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The Cause Of Major Depression In Adolescents

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Adolescence is a time teenagers go through stressful situations, emotional turmoil, frequent mood changes, and sensitivity. Teenagers are more likely than children or adults to experience depression. Although depression often goes unnoticed in many adolescents, it is a legitimate problem in today’s society. “At least 5% of adolescents, roughly 1 in 20 teenagers, will experience an episode of Major Depression, making it one of the most common medical illnesses young people face.”
Depression is described as a lasting period of sadness. Three levels of depression are depressed moods, depressive syndrome and major depressive disorder. Depressed mood is a continuous period of sadness that doesn’t have any symptoms. Depressive syndrome is the same however, some symptoms like crying, guilt and feeling or worthlessness occur. Major depressive disorder is the most severe, it is characterized with the same symptoms of depressive syndrome but further more like depressed moods everyday, weight loss or gain, fatigue, suicidal thoughts, and insomnia. Depressed mood is the level of …show more content…
Depression occurs in both males and females, but it is more common in females. A reason for this is different gender roles. Females are more pressure to have a certain physical appearance, females who are body shamed more likely express depressed moods. Teenaged females also report experiencing more stress than teenaged males, and they both deal with stress differently. When faced with stress males tend to distract themselves from it while females over think it. Teenaged females put their thoughts and emotions in personal relationships more than males do, so this also causes them to feel more depressed moods than teenaged males. Bullying greatly affects both males and females in adolescence. Nowadays bullying is done in many ways especially cyber

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