...Roxanne H. David,Cheryl Rose S. Topic: POLICE PATROL I. Definition of Police Patrol II. Goals and objectives of Police Patrol III. Purpose and Importance of Police Patrol IV. Different methods of Patrol V. Effectiveness of Police Patrol in the Community VI. Conclusion I. Definition of Police Patrol -According to the microsoft.com/2002/06/27/microsoft-encarta-reference-library-2003 the following are definition of Patrol/Police Patrol. Patrol may refer to the regular tour made by a guard in a place in order to protect it or to maintain order. Patrol could mean a person or a group (such as a police or military unit) sent to carry out a tour of duty in a certain place with a particular mission either for reconnaissance purposes or simply to provide protection (PATROL is the backbone of the police department.the proof of this statement is that patrol force is the only division in the police organization that cannot be eliminated) II. Goals and Objectives of Police Patrol The following Goals and Objectives of Police Patrol are from the reference of Mrs.Elaine U. Bayag-O.The primary goals and objective of police patrol are, maintaining order protecting life and property. These are among the basic roles of government and government hires the police to perform these activities. 1. Preventing Crimes- Police attempt to prevent crime by trying to create a sense of omnipresence through routine patrol. 2. Arresting and prosecuting offenders-...
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...BORDER PATROL ENFORCEMENT Border Patrol focus has been detection, apprehension and/or deterrence of terrorists and terrorist weapons (Working the Border Patrol, 2011). The duties and responsibilities of the Border Patrol is one of the most important jobs and it is to detect and prevent the entry of illegal immigrants, terrorists, and smugglers into the United States. Part of their duty is to maintain the surveillance that is in place from their covert position, follow up on leads, respond to sensor systems, aircraft sightings, following and interpreting track marks and any other physical evidence they come across (Working the Border Patrol, 2011). Border Patrol patrols the border in all types of weather and terrain. These agents work around the clock as we have stated. The United States believe that the Mexican government would not live up to any deals or compromises between the two countries. They feel that Mexico feel the border is our problem and not theirs (Alden, p. 259). This makes it even harder for Border Patrol if they do not have the cooperation and assistance of other law enforcement. A primary goal of the Border Patrol is to keep the enemy from crossing our border. One activity that could take place to hopefully guarantee the safety of those crossing the border legally and to protect he United States citizens is to build “the fence” (Alden, p. 285). The fence would be built along the U.S. Border with Mexico. There is a lot of opposition to this plan...
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...Border Patrol Selection Process CJA/214 December 06, 2010 Deborah Alsup Border Patrol Selection Process A border patrol agent is a federal law enforcement officer who prevents illegally people from entering the country. Border patrol agent’s job can be difficult and demanding; in the United States security is their main priority. Because there has been an increased in terrorist threats, keeping weapons and terrorists from crossing the border is the key priority of a border patrol. In this paper, I describe the selection process for a border patrol agent. I will also include the training process and career development programs for officers. Border patrol officer’s jobs can be overwhelming: to walk the beat and safeguard more than 5,900 miles of land boundaries and on the coast more than 1,999 of boundaries. Today the canyons, mountains, deserts and beaches of the United States are safeguard by roughly 10,000 plus border patrol agent. They patrol by helicopter, boat, all-terrain vehicle, foot, horseback, motorcycle, bike and snowmobile. The process to becoming a border patrol agent can be difficult for an individual thinking about presuming a career in this field. To eliminate amateur applicants the interview process can be complicated. It can take up to eights to complete the process from beginning to end. Border patrol prospects must be in good health, demonstrate cleverness, bravery, and speak a foreign language or capable to be taught to speak bilingual. The age...
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...------------------------------------------------- Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol Agent April 18, 2014 Valance Lausch CJC 161 Intro Homeland Security April 18, 2014 Valance Lausch CJC 161 Intro Homeland Security Table of Contents Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….3 CBP Mission……………………………………………………………………………………...3 Requirements and Qualifications…………………………………………………………………3 Application Process……………………………………………………………………………….4 Employment Benefits……………………………………………………………………………..4 Training…………………………………………………………………………………………...6 Hazards…………………………………………………………………………………………....6 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………...7 Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………….8 Customs and Border Protection Abstract The purpose of this report is to research a potential company that I plan to work for to evaluate and inform myself of everything that I may want to know about this company. I will be researching and reporting on the United States Customs and Border Protection Agency. I wish to become a U.S. Border Patrol agent or possibly work in another area within the U.S. CBP. I chose this profession because I wish to be a part of protecting this country and keeping the people safe. I plan to research the hiring process which may include the application method, interviews, physical fitness tests, weapons qualifications and language proficiency tests. I will also search for desired duty locations and...
