...Paris Paris – My Dream City France has always been the country known for love, romance and glamour, and its capital is no exception to the rule. No other city on earth can have the stunning beauty, the unique style, the culture, the breath-taking food and literally a lifestyle like Paris can. That’s why Paris has become my dream city to go traveled. I had a chance to visit my grandmother in France when I was 14, and I know Paris is a great place to relax. For instance, I can take a moment to get an ice cream and enjoy the walk through many beautiful gardens. The green grass, the beauties of colorful flowers along with the amazing sound from the birds create a stunning picture for every single person. Beside all the gardens Paris has, Marais also is one of the best places in Paris for entertainment. The Right Bank usually is filled with fun people like the silence drama or the clown. The Marais is full of quaint streets comprised of unique shops and brasseries. Because of this, it is a haven for all ages with every possible need being satisfied. Paris is not only known for the beauty of the Marais but it also known for its architectural. For example, the massive former palace, the bridges and many churches are all over the places. The Pantheon, the St. Denis, Sainte Chapelle and some of the most famous glass and light in the world, and of course, Notre Dame - the heart of Paris. They all draw a stunning picture show the glory of France for tourist when they come to Paris...
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...The Essence of Paris By: Samantha Knowles Paris is a beautiful city with a history of prestige and grandeur, and French people put a lot of effort in preserving the glory they once had in the past. The Eiffel Tower sure contributes to its popularity and attracts millions of tourists each year. However, I think even if the Eiffel Tower never existed people would still come to see the beautiful city architecture and historical places, the fashion and the culinary and exquisite French culture. There is just something very attractive in the overall package. To say that the French revere their time spent soaking up arts and culture is an understatement. In Paris, loads of venues are accessible within a few square miles. It is common to find the French devoting their weekends to exploring the wealth of museums and cultural havens. Likewise, many of the provincial areas are blessed with impressive monuments to art and architecture. Paris' modern buildings have developed gradually out of earlier styles; palaces and mansions have survived by transforming into apartments and shops, and most streets harbor a range of buildings from various centuries. Paris traces a millennium of historic buildings, and what is amazing is that so much remains visible and integrally important to the way that Paris works, from the earliest Medieval period through the most contemporary constructions. The most important monument in Paris would have to be the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is the...
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...Paris, the City of Light has been Europe’s center of cultural grandeur and one of the most important centers for global business in the world. When we speak of Paris, we immediately conjure romantic images of an era gone by. We think of the majesty it once held as the French aristocracy attempted to keep up with the likes of Britain, Spain, and even Portugal as they heading the colonization of the new world. Others may think instead of the allure the city once held for its prominent contributions to the world of the arts including drama, painting, literature, music, fashion, and even architecture and landscape. I however think that although Paris is indeed one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and perhaps even one of the great wonders of the worlds, by today’s standards it is a city that parallels the vast diversity exemplified in other major global cities like New York City, and Barcelona and unfortunately, as a practical observer of the global community, I do not see the magic that others see in Paris. Yes, I do agree that the Parisian way of life coupled with its political, intellectual, and cultural contributions to the global market has earned it regardless of the its flow of influence, the title of a major player in the world economy. It is therefore easy to recognize why for centuries, the French language has remained one of "The Official" international languages of diplomacy. Today, beyond its high culture, political, and economic place on...
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...Paris: City of Love ‘The city of lights’, ‘the city of Romance’, ‘the culinary capital of the world’, all these are just names Paris, France is known by. Over seven million people visit each year. Paris, France is one of the most amazing places i will ever visit. There are so many phenomenal things to see and never get bored. The most Prominent landmark in Paris would have to be the Eiffel Tower. More the seven million people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. For a small fee i can ride the elevator to the top. The view from the top is spectacular. I want some exercise so, can take the stairs that go from the ground to the second platform. Many People like to go to the Eiffel Tower at night because it is all light up. At night when it is lit up it looks an attractive golden color, instead if the dark brown it is painted. The Eiffel Tower took two years to build. It was finished on March 31, 1889. The Eiffel Tower was originally built for the world exhibition in 1889, but today it is used as a radio transmission tower and a tourist attraction. The Eiffel Tower is named after Gustave Eiffel, the main contractor and architect. The Arc De Triomphe and Versailles are some of Paris’s other famous landmarks. The Arc De Triomphe is a 164 ft. arch. It honors all the soldiers who have fought for France, particularly during Napoleon Bonaparte’s reign. Under the Arch lies the Tomb of an Unknown Soldier, which honors all of France’s soldiers...
