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Orthodox Christianity Research Paper

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In today’s cultural climate, many people are more concerned with Christianity’s morality than its message. Telling someone that Jesus can save them from their sins will prove ineffective if that person believes that Christianity is the greatest sin of all. The social gospel seems to hold a much greater weight than the gospel of Christ. Christianity finds itself under great scrutiny, and Christians have to figure out how to respond in a manner that is charitable to critics, sincerely apologetic about all shortcomings, and yet still remains true to the crucial doctrines of orthodox Christianity.
One criticism of Christianity is that it has historically, and in some areas to this day, been oppressive to women. It is, therefore, the issues of women’s rights and the potential failures of Christianity concerning those rights, that this paper will address. I will begin by identifying and discussing the two questions which must be raised—how …show more content…
There is a difference between Christians oppressing women and Christianity being oppressive to women. If a Christian does something that is clearly in opposition to the values of Christianity, those actions are not necessarily endorsed by Christianity simply because the person claims the title ‘Christian’ or even attempts to use Christianity to support his or her actions. A comparable parallel can be found in the radical feminism some adopt which can only be described as “man hating.” This clearly goes against the feminist ideal of gender equality and, although someone may be acting in the name of feminism, if they do not actually believe the feminist message, they simply aren’t feminists and cannot be used to represent feminist ideals. The same is true with Christianity. While the church is clearly responsible for its failures in the name of Christianity, they are not necessarily failures of Christianity

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