 Viewport Y position on canvas 0 Width 212 Height 324

The second Stacked canvas (CV_EMP_3) demonstrates how to integrate in a Tab canvas:

2.3 Blocks 2.3.1 Block based on a complex view

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This sample show how you can base a block on a view that aggregate the columns of several tables (in this case, DEPT and EMP) and when you can insert, update and delete from the target tables from this view. The code that handles the target table is located in a program unit, called from the three block-level triggers: § § § ON-INSERT ON-UPDATE ON-LOCK

This is the code of the ins_upd_emp_dept procedure:
PROCEDURE ins_upd_emp_dept IS LN$Dummy PLS_INTEGER := 0 ; BEGIN -- Table DEPT -Begin Select 1 Into LN$Dummy From DUAL Where exists( select deptno from dept where deptno = :EMP_DEPT.DEPTNO ) ; -- Found -> update -Message('Update DEPT table'); UPDATE DEPT SET DNAME = :EMP_DEPT.DNAME WHERE DEPTNO = :EMP_DEPT.DEPTNO ; Exception When no_data_found Then -- Not found -> insert -Message('Insert into DEPT table'); INSERT INTO DEPT ( DEPTNO, DNAME ) VALUES ( :EMP_DEPT.DEPTNO, :EMP_DEPT.DNAME ) ;

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End ; -- Table EMP -Begin Select 1 Into LN$Dummy From DUAL Where exists( select empno from emp where empno = :EMP_DEPT.EMPNO ) ; -- Found -> update -Message('Update EMP table'); UPDATE EMP SET ENAME = :EMP_DEPT.ENAME WHERE EMPNO = :EMP_DEPT.EMPNO ; Exception When no_data_found Then -- Not found -> insert -Message('Insert into EMP table'); INSERT INTO EMP ( EMPNO, ENAME ) VALUES ( :EMP_DEPT.EMPNO, :EMP_DEPT.ENAME ) ; End ; END;

2.3.2 Block based on stored procedures


This sample demonstrates how a block can be based on stored procedures. This feature can be implemented in two ways:

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§ §


In addition to that, there are also two different locations where to implement this functionality: § § The ON-xxx triggers The transactionnal triggers

In this sample, the top block uses a REF CURSOR with the ON-xxx triggers The bottom block uses a collection with the standard transactionnal triggers. The stored procedures are located in the PKG_EMP package shipped with the scripts. Block1 (EMP), REF CURSOR and ON-xxx triggers

The Query Data Source Type is set to Procedure and the Query Data Source Name indicates the name of the query procedure. The insert, update, delete and lock orders are managed in the corresponding On-xxx triggers: Example of ON-INSERT trigger:
DECLARE LR$Emp emp_pkg.emp_rec; BEGIN LR$Emp.empno LR$Emp.ename LR$Emp.job LR$Emp.sal LR$Emp.comm := := := := := :emp.empno; :emp.ename; :emp.job; :emp.sal; :emp.comm;

emp_pkg.emp_insert( LR$Emp ); END;

The variable used as parameter is of type of emp_pkg.emp_rec
TYPE emp_rec IS RECORD( empno emp.empno%TYPE, ename emp.ename%TYPE, job emp.job%TYPE, sal emp.sal%TYPE, comm emp.comm%TYPE);

Then the emp_pkg.emp_insert() stored procedure:
------------- Insert ------------PROCEDURE emp_insert(r IN emp_rec) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, job, sal, comm) VALUES(r.empno, r.ename, r.job, r.sal, r.comm); END emp_insert;

Block2 (EMP_TRG), Collection and transactionnal triggers file:///D|/Cours/tuto_forms/paper/PDFtutoforms10g.htm (6 sur 24)29/05/2006 23:09:57