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...6/1/2015 Paris Night Tour | Paris Sightseeing | Big Bus Tours English About UsPrivate HiresContact Us Night Tour See the beauty of Paris at night fall At twilight, Paris becomes the city of lights offering visitors a magical show. Relax on board our opentop bus to enjoy stunning views of illuminated landmarks and monuments. The route has been designed for you to experience the very best of Paris: the sparkling lights of the Eiffel Tower, the famous illuminations of the ChampsElysées, the unique atmosphere of Pigalle/Moulin Rouge, the Latin Quarter and many more. The Night Tour offers a fascinating live guided commentary in both English and French, available on selected nights. There’s also personal recorded commentary in 11 languages. Additional Information: The Night Tour is a once round trip. We recommend booking your night tour online as seats are subject to availability. Night Tour ticket to be used on redemption date. Can be used the day after when purchasing a 2 day combo. Frequency: Departure point: 156 Avenue ChampsElysées, stop 8 Departure time: 9:30pm Information on ticket types and prices can be found here. http://eng.bigbustours.com/paris/nighttour.html 1/3 6/1/2015 Paris Night Tour | Paris Sightseeing | Big Bus Tours SAVE 10% on 1 & 2 Day Tour Tickets Buy ticket for... 1 Day Tour Adults from €27.00 Children from €14.40 Select a date Open date tickets. Book here ...
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...cares of the real world through the "magic" of legendary fairytale and familiar Disney characters. The market targeted families and children and the company had already built a popular brand that was associated with wholesome family entertainment. 2) Was Disney's choice of the Paris site a mistake? Yes, the choice of the Paris site was a mistake because the lifestyle, culture and ideas of Paris were very different from the culture of the Americans which caused many of the people of Paris to be in opposition with one critic referring to it as "a horror made of cardboard, plastic, and appalling colors...taken straight out of comic book written for obese Americans". The site initially seemed ideal because of the location could provide access to millions of people. Paris was a highly attractive destination and Europeans generally take more vacation time than Americans. Disney however did not anticipate the backlash they faced due to significant cultural differences such as eating behaviors were different, French visitors were highly intolerant of long lines, Disney's grooming standards for employees were deemed too strict and excessive by the French and were met with protest and the area that Disneyland Paris was built did not have sufficient housing for employees which caused Disney to have to build its own apartments and rent rooms in local homes. 3) What aspects of their parks design did Disney change when it constructed Euro Disney? Disney changed certain aspects of their designs...
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...' Academy ol Management Executive, 2002, Vol. 16, No. 4 Four Seasons goes to Paris floger HalloweU, David Bowen, and Carin-Isabel Knoop Europe is different from North America, and Paris is very different. I did not say difficult. I said diffeient. —A senior Four Seasons manager Executive Summary Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts opened its first French property in 1999. This article presents that opening as a case study to illustrate a perspective on how a company with a strong and highly successful organizational culture might approach a new national culture when that cuhure is both distinct and intense, as is the case in France. Managers can henefit from the case by understanding this approach to organizational and national culture, which the authors believe represents a useful framework for global management. The article begins with a discussion of the linkage between corporate cuifure and competitive advantage for service organizafions. It then describes the corporate support structure and the philosophy that Four Seasons developed over two decades to support its international expansion and to manage the type of challenges its French property posed. Finally, it describes how the firm went about transforming that property into one of its crown jewels. The Linkage Between Service Culture and Competitive Advantage The enduring success of service organizations such as Southwest Airlines, The Walt Disney Company, Wal-Mart, and USAA (among others) is frequently ...
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...Aurélien de Villiers de La Noue The Negotiation between Dietrich von Choltitz and Raoul Nordling: Can One Man really change the course of History? The negotiation between the German general Dietrich von Choltitz and the Swedish consul Raoul Nordling concerning the destruction of Paris is highly controversial and no Historian come to a consensus. Movies Paris brûle-t-il? by René Clément and Diplomacy by Volker Schlöndorff rekindled discussion about this quite mysterious negotiation between these two men. How did they manage to reach an agreement? What were the terms of the deal? Was there even a negotiation? This topic caught my attention for it changed the course of History. Had the German burnt Paris, the French would never have forgotten it and the European Union would not have emerged six years after those events (the CECA was created in 1951). I am deeply pro-European and found of History. As a result it amuses me to the how fragile basis of the Union were. I also like to think that one man, no matter the context and the lack of leverage –we are talking of one man trying to talk a German general out of following Hitler’s orders- can have so much impact on thanks to his words only. To me, one of the key factors in the negotiation is time. Here, it is said that Nordling had but one night to settle this issue. Past, present and future are indeed vital with one another as the past experiences, the standards of legitimacy, the previous relationships determine the ...
