...entThe Change Management Life Cycle: How to Involve Your People to Ensure Success at Every Stage +1 (703) 558-4445 • (877) 766-3337 An ESI International White Paper www.esi-intl.com Table of Contents Abstract .................................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4 Why Change?......................................................................................................................... 5 The Elements of Change ..................................................................................................... 5 The Change Management Life Cycle ............................................................................... 7 Phase 1: Identify the Change ............................................................................................. 8 Phase 2: Engage the People .............................................................................................10 Phase 3: Implement the Change ..................................................................................... 12 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................14 References ......................................................................................................................
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...LEADING ORGANISATION CHANGE 1.0 Introduction Organisations can consider as dynamic and complex social systems where changes need to be done as whole within the organisation system. Today, OD is counted on to improve organisations that are operating in a quite different environment than that of the 1960s. The nature and forms of organisations are changing dramatically. The field of organization development requires its own evolution to accommodate the evolution of organisations. 2.0 The Philosophy of Change Management In order to understand change management we need to look it as strategy and strategic management. According to Viljoen (1994) defines strategic management as “the process of identifying, choosing and implementing activities that will enhance the long term performance of an organisation by setting direction and by creating ongoing compatibility between the internal skills and resources of the organisation, and the changing external environment within which it operates. Change Management is the process of aligning an organisation‟s people, processes, and culture with changes in business strategy, structure and systems. It can be reactive or proactive and strategic or operational in nature. “Organization Development is the attempt to influence the members of an organisation to expand their candidness with each other about their view of the organisation and their experience in it, and to take greater responsibility for their own actions as organisation members...
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...Organisational Change Management Name Institution Course Date Organisational Change Management Introduction Currently, the economic pressures and changing political priorities allow the need for organisational change in the public and private bodies (Bauer, 2008). However, carrying out changes in an organisation is a complex process that can lead to negative and positive outcomes, thus it is important to concentrate on accessible evidence that would make the process effective and efficient. Change is considered a multi-level phenomenon. There is a gap on the literature regarding to management change in administration perceptive. Management literatures provide a number of cases of sectorial and organisational in the public sector (Sminia and Van, 2006). This indicates the relevance of exploring a number of literatures to determine the nature and range of evidence that is based on the change within public sector. This paper establishes an exclusive literature review that will provide evidence related to organisational management change (Fernandez and Rainey, 2006). This paper will explore some examples of organisational change, factors that leads to resistance to change before looking at the psychological contract concept of change. The paper will also set out research on sustainability of change and psychological change theories before concluding by exploring a number of literatures to determine in detail information on management change. Due to the technological development...
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...| Organisational Change and Development | | [Type the company name] Date 19/03/13Word count 2874 | | | Contents: Page 2: Introduction Page 3: Situation Problem Solution Consequence Page 4 Change Initiatives (The What) Pages 5 Revenue and Cost initiatives (The How) Cost controlling Page 6 Change Matrix Page 7 Strike Initial change reaction Page 8 TABLE 3: New Recommended changes. Page 9 Recommendations based on failed changes in Table 2: Change Model: Page 10 GSRTC and Kotter Page 11 Managing future change at GSRTC. Recommendations Page 12 Steps to Change: Page 13 Conclusion Page 14 References Introduction: This paper will reflect on the number of changes that Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation went through in response to two events, (1) Government of Gujarat to allowing competition (2) Paying back several years of unpaid wages to employees. These events would cripple Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation if it was not for dynamic changes. The changes that took place after these events proved to be unwelcomed by the employees resulting in a strike, again, impacting Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation. By reviewing this case and analysing change modelling literature, this paper discusses the implementation of Kotter’s eight step change model to assist in the success of managing change. In addition to Kotter’s linear model, Senge’s fifth discipline is suggested to assist build the foundations...