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This block uses a collection of records with the emp.pkg.emp_query procedure.
TYPE emptab IS TABLE OF emp_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; PROCEDURE emp_query(emp_data IN OUT emptab) IS ii NUMBER; CURSOR empselect IS SELECT empno, ename, job, sal, comm FROM emp ORDER BY ename ; BEGIN OPEN empselect; ii := 1; LOOP FETCH empselect INTO emp_data( ii ).empno, emp_data( ii ).ename, emp_data( ii ).job, emp_data( ii ).sal, emp_data( ii ).comm; EXIT WHEN empselect%NOTFOUND; ii := ii + 1; END LOOP; END emp_query;

The collection of records is an IN OUT parameter, read from the database and returned to Forms. The insert, update,delete and lock orders are also managed by stored procedures. (see them in detail in the EMP_PKG package)

Have also a look at the Query Data Source Column property that manages the relation between the columns of the collection and the items of the block.

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2.3.3 Block based on a relational table that contains a collection


In this dialog, we can see how to handle a table that contains a nested table (collection). There is no standard buit-in to base a block on a collection, but we will see how easy it is to work with this sort of object via the ON-xxx triggers. Here is the description of the table (ARTICLES)

TAB_TYP_CASE is a table of objects of type : TYP_CASE create or replace TYPE TYP_CASE AS OBJECT file:///D|/Cours/tuto_forms/paper/PDFtutoforms10g.htm (8 sur 24)29/05/2006 23:09:57

Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques


In this sample, the first block (ARTICLES) displays the standard columns of the ARTICLE table and the second block (detail) displays the columns of its nested table. Populate the detail block (nested table) The detail block (CASES) is dynamically populated each time a master record change in a When-New-Record-Instance of the master block:
Declare LC$Req Varchar2(256) ; Begin If :ARTICLES.CODE Is not null Then -- Dynamic query of secondary block -LC$Req := '(SELECT cases.EMP, cases.QTE FROM TABLE ( SELECT cases FROM articles WHERE code = ''' || :ARTICLES.CODE || ''') cases)' ; Go_Block('CASES' ); Clear_Block ; Set_Block_Property( 'CASES', QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME, LC$Req ) ; -- populate the block -Execute_Query ; Go_Block('ARTICLES') ; Else Go_Block('CASES' ); Clear_Block ; Go_Block('ARTICLES') ; End if ; End ;

Because it is not possible to create a new article with a NULL collection, we have to handle the insertion into the ARTICLE table in a ON-INSERT trigger:
--------------------------------------------------------------- we are doing an explicit insert because the new record --- cannot contain a NULL collection --------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO ARTICLES ( CODE, LIBELLE, PRIX, QTETOT, CASES ) VALUES ( :ARTICLES.CODE, :ARTICLES.LIBELLE, :ARTICLES.PRIX, :ARTICLES.QTETOT, TAB_TYP_CASE() -- insert an empty collection ) ;

Indeed, if we insert a NULL collection, it will be no longer possible to insert anything in the nested table. Then after, it is easy to manage the detail records with the ON-xxx triggers of the CASES block: ON-INSERT:
-- Insert the row in the collection -INSERT INTO TABLE ( SELECT cases FROM articles

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-- Delete row in the collection -DELETE FROM TABLE ( SELECT cases FROM articles WHERE code = :ARTICLES.CODE ) cases WHERE cases.emp = :CASES.EMP ;


2.3.4 Block based on multiple data sources


I this sample dialog, we can see how to base a block on several tables that share an identical structure. (see the JANVIER, FEVRIER and MARS tables created by the install.sql script) The list item is populated with the name of three tables that share the same structure:

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques

Then, the source table of the block is changed dynamically in the When-List-Changed trigger:
If :CTRL.CHOIX is not null Then :global.choix := :ctrl.choix ; clear_form ; :ctrl.choix := :global.choix ; -- change the Query Data Source -Set_Block_Property('TEST2', QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME, :global.CHOIX ); go_block('TEST2'); execute_query; End if ;

