...Outline and evaluate the multi-store model (12) | A01Atkinson and Shiffrin argued that there are three memory stores: 1. sensory store 2. short-term store 3. long-term storeAccording to the theory information from the environment is initially received by the sensory stores. (There is a sensory store for each sense.) Some information in the sensory stores is attended to and processed further by the short-term store. In turn some information processed in the short-term store is transferred to the long-term store through rehearsal or verbally repeating it. The more something is rehearsed the stronger the memory trace in the long-term memory. The main emphasis of this model is on the structure of memory on rehearsal | A02Case studies support to the multi-store modelGlanzer and Cunitz found that when rehearsal is prevented, the recency effect disappears.There is evidence that encoding is different in short term and long-term memory. For example Baddeley There are huge differences in the duration of information in the short term and long term memory (Peterson & Peterson). (Bahrick et al.)oversimplified. (reductionist) | Outline and evaluate the working memory model (12) | Episodic buffer was added by Baddeley in 2000 | Active process: PET scans Amnesiac case studies Shallice & Warrington (1974) Baddeley (1986) found that patients with damage to their frontal lobe had problems concentrating suggesting damage to the central executive (researcher biased) | Outline...
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...Initials Candidate Signature Question General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2013 Psychology (Specification A) Unit 1 1 2 PSYA1 Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods Wednesday 22 May 2013 Mark 9.00 am to 10.30 am 3 4 5 6 7 8 You will need no other materials. 9 Time allowed 1 hour 30 minutes 10 Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. TOTAL Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 72. Question 8 should be answered in continuous prose. You may use the space provided to plan your answer. In Question 8, you will be assessed on your ability to: – use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate. (JUn13psyA101) G/T90614 6/6/6/6/ PSYA1 2 Do not write outside the box Section A Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods Answer all questions in the spaces provided. Total for this question: 4 marks 1 According to the multi-store model of memory, there are several ways in which short-term memory and long-term memory differ. Explain how...
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...Candidate Number For Examiner’s Use Examiner’s Initials Question Mark General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Psychology (Specification A) Unit 1 PSYA1 Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods 9.00 am to 10.30 am Wednesday 22 May 2013 You will need no other materials. Time allowed 1 hour 30 minutes Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 72. Question 8 should be answered in continuous prose. You may use the space provided to plan your answer. In Question 8, you will be assessed on your ability to: – use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate. 10 TOTAL (JUn13psyA101) G/T90614 6/6/6/6/ PSYA1 2 Section A Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods Answer all questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box Total for this question: 4 marks 1 According to the multi-store model of memory, there are several ways in which short-term memory and long-term memory differ. Explain how the findings of one or...
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...Age and EWT 1. Describe the aims, procedures, findings and conclusions of Poole and Lindsay’s (2001) study of the effects of age on EWT – science demonstration Aims- The aims of their experiment were to assess whether children were able to source monitor. Procedures- They used child participants aged 3-8 years of age. They were shown a science demonstration throughout the day; later that day their parents read them a story, which contained aspects of the science demonstration. The next day, the children were questioned about the science demonstration and then were further asked to think about where they got their information from (source monitoring). Findings- It was found that the younger children were unable to source monitor as they could not identify where they learnt the information whereas the older children could. Conclusion- Poole and Lindsay concluded that the younger children are poorer eye witnesses than the older children as they are unable where they learnt the information. This means that they aren’t able to distinguish between original eyewitness memory and post event information. 2. What does this suggest about age and EWT? This suggests that age does affect EWT. 3. Explain why the story told at home could have been an extraneous variable… Interview bias (how the parents read the story) could have influenced the accuracy of the child’s response. The parents could have unintentionally prejudiced the child by how they read the story; techniques...
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...decisions might be under the broader umbrella of risk-taking behavior), where to go to find out more when researching the topic, and how you could elaborate on a topic by looking at moderator variables or exceptions. List of potential topics: * Media's influence on aggression * Media's influence on body image * Effective treatments for chemical dependency * Driving safety and types of distractions * The role of introversion/extraversion on marital bliss or employee performance * Suggestibility: do television ads change behavior? * Factors affecting career choice * Effect of peer pressure on conformity * Influence of music on worker productivity * Comparison of strategies for stress reduction * Factors influencing memory for events, names, and factual information * Eyewitness testimony and the misinformation effect In your response, be sure to: * Use appropriate spelling and grammar. * Use vocabulary relevant to the...