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...The awareness of managing changes within an organisation has been aroused recent years. A good change implementation includes a process of planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling the compositions of the environment, internal and external; to ensure that the process changes are implemented according to approved plans and the overall objectives of introducing the changes are achieved with as little disruption as possible. In this essay, British traditional brand Burberry and well-known bargain clothing retailer Primark are the objectives. The triggers of their changes, means they used to change, how their employees reacted, and suggestions about how can the managers implement changes more effectively will be discussed. There is a common triggers for them to change which will be discussed first. For both of them, they are facing the problems of increasing costs. Burberry use to manufacture products in Britain, but along with the higher costs and the boosting demand in China, Burberry was planning to move the factory to China and so they can produce goods at a much lower cost. In 2007, Burberry decided to close down the factory in South Wales which leaded to over 300 job losses. The employees reacted fiercely, there was high-profile protest and they arouse the awareness from the English society saying 'Keep Burberry British'. The management tried comfort the employees, Burberry's chief financial officer Stacey Carwright said, "The most important thing now is to look...
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...ORGANISATION CHANGE AND LEADERSHIP 1 Fullstream Transformation Model UPSTREAM CHANGE (Setting the Foundations for Success) DOWNSTREAM MIDSTREAM CHANGE CHANGE (Implementation) (Design) 2 The Change Leader’s Roadmap Hear the Wake-up Call TM I. Prepare to Lead the Change IX. Learn and Course Correct II. Create Organizational Vision, Commitment, and Capability VIII. Celebrate and Integrate the New State III. Assess the Situation to Determine Design Requirements VII. Implement the Change IV. Design the Desired State VI. Plan and Organize for Implementation V. Analyze the Impacts 3 The Change Leader’s Roadmap as a Fullstream Process TM 4 The Change Leader’s Roadmap Hear the Wake-up Call I. Prepare to Lead the Change TM IX. Learn and Course Correct II. Create Organizational Vision, Commitment, and Capability VIII. Celebrate and Integrate the New State III. Assess the Situation to Determine Design Requirements VII. Implement the Change IV. Design the Desired State VI. Plan and Organize for Implementation V. Analyze the Impacts 5 UPSTREAM CHANGE Phase I: Prepare to Lead the Change Phase II: Create Organizational Vision, Commitment, and Capability Phase III: Assess the Situation to Determine Design Requirements 6 PHASE I: PREPARE TO LEAD THE CHANGE CHAPTER 1 START UP, STAFF, AND CREATE YOUR CASE FOR CHANGE 7 Organisation Change • It happens when a group of people recognizes...
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...the impact of change within my organisation. The assignment will include information on why there is a need for change, how change effects organisations, the behavioural responses to change and the support that Human Resources (HR) can provide during these changes. 3G is a communications company focused on bringing the benefits of the internet to the mobile telephone. The 3G network is built for data and future-proofed for 4G technologies. The organisation has invested billions of pounds developing and expanding the network which means 3G can connect more people to the internet in more places, whilst increasing the capacity to meet the ever-growing demand for data. The main customers are consumer based, with over 90% of them choosing smartphones, were they are increasingly opting for all-you-can-eat data plans. These plans give the customers the freedom to get the most out of their smartphone, without fear of how much it will cost. 3G aim to be here to help customers discover all the benefits of the mobile internet. They do this by having a network designed for data, and by inspiring people to explore new things, 3G aim to take away any barriers that prevent the customers embracing it. The organisation has also worked hard to make it easier for customers to manage their accounts and their interactions with 3G, by providing unique services that are made possible by the network and the mobile internet access it provides. 3G strives to challenge and change the mobile industry...