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...The Paris Peace Conference was the meeting of the Allied victors following the end of World War I to set the peace terms for the defeated Central Powers. It took place in Paris in 1919 and involved diplomats from more than 32 countries and nationalities CenTral Powers is German, Hungarian, Turkish and Bulgarian It took place in Paris in January 18, 1919 and involved diplomats from more than 32 countries and nationalities At the center of the proceedings were the leaders of the four "Great Powers": – President Woodrow Wilson of the United States – Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain – George Clemenceau of France – Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando Come from Wilson idea • The League of Nations was an intergovernmental organization. It was the first permanent international organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace\ The Treaty of Versailles • Was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I • The Allied Powers, especially France, Britain, and Italy, decided it was best to throw all responsibility of the Great War on Germany ➢ required a reduced limit to Germany’s army and navy as well ➢ pay financial reparations to the Allies. The initial payment required of Germany was five billion dollars ➢ surrender all overseas possessions and approximately ten percent of its prewar territories Resulting Treaty of Versailles Failures? • Later in 1921, the...
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...CASE 21 The Not-So-Wonderful World of EuroDisney*—Things Are Better Now at Disneyland Resort Paris BONJOUR, MICKEY! In April 1992, EuroDisney SCA opened its doors to European visitors. Located by the river Marne some 20 miles east of Paris, it was designed to be the biggest and most lavish theme park that Walt Disney Company (Disney) had built to date—bigger than Disneyland in Anaheim, California; Disneyworld in Orlando, Florida; and Tokyo Disneyland in Japan. Much to Disney management’s surprise, Europeans failed to “go goofy” over Mickey, unlike their Japanese counterparts. Between 1990 and early 1992, some 14 million people had visited Tokyo Disneyland, with three-quarters being repeat visitors. A family of four staying overnight at a nearby hotel would easily spend $600 on a visit to the park. In contrast, at EuroDisney, families were reluctant to spend the $280 a day needed to enjoy the attractions of the park, including les hamburgers and les milkshakes. Staying overnight was out of the question for many because hotel rooms were so high priced. For example, prices ranged from $110 to $380 a night at the Newport Bay Club, the largest of EuroDisney’s six new hotels and one of the biggest in Europe. In comparison, a room in a top hotel in Paris cost between $340 and $380 a night. Financial losses became so massive at EuroDisney that the president had to structure a rescue package to put EuroDisney back on firm financial ground. Many French bankers questioned ...
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...3. Paris 1ère partie – 9min. monoloque Qu´est-ce que c´est Paris et Île-de France ? Qu´est-ce que vous savez de l´histoire de Paris ? Comment pouvez-vous diviser Paris ? Quels sont les quartiers importantes ? Quels sont les monuments les plus connus ? Paris est la capitale de la France, située sur la rivière Seine. Elle est presqu’au centre de la France au centre du Bassin parisien dans la région l´Île-de-France. C’est le centre industriel, commercial, culturel, politique, scientifique et administratif du pays. La région parisienne reste la première région industrielle de France.Aujourd’hui, la grande agglomération de Paris compte 10 millions d’habitants, Paris-ville appelée „intra muros“ (d’entre les murs) a une population de 2 500 000 habitants. Administrativement elle est divisée en 20 arrondissements. Chaque arrondissement a son administration, sa mairie et est divisé en 4 quartiers. La popullation est traditionellement repartie suivant la formule „l’ouest aux riches, l’est aux pauvres“ - les habitants infortunés habitent plûtot à l’ouest - 6e, 7e, 8e, 16e, 17e arrondissements; les familles défavorisées sont repoussées progressivement vers la banlieue; les étrangers (8%) se regroupent dans certains quartiers.Paris regroupe tous les principaux centres de décision. À Paris se trouve le siège des directions de toutes les grandes entreprises, banques et firmes commerciales. Ils y siègent toutes les institutions d’État (C´est le siège du président, du gouvernement et...
