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Positive Reinforcement In Children

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Short Posts

1. Grateful for Dads

"A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way." - Unknown

Happy Father’s Day from A Magical Place Development, Inc. #HappyFathersDay

2. You Do Not Have to Do This on Your Own

Parenthood is rewarding, but there are times when you cannot physically be there for your little ones. A Magical Place Development, Inc. is here to help you raise your kids. We aim to prepare them for their bright futures. #childcare

3. A Parenting Tip

Let your children hear what they need to be hearing from you: that they are loved, that they are talented in their own way, and that they are one of the greatest blessings life has given you. #parentingtip

4. Molding Their Minds and Hearts

Our center does not just mentally prepare your young ones …show more content…
What Is Positive Reinforcement?

This is one effective way of shaping and changing an individual’s behavior. How it works is by using a positive approach to promote the type of behavior you want to instill your children. The use of positive reinforcement in bringing up your children can bring them benefits such as letting them know you are proud of them and motivating them to become kind, caring individuals.

6. The Symptoms of Asthma in Children Below the Age of Five

It is difficult to diagnose and manage asthma in children under the age of five because the main symptoms of asthma (wheezing and coughing) can also be caused by other conditions. This is why it is necessary to carefully and regularly monitor your children’s symptoms, which include:

- Coughing
- Wheezing (a high-pitched, whistle-like sound when exhaling)
- Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
- A tight, uncomfortable feeling in the chest

Read this article for more information:

7. Managing Your Children’s

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