2.3.5 Block based on an object table that contains a collection of references

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Let’s see how to manage an object table that contains a collection of references. This sample is based on the object table (ARTICLE_OBJ) that contains a collection of references: create or replace TYPE REF_TYP_EMP AS OBJECT ( ref_emp REF TYP_EMP ) create or replace TYPE TAB_REF_TYP_EMP AS TABLE OF REF_TYP_EMP create or replace TYPE TYP_ARTICLES AS OBJECT ( CODE VARCHAR2 (20), LIBELLE VARCHAR2 (100), PRIX NUMBER (8,2), QTETOT NUMBER (8), REMP TAB_REF_TYP_EMP -- collection ) CREATE TABLE ARTICLES_OBJ OF TYP_ARTICLES NESTED TABLE REMP STORE AS REMP_NT RETURN AS VALUE;

The tip is the same that the one used to manage the relational table with nested table: - A when-New-Record-Instance trigger on the master block to populate the detail block (the collection of references):
Declare LC$Req Varchar2(256) ; Begin If :ARTICLES.CODE Is not null Then -- Dynamic query of secondary block -LC$Req := '(SELECT emp.ref_emp.emp EMP, emp.ref_emp.qte QTE FROM TABLE( SELECT REMP FROM articles_obj WHERE CODE = ''' || :ARTICLES.CODE || ''') emp WHERE = ''' || :ARTICLES.CODE || ''')' ; Go_Block('CASES' ); Clear_Block ; -- change the Query Data Source Name -Set_Block_Property( 'CASES', QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME, LC$Req ) ; -- populate the block -Execute_Query ; Go_Block('ARTICLES') ; Else Go_Block('CASES' ); Clear_Block ; Go_Block('ARTICLES') ; End if ; End ;

- An ON-INSERT trigger to insert a new record with an empty collection:
-------------------------------------------------------- We are doing an implicit insert because the new --- record cannot contain a NULL collection -------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO ARTICLES_OBJ VALUES ( TYP_ARTICLES ( :ARTICLES.CODE, :ARTICLES.LIBELLE, :ARTICLES.PRIX, :ARTICLES.QTETOT, TAB_REF_TYP_EMP() )

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques

) ;

The collection of references is managed with the corresponding ON-xxx trigger of the detail block: ON-INSERT:
-- Insert a row (REF) in the collection -Declare LC$Req Varchar2(256) ; Begin LC$Req := 'INSERT INTO TABLE ( SELECT remp FROM ARTICLES_OBJ WHERE code = ''' || :ARTICLES.CODE || ''') VALUES ( REF_TYP_EMP ( (SELECT REF(a) FROM EMP_OBJ a WHERE a.ART = ''' || :ARTICLES.CODE || ''' AND a.EMP = ''' || :CASES.EMP || ''') ) )' ; Forms_Ddl( LC$Req ) ; End ;

-- Delete the row (REF) of the collection -DELETE FROM TABLE ( SELECT remp FROM ARTICLES_OBJ WHERE code = :ARTICLES.CODE ) emp WHERE = :ARTICLES.CODE And emp.ref_emp.emp = :CASES.EMP ;

2.4 Items

2.4.1 Principal items

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Here is a description of the main items. Click everywhere on each item to see some information messages and some particular behaviours.

2.4.2 List items


Let’s study and handle the three sorts of list item and also the different ways to populate them. In this sample, the three list items are synchronized. Change the value of the first list and it will adapt the content of the second then the content of the third. For each new list value, the corresponding value and label are displayed. a) The first list item is populated with the RG_MOIS record group:
-- List 1 -errcode := Populate_Group( 'RG_MOIS' ); CLEAR_LIST('BLOC2.LISTE1'); POPULATE_LIST('BLOC2.LISTE1', 'RG_MOIS' ); -- Select the first value -:BLOC2.LISTE1 := Get_List_Element_Value('BLOC2.LISTE1', 1 ) ;

b) Then init the second list item
-- Update the weeks list -errcode := Populate_Group( 'RG_SEMAINES' ); CLEAR_LIST('BLOC2.LISTE2'); POPULATE_LIST('BLOC2.LISTE2', 'RG_SEMAINES' ); -- Select the first value -:BLOC2.LISTE2 := Get_List_Element_Value('BLOC2.LISTE2', 1 ) ;

c) That finally init the third list item:
PROCEDURE Init_Liste3 IS LC$D Varchar2(12) ; LC$Day Varchar2(20) ; BEGIN