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...difficulties needed to change in Suffolk County Council. Nowadays, according to Doyle (2011), the competitive imperatives of market forces as well as the demands of customer have created the organizations that are less hierarchical as well as more flexible. During the change operation having the trend of paradigm shift, it is essential to make the relationship between management and leadership clear. As said by Caldwell (2003), executives as well as high level senior managers of the organisation are considered as change leaders. They are the people who imagines, initiate as well as funding for extensive strategic change or making the employees believe and empower them to operate. On the other hand, the middle level managers as well as functional experts are usually regarded as change managers because they perform the transition and build the assistance for change in the units of business as well as important functions. According to Kotter (1997), these two roles all have change to succeed in changing in spite of the difference between us because it requires a process having the leadership as well as assistance of management. The management plays an important role in supporting the change process to make it succeed, but in this essay, it is only concentrated on the role of leadership in an organization. In order to do this target, it is necessary to rely on eight general lessons of John Kotter advanced in his eight-step model saying that the most important of a planned change as well as the...
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...Mémoire à la Commission Bouchard-Taylor Guy Durand septembre 2007 Identité québécoise et accommodements raisonnables RÉSUMÉ (2 pages) L'histoire, la culture et l'identité du Québec sont marquées, non seulement par la langue française, mais aussi par la tradition et la culture chrétiennes. Le respect et la promotion de cette identité remet en cause la pratique actuelle des "accommodements raisonnables". Cette thèse repose sur l'analyse de trois notions: la laïcité, l'intégration citoyenne et les droits de la personne. I - La culture et l'identité du Québec La notion de culture et d'identité Au sens social, par opposition à la culture personnelle (humaniste ou/et scientifique), la culture est cet ensemble de valeurs, de normes, de symboles, d'institutions et d'artéfacts qui caractérisent un groupe ou un peuple. Elle comprend donc de multiples aspects qu'il est opportun de détailler: langue, institutions, valeurs, paysage architectural, paysage artistique, toponymie, rythme du temps. La culture chrétienne Au Québec, cette culture et cette identité ont été forgées et restent largement marquées par la tradition judéo-chrétienne. Le fait est indéniable, en dépit des critiques que l'on peut faire à l'Église catholique. Les valeurs chrétiennes (ou les valeurs développées par le christianisme) sont devenues les valeurs communes dont on a oublié l'origine. C'est dire que tous les aspects de la culture, signalés précédemment, en portent la marque. L'ouverture au monde n'amoindrit...
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...BONJOUR TRISTESSE – Une Version Le roman ‘Bonjour Tristesse’, écrit par Françoise Sagan quand elle était elle-même adolescente, a lieu pendant les années cinquante. L’action de l’histoire se déroule dans le sud de la France à la côte méditerrannéenne, en été, quand il fait vraiment chaud tous les jours. En fait la chaleur joue un rôle important dans l’histoire, d’une part érotique quand les personnages s’abandonnent aux plaisirs de l’amour, et d’autre part pour peut-être expliquer la lassitude qui sert d’excuse pour des pensées déraisonnables et des actions égoïstes. En général il s’agit de cinq personnages. Cécile, la narratrice, a dix-sept ans. Elle est fille unique de son père, qui s’appelle Raymond et qui est veuf. Cécile a passé sa jeunesse dans un couvent et à l’âge de quinze ans elle est allée à Paris avec son père afin de goûter la vie, puisque Raymond aime vivre, a plusieurs maîtresses et, en fin de compte, est libertin et homme de femmes. On va passer des grandes vacances près de Cannes dans une villa, que son père avait louée pour quelques mois, avec une de ses maîtresses, qui s’appelle Elsa. Mais cette situation idéale et insouciante est bouleversée quand une ancienne amie de son père, qui s’appelle Anne, arrive. Anne est une femme de classe, une dame plus âgée, respectable et intelligente. Sa confiance et froideur déconcertante attire la jeune Cécile qui, comme adolescent typique, est toujours à la recherche d’un sens d’identité et de comprendre qui...