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...PSYCHOLOGY and your life chapter 1 introduction to ps ychology 2 chapter outline A Gift of Life It was every subway rider’s nightmare, times two. Who has ridden along New York’s 656 miles of subway lines and not wondered: “What if I fell to the tracks as a train came in? What would I do?” And who has not thought: “What if someone else fell? Would I jump to the rescue?” Wesley Autrey, a 50-year-old construction worker and navy veteran, faced both those questions in a flashing instant yesterday and got his answers almost as quickly. Mr. Autrey was waiting for the downtown local at 137th Street and Broadway in Manhattan around 12:45 p.m. He was taking his two daughters, Syshe, 4, and Shuqui, 6, home before work. Nearby, a man collapsed, his body convulsing. Mr. Autrey and two women rushed to help, he said. The man, Cameron Hollopeter, 20, managed to get up, but then stumbled to the platform edge and fell to the tracks, between the two rails. The headlights of the No. 1 train appeared. “I had to make a split decision,” Mr. Autrey said. So he made one, and leapt. Mr. Autrey lay on Mr. Hollopeter, his heart pounding, pressing him down in a space roughly a foot deep. The train’s brakes screeched, but it could not stop in time. Five cars rolled overhead before the train stopped, the cars passing inches from his head, smudging his blue knit cap with grease. Mr. Autrey heard onlookers’ screams. “We’re O.K. down here,” he yelled, “but I’ve got two daughters up there...
Words: 17380 - Pages: 70
...A BRIEF CONTENTS PART 1 • GETTING STARTED 1. Becoming a Public Speaker 2. From A to Z: Overview of a Speech 3. Managing Speech Anxiety 4. Ethical Public Speaking 5. Listeners and Speakers 1 2 8 1 4 23 30 PART 2 • DEVELOPMENT 6. Analyzing the Audience 7. Selecting a Topic and Purpose 8. Developing Supporting Material 9. Locating Supporting Material 10. Doing Effective Internet Research 1 Citing Sources in Your Speech 1. 36 37 49 57 64 73 83 PART 3 • ORGANIZATION 1 Organizing the Speech 2. 1 Selecting an Organizational Pattern 3. 1 Outlining the Speech 4. 92 93 103 1 10 PART 4 • STARTING, FINISHING, AND STYLING 15. Developing the Introduction and Conclusion 16. Using Language 1 22 1 23 1 31 PART 5 • DELIVERY 1 Choosing a Method of Delivery 7. 18. Controlling the Voice 19. Using the Body 1 39 1 40 1 44 1 48 PART 6 • PRESENTATION AIDS 20. Types of Presentation Aids 21. Designing Presentation Aids 22. A Brief Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint 154 155 161 164 PART 7 • TYPES OF SPEECHES 23. Informative Speaking 24. Persuasive Speaking 25. Speaking on Special Occasions 1 74 1 75 188 21 7 PART 8 • THE CLASSROOM AND BEYOND 230 26. Typical Classroom Presentation Formats 27. Science and Mathematics Courses 28. Technical Courses 29. Social Science Courses 30. Arts and Humanities Courses 31. Education Courses 32. Nursing and Allied Health Courses 33. Business Courses and Business Presentations 34. Presenting in Teams 35. Communicating in Groups 231 236 240 243 246 248 25 1 253 258...
