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Osama Bin Laden Research Paper

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The day happened to be May 1, 2011, the miltiary from the U.S.A killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. He was finally defeated after all of those years that have past by. People still crying over the loss of their family members killed because of his horrible actions. He was found close to Islamabad, Pakistan. Intelligence officials are for certain, bin Laden was responsible for many deadly acts of terrorism, which may including the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the one that changed the live of many american citizens the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. His body was dump into the sea. FBI wanted him for more than a decade (10 years). A gunshot was his ending, the fatal gunshoot is what took his …show more content…
On the other hand, there were ones who were believing that a death of one of the greatest terriost was not going to ended the many wars happening and the hate and violence. Some people were happy people’s souls were at rest, while many wanted revenge over the death of him. So, Osama’s death gave rise to a great number of various debate concerning terrorism, its causes and effect. Moreover, there is a point of view that his death is closely interconnected with increases in prices. In any case, the influence of Osama’s death is evident. In fact, it became a breakthrough in the whole understanding of terrorism and its roots. Bin Laden thought that Islam was something greater because of the influence of his parents and with that it had a greater meaning than just a religion. The thought of Islam had corrupted his mind. It had affect all of his political beliefs and influenced every single decision he created. The circumstances surrounding the death of Osama Bin Laden was the on going of revenge for Osama Bin Laden murder. His followers were angry and pissed, they wanted to honnor his life, his death will bring more and more

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