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques

-- Update the days list -LC$D := '01/01/2005' ; Clear_List( 'BLOC2.LISTE3' ); For i IN 0..6 Loop SELECT to_char( To_date(LC$D, 'DD/MM/YYYY' ) + (i + ((To_number(:BLOC2.LISTE2)-1) * 7)), 'FMDay DD Month' ) Into LC$Day FROM dual ; Add_List_Element('BLOC2.LISTE3', i + 1, LC$Day, LC$Day ) ; End loop ; -- Select the first value -:BLOC2.LISTE3 := Get_List_Element_Value('BLOC2.LISTE3', 1 ) ; Exception When Others then Null ; END;

2.4.3 Image items


This dialog is the main part of the ensemble that allows to search, attach and display images. You can build a photo album based on a one image’s column table.

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques


It shows two ways to search a filename on the local machine with and without Webutil.

By clicking on a picture, you can navigate on another canvas to display the detail of the picture:

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques


The get_file_name sample dialog is only a “pure exercice of style” , because it is so easy to pick-up a file with the File_Open_Dialog() Webutil function. This sample is interesting to see how to use the HOST() and TEXT_IO() functions to get the list of the local machine drives and their content.

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques


Another dialog to store the picture and its properties.

2.4.4 Java Bean component

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques


Here is a sample to demonstrate how to handle a bean area. This dialog use the Oracle FormsGraph Java Bean that is part of the Oracle Forms demos. You can download the FormsGraph.jar file on the OTN page

2.4.5 Calculated items

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Let’s see how to use the calculated items. The first calculated item use the Summary calculation mode:

The third one use a Formula calculation mode

2.5 Alerts

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Oracle Forms 10g : Demos, Tips and Techniques


This dialog shows how to use the Alert boxes to build the messaging engine of your Forms application. The message texts are read from the database then displayed via Alert boxes. To reduce the number of messages needed in the application, some of them can take from 1 up to 3 parmeters (%1, %2 and %3). A pipe (|) character allows to split the message on several lines. The main block is based on the MESSAGES table.


unique identifiant text of the message title of the alert Shall we stop the process ? (raise

-- name of the alert box

This sample use the Affiche_Message() procedure of the TUTO_FORMS pl/sql library to display the messages. These messages can be displayed through the 3 alert boxes available in every dialog of this demo. § § § AL_ERREUR wich is the simple “OK” alert box. AL_MSG_OUI_NON wich is a yes/no alert box (default yes) AL_MSG_NON_OUI wich is a yes/no alert box (default no)

2.6 Property classes and visual attributes

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Let’s see some ways to use the property classes and the visual attributes to colorize and highlight dynamically different objects of the form (alert, item, current record, etc.). Property classes and visual attributes are located in the OBJ_TUTO_FORMS.olb object library. 2.7 Forms internal triggering events

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This dialog allows you to understand what trigger fire and in what order when you use the application. Before each particular action, you can clear the list of triggers window. This window show you what trigger is firing in what order and from what block and what item.

3. Installation steps This sample dialog need database objects to run. All the necessary objects are provided in the file shipped with the article.

This zip file contains 2 sub directories: /config that contains the configuration files. /scripts that contains the Sql script files to create the database objects.

§ § §

Download the file Unzip the file under your <DEVSUITE_HOME>/forms/ directory. Create a new user in your database

§ With Sql*plus or SqlDeveloper, run the /scripts/install.sql script note : because this demo use the Webutil functions, the Oracle user where you have created these objects must have the WEBUTIL_DB package compiled or a grant EXECUTE to this package if it is present in another schema. Under the /tutoforms/ directory compile all the source modules § You can use the compile_all.bat file located in the same directory to compile all objects at once. e.g. compile_all user/password@instance § Edit the /tutoforms/config/tutforms10g.env file to indicate your own settings (in blue in this example)