Words: 104318 - Pages: 418
...is the future of psychology likely to hold? A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future The Roots of Psychology Today’s Perspectives Applying Psychology in the 21st Century: Psychology Matters Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies Psychology’s Future MODULE 3 What is the scientific method? ● What role Research in Psychology do theories and hypotheses play in The Scientific Method psychological research? ● What research Descriptive Research methods do psychologists use? ● How do Experimental Research Psychological Research psychologists establish cause-and-effect relationships using experiments? MODULE 4 What major issues confront psychologists conducting research? Research Challenges: Exploring the Process The Ethics of Research Exploring Diversity: Choosing Participants Who Represent the Scope of Human Behavior Neuroscience in Your Life: The Importance of Using Representative Participants Should Animals Be Used in Research? Threats to Experimental Validity: Avoiding Experimental Bias Becoming an Informed Consumer of Psychology: Thinking Critically About Research...
Words: 22475 - Pages: 90
...Beyond Feelings A Guide to Critical Thinking NINTH EDITION Vincent Ryan Ruggiero Professor Emeritus of Humanities State University of New York, Delhi BEYOND FEELINGS: A GUIDE TO CRITICAL THINKING, NINTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2009, 2007 and 2004. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOC/DOC 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: MHID: 978-0-07-803818-1 0-07-803818-9 Vice President & Editor-in-Chief: Michael Ryan Vice President EDP/Central Publishing Services: Kimberly Meriwether David Editorial Director: Beth Mejia Senior Managing Editor: Meghan Campbell Executive Marketing Manager: Pamela S. Cooper Senior Project Manager: Joyce Watters Buyer: Nicole Baumgartner Design Coordinator: Margarite Reynolds Media Project Manager: Sridevi Palani Compositor: Glyph International Typeface: 10/13 Palatino Printer: R...
Words: 102651 - Pages: 411
...Core study 1 Asch 1955 : Aims and Context Summarise the aims and context of Asch’s 1955) research opinions and social pressure An individual is said to conform if they chose to study a course of action that is favoured by the majority or that is considered socially acceptable .When an individual is influenced by how the majority of people think this is considered socially acceptable Conformity is a form of social influence that results from exposure to the majority position , the tendency for people to adopt the behaviour, attitudes and values of other members of a reference groups, This was a study of conformity in an ambiguous situation ‘unclear’. Jenness asked students to guess how many beans there were in a jar,they were then asked to discuss in groups. Lastly they were asked to give their estimates again, individuals estimates tended to converge to the group norm.It seems reasonable that when in an ambiguous situation (were the answer isn't obvious ) we look to others to get some ideas about behaviour . Jenness's research is limited as he specifically asked participants to produce a group estimate rather than just observing if they would produce group estimates. Sherif conducted a similar investigation into responses to an ambiguous stimulus using the auto kinetic effect ( this is where a stationary spot of light projected on to a screen appears to move) Sherif told participants he was going to move the light , he asked the pp’s to estimate by how far the spotlight...
Words: 19710 - Pages: 79
...through examples and exercises, and the text involves students in the learning process through reading, problem solving, practicing, listening, and experiencing the writing process. Each chapter also has integrated examples that unify the discussion and form a common, easy-tounderstand basis for discussion and exploration. This will put students at ease and allow for greater absorption of the material. Tips for effective writing are included in every chapter, as well. Thought-provoking scenarios provide challenges and opportunities for collaboration and interaction. These exercises are especially helpful for working with groups of students. Clear exercises teach sentence and paragraph writing skills that lead to common English composition and research essays....
Words: 171477 - Pages: 686
...EVIDENCE OUTLINE Prof. Mark Bonner Fall 2012 |1 • INTRODUCTION | I. Trial Context A. types of evidence at trial 1. witnesses 2. real evidence – something tangible related to the case 3. demonstrative evidence – not part of the story, but lawyer wishes to show the jury something to demonstrate something about the case (e.g., experiment; picture of intersection) B. competing stories at trial – two ways stories can compete 1. factual differences 2. differences in inferences drawn from the same facts II. Policy Overview [values that the evidence rules protect] A. accuracy 1. rationality – does evidence have a rational relationship to the case? 2. reliability – is the evidence credible? B. efficiency – see FRE 403 C. fairness – rules should be party-neutral 1. but note: some rules exclude evidence to one party’s advantage (e.g., evidence that Δ fixed the steps after the accident excluded, b/c we want to encourage Δs to make steps safer) (e.g., Confrontation Clause, guarantees rt of accused in a criminal trial to confront witnesses brought against him) D. danger of misuse of information 1. one solution: limiting instructions 2. but sometimes we’re so skeptical of jury’s willingness/ability...