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...Arabic classical music Indeed, the intriguing story of 20th century expressions of Arabic classical music is a study in the development of national styles emerging during the first decades of the 1900s. Cairo and Beirut were key cities in this efflorescence. The presence of a strong recording and media industry in Cairo together with the happy collision of Egypt’s wealth of folk traditions, the European classical music tradition (right from the 1870s Cairo could boast of an opera house) and classical urban music from the Ottoman period can be cited as signature features of Arabic classical music. The typical Arab small ensemble unit, the Takht (comprising a Ney, Oud and Qanun) Tunisia is interesting as the one other place in north Africa, after Egypt , with an active classical Arabic music scene. The other point I would make is that some of the musical establishments of the Arab world, their conservatoires, are elitist, often with a predilection for classical western music. That is why some of the more interesting musical developments can be seen in hip-hop, which is anti-establishment in origin and direction. DAM, the Palestinian rap band, is one such example, as are some Arab diaspora acts like the Iron Sheikh in the US . (Collect names of Lebanese Rap groups please.) …to ensure that the language and diction ..are correct, as do I seek to embrace all the conventions of classical Arabic singing, I combine the influences to which I have been exposed in the diaspora...
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...of its characters. That makes meaning and beauty for the characters is the setting: the place, the time and the social environment. The story is set in Paris, magical and glamorous city of lights. The name “Paris” and the name of its famous river “Seine” are called in “The necklace” with the detail that Mathilde and her husband walked toward the Seine and finally found on the quay one of those nocturnal coupés one finds only in Paris after dark. Paris is the city which famous for romantic Seine river, wealth, ladies in the most glamorous and expensive dresses and elegant balls. Like other citizens of magnificent Paris, the main character – Mathilde Loisel – likes these beauties. She dreams to be wealthy, to be lady from high social position and to join in elegant balls in spite of the fact that she is only a narcissistic middle-class housewife and cannot have such luxury life. That is Mathilde’s own tragedy. Next, the time of “the necklace” is about the 1880s or so, around the time Maupassant wrote it. One of the clues for the time of the story is the detail that Mathilde dreams of being rich with charm, money and doesn't seem to think a whole lot about being noble. Before the time the story occurred, noble blood had mattered more which is not like in the late 19th century. The late 19th century in Paris is the period called "Belle Époque" when money (plus a little bit of charm) practically makes nobility and...
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...Happiness By Huang Lu Xin Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. A variety of biological, psychological and religious and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources. Various research groups, including positive psychology, endeavor to apply the scientific method to answer questions about what "happiness" is, and how it might be attained. It's of such fundamental importance to the human condition that Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were deemed unalienable rights on the United States Declaration of Independence. Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtue ethics. Happiness is a fuzzy concept and can mean many things to many people. Part of the challenge of a science of happiness is to identify different concepts of happiness, and where applicable, split them into their components. There is a book named ‘Handbook of Emotion’. The editors and contributors are foremost authorities who describe major theories, findings, methods, and applications. In the 2nd Edition of the Handbook of Emotion, evolutionary psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby say that happiness comes from "encountering unexpected positive events". In the...
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...my trip to Paris in 2012. Imagine a boy with 16 years old, that his parents gave the opportunity to go to the old continent, alone. This trip will ever a dream come true. I was so happy and excited to go to France I did my suitcase, weeks before leaving the country. The feel of knowing that I was going to spend one month without the responsibility of telling at what time I arrived home to my parents was something incredible. The catch behind this amazing trip, was that I had to attend to French classes, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00-12:00pm, and I didn’t see this so complicated. My journey began on July 26, 2012, taking a night flight from Santo Domingo to Paris. That flight was one of the worst of my life, the feeling of being in the middle of two people who don’t know for more than eight hours, was something that irritated me and made me feel uncomfortable. Even though I had a bad flight, my welcome to the city of lights wasn’t pleasant, the cold it was killing me since I left the airport. But I have to admit something, since taking on the bus, I could immediately see the beauty of a city that I never thought of visiting, the order of society and the traffic is something worth to see, green areas were almost completely clean and you could say that the word“trash”didn’t exist. In a month, a lot of things can be done. But there are some things that you can’t miss if you're in Paris, so from my first week I started to visit the most famous sites of Paris such as the...
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