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#oracle home adapt this value to your own setting ORACLE_HOME=D:\Dev10gR2 FORMS_PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\forms\tutoforms ORACLE_PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\forms\tutoforms FORMS_TRACE_PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\forms\tutoforms CLASSPATH=D:\Dev10gR2\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jlib\debugger.jar;%ORACLE_HOME% \forms\tutoforms\FormsGraph.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\forms\tutoforms\myIcons.jar; # webutil config file path WEBUTIL_CONFIG=D:\Dev10gR2\forms\server\webutil.cfg § Edit the /tutoforms/config/ add_to_formsweb.cfg file to set your own database connect string (in blue in this example) ... lookAndFeel=Oracle colorScheme=blaf logo=no #don't forget to put your own database connexion userid=tutoforms10g/tutoforms10g@XE § § Copy the /tutoforms/config/tutforms10g.env to the /forms/server directory add the /tutoforms/config/ add_to_formsweb.cfg at the end of your /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file


Then, you can start the demo by indicating the new [tutoforms10g] formsweb.cfg section.


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...TERM PAPER ON Information System of Standard Bank Limited [pic] Submitted To: Dr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain Professor Department of Management University of Dhaka Submitted By: Sabbir Ahmed 3-11-21-065 Department of Management University of Dhaka Date of Submission 09.11.2014 Preface Theoretical knowledge, what we learn through our academic activities, is not sufficient to prepare ourselves for the life battle. Academic knowing is needed to be backed up by practical experience. In business studies, besides their usual theoretical course works, students are required to fulfill some practical assignments which are set by the course teachers to examine the depth of knowledge learned by the students. Most of the time, the students are required to study a practical working environment of any organization or industry to critically examine ‘what is actually going on’ in the real world.    This document is prepared as a result of an assignment set by the honorable course teacher of the course “Fundamental of MIS”. .My duty was to describe “Information System of My Organization.” and report what I found. This is how this assignment paper titled “Information System of Standard Bank Limited.” was emerged. I believe this paper is a reflection of accumulation of my effort, learning and dedication. Letter of Transmittal November 8, 2014 Dr. Mosharraf Hossain Professor MBA (Evening) Program Department...

Words: 1837 - Pages: 8

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Upgrade of Oracle Business Intelligence Edition Enterprise (Obiee 10g) Reporting Tool to Obiee 11g

...Upgrade of Oracle Business Intelligence Edition Enterprise (OBIEE 10G) Reporting Tool to OBIEE 11G at Econet Wireless (PVT) LTD Paddy Mutimusakwa Managerial Applications of Information Technology DeVry University - Keller Graduate School of Management February, 2015 Table of Contents Abstract 3 Brief Company background 4 Discussion of business problem(s) 5 Business/Technical Approach 6 Benefits of solving the problem 7 Business process changes 8 Technology or business practices used to augment the solution 8 - 9 High-level implementation plan 9-10 Conclusions and overall recommendations 11 References 12 Abstract With technology changing so rapidly, it is important that companies stay abreast of these changes to remain competitive. Econet Wireless, with its global presence cannot afford to ignore this fact hence the need for an upgrade to its current systems. With the utilization of the older version of OBIEE, Econet is not able to process most of its requests thereby affecting overall business performance and productivity. It is with this realization that an upgrade be done on the current software to satisfy company needs. Econet has been using OBIEE 10G as its reporting tool since the company started operating...

Words: 2308 - Pages: 10

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Benefits of a Database and Information-Gathering Techniques

...Brian Morgan James.Neiman CIS 111 Benefits of a Database and Information-Gathering Techniques April 28, 2012 Benefits of a Database and Information-Gathering Techniques Database: Database is the collection of data or information, so that it can be easily fetched, managed and update. In database data or information is stored in the forms of tables. Each table in a database has it unique name and table duplication is not allowed. Example of database: Oracle 10g, MySQL, SQL Server, IBM DB2 etc. DBMS terms refer to the database management system. A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of software application package with some computer programs that are used to store, create, fetch, modify and extract the information from the database. Each DBMS system has some set of rules and pre-defined paradigm on which each database is working. There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes or Solaris servers. Some of the example of DBMS is 1.> Air lines flight management system. 2.> Employee’s payroll management system for an organization. 3.> Inventory management system for warehouse operations. 4.> Student management system for Schools and Colleges. Advantages of DBMS 1.> It reduces the data redundancy (duplicate data in the database). 2.> Scalable: DBMS systems are highly scalable i.e. these systems can be scaled to store more data as required in...