Words: 30878 - Pages: 124
...video and computer technology over the past ten years there has been a considerable increase noted in the use of video analysis as a coaching tool in ice hockey. This has been especially noted in the greater Montreal area of Canada, where coaches are often under pressure to develop emerging talented players who aspire to a pro hockey career. The purpose of this research was to investigate how much performance analysis through video was being used and what it was being used for. The focus area was on amateur teams from midget level through to college and junior pro, such as the QMJHL. To collect data a questionnire was used to survey the coaches and players views on using video analysis as a tool for coaching. The study was done in Montreal Quebec, Canada with coaches that ranged from midget grade, through junior to college and men’s pro. The survey covered what video analysis is currently being used for, what both the coaches and players expected to gain from its use, its benefits and draw backs with regards to athletes playing abillity and its usefulness as a coaching tool. The findings were compared with existing research which has made use of notational analysis and latterly video analysis. The study shows that the views towards video analysis of both coaches and players is positive, with it overall being found as useful....
Words: 12419 - Pages: 50
...Contents Preface Acknowledgments Introduction 1 BRAIN POWER Myth #1 Most People Use Only 10% of Their Brain Power Myth #2 Some People Are Left-Brained, Others Are Right-Brained Myth #3 Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Is a Well-Established Scientific Phenomenon Myth #4 Visual Perceptions Are Accompanied by Tiny Emissions from the Eyes Myth #5 Subliminal Messages Can Persuade People to Purchase Products 2 FROM WOMB TO TOMB Myth #6 Playing Mozart’s Music to Infants Boosts Their Intelligence Myth #7 Adolescence Is Inevitably a Time of Psychological Turmoil Myth #8 Most People Experience a Midlife Crisis in | 8 Their 40s or Early 50s Myth #9 Old Age Is Typically Associated with Increased Dissatisfaction and Senility Myth #10 When Dying, People Pass through a Universal Series of Psychological Stages 3 A REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST Myth #11 Human Memory Works like a Tape Recorder or Video Camera, and Accurate Events We’ve Experienced Myth #12 Hypnosis Is Useful for Retrieving Memories of Forgotten Events Myth #13 Individuals Commonly Repress the Memories of Traumatic Experiences Myth #14 Most People with Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives 4 TEACHING OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS Myth #15 Intelligence (IQ) Tests Are Biased against Certain Groups of People My th #16 If You’re Unsure of Your Answer When Taking a Test, It’s Best to Stick with Your Initial Hunch Myth #17 The Defining Feature of Dyslexia Is Reversing Letters Myth #18 Students Learn Best When Teaching Styles Are Matched to...
Words: 130018 - Pages: 521
...EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Unit Structure 1.0 Objectives 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Sources Acquiring Knowledge 1.3 Meaning, Steps and Scope of Educational Research 1.4 Scientific Method, aims and characteristics of research as a scientific activity 1.5 Ethical considerations in Educational Research 1.6 Paradigms of Educational research 1.7 Types of Research 1.7.a Fundamental 1.7.b Applied Research 1.7.c. Action Research 1.0 OBJECTIVES : After reading this unit, you will be able to: 1 To explain the concept of Educational Research 2 To describe the scope of Educational Research 3 To state the purpose of Educational Research 4 To explain what is scientific enquiry. 5 To explain importance of theory development. 6 To explain relationship among science, education and educational research. 7 To Identity fundamental research 8 To Identity applied research 9 To Identify action research 10 To Differentiate between fundamental, applied, and action research 11 To Identify different paradigms of research 2 1.1 INTRODUCTION : Research purifies human life. It improves its quality. It is search for knowledge. If shows how to Solve any problem scientifically. It is a careful enquiry through search for any kind of Knowledge. It is a journey from known to unknown. It is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge in any kind of discipline. When it Seeks a solution of any educational problem it leads to educational research. Curiosity...
Words: 78659 - Pages: 315