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...M´moire de stage de recherche e Vision et Audition Etude des processus cognitifs de reconnaissance et de diff´renciation e dans les domaines visuel et sonore Nicolas Esposito nik@niksnews.com www.niksnews.com ` Universit´ de Technologie de Compiegne e — Printemps 1998 Parce que chacune des douze notes a une position, un titre, une fonction propre, l’œuvre que nous entendons est plus qu’une simple masse sonore : elle d´veloppe devant nous une action. e (Milan Kundera, [13], p. 272) Ce m´moire a ´t´ r´alis´ a l’UTC1 dans le cadre du mineur PHITECO2 e ee e e` pour l’obtention de l’unit´ de valeur SC023 suite au s´minaire JIOSC 974 . e e Il est aussi disponible en version ´lectronique ` l’adresse suivante : e a www.niksnews.com/sc02/ Je tiens a remercier cordialement Bruno BACHIMONT, Charles LENAY, ` Fran¸ois SEBBAH et V´ronique HAVELANGE pour leurs pr´cieux enseignements. c e e ´ Je remercie ´galement Renaud SIRDEY, Andr´ GOASDOUE et Nicolas SALZMANN e e pour l’aide qu’ils m’ont apport´e, et toutes les personnes qui ont eu la e gentillesse de r´pondre ` mon enquˆte. e a e 1 Universit´ de Technologique de Compi`gne e e PHIlosophie, TEchnologie, COgnition 3 Stage de recherche 4 Journ´es Interdisciplinaires d’Orsay sur les Sciences Cognitives e 2 R´sum´ e e Le monde visuel et le monde sonore peuvent chacun ˆtre ´tudi´s en tant e e e que signal avec les mˆmes outils math´matiques5 (s´ries de Fourier...
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...Was hat Ihnen am Werk /an den Werken des von Ihnen gewählten Dramatikers / Dichters besonders gut gefallen? Aus welchen Gründen? Ich habe viele Filme gesehen, die von Tom Tykwer inszeniert wurden. Sie sind nicht die Art Filme, die ich normalerweise mag, aber sie gefallen mir. Sie haben sehr interessante Charaktere und Tykwer nutzt viele Techniken. Mein Lieblingsfilm ist „der Krieger und die Kaiserin“ und der seltsamste Film, den ich gesehen habe, ist „die tödliche Maria“. Normalerweise mag ich Filme, die dem typischen Erfolgskonzept eines Hollywoodfilms folgen. Ich würde sagen, dass Tom Tykwer Filme nicht zu dieser Kategorie gehören. Stattdessen haben sie sehr interessante Geschichten und komplizierte Charaktere, aber sie haben meisten glückliches Ende, aber die Reise dahin ist bizarr und schwierig. Ich war überrascht, wie viel ich sie genossen habe. Die Charaktere, die er geschaffen hat, sind Leute, die am Rande der Gesellschaft leben. In „der Krieger und die Kaiserin“ ist die Heldin Sissi. Sie wird in einem psychiatrischen Austalt geboren. Ihre Mutter war eine Krankenschwester und ihr Vater ist ein Insasse. Sie ist in dem Irrenhaus aufgewachsen. Deshalb ist es alles, das sie kennt. Sie wird auch eine Krankenschwester und wir sehen Sissi, wie sie weit über ihre Pflichten hinausgeht, als sie einen Insasse sexuell begriedigt. Maria in „die tödliche Maria“ hat eine ebenso merkwürdige Kindheit. Ihre Mutter ist gestorben, als Maria geboren wurde. Ihr Vater hat einen Herzinfarkt...