Words: 777 - Pages: 4

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...Oracle DBA Interview Questions and Answers Compiled By Mohamed Fowjil Abdul Hameed Contents Oracle DBA Interviews - Overview 2 Oracle DBA Interview Questions and Answers – ARCHITECTURE 4 SENIOR ORACLE DBA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 31 MID LEVEL ORACLE DBA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 57 Oracle 11g Database New Features Interview Questions and Answers 65 Oracle RAC Interview Questions and Answers 70 Oracle RAC Interview Questions (10g) Questions and Answers 137 Oracle Data Guard Interview Questions and Answers 168 Oracle ASM Interview Questions and Answers 205 Oracle Patching,Cloning and Upgrade Interview Questions and Answers 219 Oracle Backup and Recovery Interview Questions and Answers 228 Oracle RMAN Interview Questions and Answers 232 Oracle Performance Tuning Interview Questions and Answers 237 Oracle Performance Tuning Interview Questions and Answers 245 Oracle Export/Import (exp/imp)- Data Pump (expdp/imp) Interview Questions and Answers 249 UNIX Interview Questions and Answers for Oracle DBAs 254 Oracle DBA Interviews - Overview Dear Readers, Hereby, I am sharing my experience of interviews asd technical discussion with various MNC Dba’s, Project managers and Project delivery managers and Technical architects, as part of my interview preparation, I used to refer my own work note as well as web sources below details are a consolidate form of my interview preparation and Oracle dba interviews questions and answers General Guide line:...

Words: 97621 - Pages: 391

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Oracle Rac

...A white paper prepared with Oracle and IBM technical collaboration March 2010 Oracle Real Application Clusters on IBM AIX Best practices in memory tuning and configuring for system stability Oracle White Paper — Oracle Real Application Clusters on IBM AIX - Best practices for system stability Executive Overview ........................................................................... 2 Introduction ....................................................................................... 2 Problem validation ......................................................................... 3 Examining the AIX Error Logging................................................... 3 Examining the Oracle oprocd logging ............................................ 4 Recommendations for system stability............................................... 5 1. Implement AIX tuning recommendations for Oracle ................... 5 2. Modify Oracle ‘diagwait’ parameter............................................ 6 3. Install the required updates and patches ................................... 8 4. Reduce heavy paging activity. ................................................. 11 Appendix A: Oprocd logging examples ............................................ 14 Clean oprocd log files .................................................................. 14 Oprocd log files showing scheduling delays................................. 14 Oprocd log files after a node reboot or CRS restart .................

Words: 4075 - Pages: 17

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...Database: Database is the collection of data or information, so that it can be easily fetched, managed and update. In database data or information is stored in the forms of tables. Each table in a database has it unique name and table duplication is not allowed. Example of database: Oracle 10g, MySQL, SQL Server, IBM DB2 etc. DBMS terms refer to the database management system. A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of software application package with some computer programs that are used to store, create, fetch, modify and extract the information from the database. Each DBMS system has some set of rules and pre-defined paradigm on which each database is working. There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes or Solaris servers. Some of the example of DBMS is 1.> Air lines flight management system. 2.> Employee’s payroll management system for an organization. 3.> Inventory management system for warehouse operations. 4.> Student management system for Schools and Colleges. Advantages of DBMS 1.> It reduces the data redundancy (duplicate data in the database). 2.> Scalable: DBMS systems are highly scalable i.e. these systems can be scaled to store more data as required in the future. 3.> Multiple accesses: Database software allows data to be accessed by multiple users simultaneously without causing any locks in the database. 4.> Security: In...