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...Erläuterungen zum Perspektivenschema der kritisch-konstruktiven Didaktik nach Wolfgang Klafki 1. Aspekte der Planung und Gestaltung von Unterricht 1. Voraussetzungen eines Konzepts von Unterricht Als allgemeine Voraussetzungen eines Unterrichtskonzepts gelten hierbei ( Klafki 1987 ) ➢ Die generelle Zielbestimmung des Unterrichts ist, Hilfe zu geben bei der Ent-wicklung von Selbstbestimmungs- und Solidaritätsfähigkeit. Hierzu zählen auch die rationale Diskursfähigkeit ( = Fähigkeit zur Begründung und Reflexion ) sowie die entwickelte Rationalität und die Handlungsfähigkeit. ➢ Der Zusammenhang von Lehren und Lernen wird als Interaktionsprozess verstanden, in dem Lernende mit Unterstützung von Lehrenden zunehmend selbstständig werden in der Aneignung und Verarbeitung von Kenntnissen und hierbei auch die Fähigkeit zu weiterem Lernen gewinnen. ➢ Unterrichtliches Lernen muss in seinem Kern entdeckendes, sinnhaftes und ver- stehendes Lernen sein, dem die reproduktive Übernahme und das Üben sowie Trainieren nachgeordnet sind. ➢ Lehren muss als Vollzug für den Lernenden und mit ihm gerechtfertigt und geplant werden, d.h. Mitplanung und Mitgestaltung des Unterrichts durch Schüler ( offener und schülerorientierter Unterricht ). ➢ Unterricht ist ein sozialer Prozess, in den Biografien von Lehrern und Schülern einfließen. Soziales Lernen steht im Mittelpunkt und sollte funktional und intentional...
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...1. Was sind die Herausforderungen des Managements von L’Oréal? L’Oréal wurde 1907 gegründet und ist eine der größten Kosmetik- und Beauty-Unternehmen weltweit. Das Unternehmen verkauft mehr als 500 unterschiedliche Marken. Außerdem hat das Unternehmen fünf Forschungs-und Entwicklungszentren, welche von Frankreich bis über die USA, Japan und China verbreitet sind. Eine Herausforderung dabei an die Managementabteilung ist es, diese fünf Zentren miteinander zu verknüpfen. Alle sollten auf einer gemeinsamen Plattform fungieren und Zugriff auf die aktuellsten Informationen haben. Das ist eine schwierige Aufgabe für das Managementteam, denn die Informationen die sie bekommen sollen zudem in wertvolle Daten übersetzt werden. Das Intranet für diesen Bereich muss tausende von Forschern in den oben genannten Gebieten unterstützen. Das Intranet ist erforderlich um professionelle Anwendungen sowie Datenbanken zu Themen wie Biologie, Patente, Haarfarbe und Laborsicherheit zu schützen. In einem so großen Netzwerk, fällt es den Teams schwer, miteinander zu kommunizieren. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Teammitglieder das Interesse an gewerblichen Tätigkeiten verlieren, weil eben viel Energie und Aufwand in die Kommunikation investiert wird. Um diese Hürde zu überwinden und diese Herausforderung erfolgreich zu meistern, entschied sich L’Oréal den Share Point Portal Server zu verwenden. Weitere Herausforderungen für die Managementabteilung: • Eine globale Wissensmanagementplattform...
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...Managing Change in a Contemporary Organisation At the beginning of the 21st century the forms of change within organisations have been innovatory and a widespread conviction has arisen as to the revolutionary nature to such changes as a sign of the times, (Pettigrew & Massini, 2003). While Tushman & O’Reilly III (1996) argue that the industry level of studies has not been helpful in illustrating the path of organisation’s change, Greiner (1972) outlines a corporate growth model in order to provide a useful framework in understanding organisational change. Psychologists believe that learning as a human behaviour can be defined as the relatively permanent change in actions as a result of experience or practice, (Baars, 1986). Reflecting and highlighting this concept in relation to an organisation it is subsequently essential to look at organisational change from a historical perspective as organisations learn from their own experiences. Thus innovations in terms of evolutionary and revolutionary change occur at each organisational growth level as determined by Greiner (1972). To answer these fundamental questions about the nature of organisational change it is vital to distinguish between two levels of change. Similarly the factors that directly influence organisational behaviour and organisational features that determine these factors should be examined in turn need to be considered. In line with Greiner’s (1972) theory each of the organisational elements and processes are shaped...
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