Words: 290 - Pages: 2

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Data Quality Requiremetns

...A framework to implement Data Cleaning in Enterprise Data Warehouse for Robust Data Quality Kamran Ali Mubeen Ahmed Warraich Department of Computer Sciences Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Islamabad, Pakistan. Department of Computer Sciences Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology Islamabad, Pakistan. Abstract— every day, every hour, every minute, every second trillion of bytes of data is being generated by enterprises especially in telecom sector. To achieve level best decisions for business profits, access to that data in a well-situated and interactive way is always a dream of business executives and managers. Data warehouse is the only viable solution that can bring that dream into a reality. The enhancement of future endeavors to make decisions depends on the availability of correct information that based on quality of data underlying. The quality data can only be produced by cleaning data prior to loading into data warehouse. So correctness of data is essential for well-informed and reliable decision making. The framework proposed in this paper implements robust data quality to ensure consistent and correct loading of data into data warehouse that necessary to disciplined, accurate and reliable data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery. Significant amounts of time and money are consequently spent on data cleaning, the...

Words: 3437 - Pages: 14

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Bussines Inteligence Data Mining

...BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DATA MINING Business intelligence is a computerized technique used is searching, storing and analyzing useful business information ( Business intelligence is an increasing strategy employed by many modern ventures, in the attempt to providing quick access to information and helps the business in making appropriate decisions. Holistic information on ones business environment is an important tool, since it does not only shows your past trend, but also prepares the firm for the future improvements. This sets a challenge in establishing the methods to source for the information, and how to use this information to improve a business position . Data mining is the sourcing of any hidden and predictive business information from a relevant database. It involves a thorough analysis of data gained from various sources, manipulating it into useful tool - a tool that leads to raising business revenue, saving on the running costs or both ( Data mining tool incorporates analytical tools that helps build a useful predictive relationship. Data mining tools helps get answers as it scrutinizes data from different perspective to a precision, than any expert could do. Interplay of data mining process with software and hardware utilities is a big step in data analysis. The integration of artificial intelligence and databases heightens the data-mining goal as the information is translated...

Words: 1904 - Pages: 8

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Assignment 1

...Database: Database is the collection of data or information, so that it can be easily fetched, managed and update. In database data or information is stored in the forms of tables. Each table in a database has it unique name and table duplication is not allowed. Example of database: Oracle 10g, MySQL, SQL Server, IBM DB2 etc. DBMS terms refer to the database management system. A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of software application package with some computer programs that are used to store, create, fetch, modify and extract the information from the database. Each DBMS system has some set of rules and pre-defined paradigm on which each database is working. There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes or Solaris servers. Some of the example of DBMS is 1.> Air lines flight management system. 2.> Employee’s payroll management system for an organization. 3.> Inventory management system for warehouse operations. 4.> Student management system for Schools and Colleges. Advantages of DBMS 1.> It reduces the data redundancy (duplicate data in the database). 2.> Scalable: DBMS systems are highly scalable i.e. these systems can be scaled to store more data as required in the future. 3.> Multiple accesses: Database software allows data to be accessed by multiple users simultaneously without causing any locks in the database. 4.> Security: In...

Words: 290 - Pages: 2

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...DSS 630 Database Management Systems Theory and Practice COURSE EXPECTATION FORM Course Description: The implementation of technology such as bar codes and scanners enable organizations to accumulate large volumes of data. Further, as the technology to collect data gets cheaper and more simplified, business organizations gather and process a huge amount of data and information. Thus, data management has become a key function for many organizations. Managers need high-quality information to manage change in a turbulent, global environment. Business organizations use information systems to store and retrieve data, the raw material in knowledge-based economies. This repository of data is organizational memory. Databases are an important component of the organizational memory. Thus, information systems professionals should develop a comprehensive understanding of data management principles to fully utilize the organizational role of information technology. This course provides core skills of data management for the relational database management systems. This course will review the theoretical concepts and applications of a modern relational database management system. In addition to a basic theoretical presentation of the database design concepts, students will be required to design and develop a database application using a modern fourth generation language system. This course teaches students data modeling and design...

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