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...The interdiction of illegal crossings at the borders is and will continue to be one of the top priorities for the Department of Homeland Security. At the frontline of this prevention, the United States Border Patrol, covers more than 7,500 miles of shared border and 2,000 miles of coastal waters around the Florida Peninsula and the island of Puerto Rico where every year more than 500 million travelers, 130 million vehicles and 2.5 million railcars cross into America through these shared borders (White, R., Markowski, T., & Collins, K. (2006). While most travelers within these statistics cross legally, there are those who cross illegally with illicit goods, drugs, weapons and personnel. Though most individual’s intentions are good, there’s...
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...carry out a certain role or achieve a certain goal. It will also have a clearly structured ranking system. | | Example from Public Service: An example of this in the public services is the Uk Riot Police. These specially trained officers are put in a team to maintain public order during riots they have a clear ranking system as a senior officer is often in control of several teams at one time. | TERM: Informal | Meaning or explanation: A informal team is one that works without a hierarchy but will still try to achieve a common goal. In this type of group everyone has equal input and equal say. | | Example from Public Service: An example of this in the public services is Patrol officers this is a team of around two officers who will move around an area in order to prevent crimes. Whilst on patrol both officers are equals and will listen to each other when responding to emergencies. | TERM: Temporary | Meaning or explanation: A temporary team is one that is set up to achieve a one off goal or set up an event but once the task has been completed the team is then disbanded. | Photo | Example from Public Service : | TERM: Project | Meaning or explanation: This is a team whose members are usually from various organizations who are assigned to the group by these organizations to complete tasks to help reach a conclusion. | | Example from Public Service : An example from the police is the collaborations of the Army, fire service and police in helping those affected...
Words: 394 - Pages: 2
...manner. This proposal will outline our plan for the potential $100,000 grant that we would receive. It will describe how, when and where the grant money will be spent. How the Grant Money Will be Spent We will begin by explaining how we plan on spending the $100,000 grant money. We would divide the grant’s funds into four equal parts of $25,000.00 each. These four parts would be used to address various needs within the department. Those needs are: • Technology upgrades • Narcotics training and detection • Equipment purchases (Specifically new weapons) • Recruitment Technology The $25,000 that has been allocated to technology would be spent on automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) systems for some of our patrol vehicles. The ALPR system affords patrol officers the convenience of knowing if a vehicle is stolen while patrolling/driving and prior to stopping a vehicle. It also allows officers the ability to detect stolen vehicles that might be parked on the street or in parking lots. This type of system will help the keep the community and officers safer by identifying vehicles that have active wants and warrants associated...
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...Goodenough, is a patrol officer who often serves as a field training officer. Goodenough is generally capable and experienced in both the patrol and detective divisions. She takes pride in being of the “old school” and has developed a clique of approximately 10 people with whom she gets along while mostly shunning other officers. As an officer of the old school, she typically handles calls for service without requesting cover units or backup. She has had six complaints of brutality lodged against her during the last 3 years. For Ima and her peers, officers who call for backup are “wimps.” She has recently been involved in two high-speed pursuits during which her vehicle was damaged when she attempted to run the offender off the road. Ima will notify a supervisor only when dealing with a major situation. She is borderline insubordinate when dealing with new supervisors. She believes that, generally speaking, the administration exists only to “screw around with us.” You, her shift commander, have been angry about her deteriorating attitude and reckless performance for some time and have been wondering whether you will soon have occasion to take some form of disciplinary action against her. You have also learned that Ima has a reputation among her supervisors as being a “hot dog.” Some of her past and present supervisors have even commented that she is a “walking time bomb” who is unpredictable and could “blow” at any time. One day, while bored on patrol, Ima decides...
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...Arundel County Police Department started an experimental integrated patrol strategy called Employing Creative Closure Strategies in its western patrol district. The experiment was limited to the midnight shift patrol squad. Under the traditional model of law enforcement officers are responsible for patrolling the streets, reporting broken sidewalks, potholes, street and traffic lights that need to be replaced. Under the new program called “Employing Creative Closure Strategies,” patrol officers work with sergeants and lieutenants to review crime data and come up with the best solution to problems. This allows officers to display their expertise in areas such as criminal investigation, traffic enforcement, drug suppression and routine patrol. Of course, as with any organization, changes will be met with resistance. Resistance will most likely come from the senior members of the team who feel like they have seen it all (like Sam Skeptic). To overcome this resistance, I would make sure that my officers understand that the new procedure is only an experiment, and if it does not work, I would ensure that we would go back to the previous method of operation. The areas that would have the least resistance would be the areas that involved collaborating with other officers to help solve cases. For example if an officer needed a search warrant or a stakeout, their supervisor would pair him or her with another patrol officer to help. That way an...
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... For the purpose of this paper, I have chosen the e-mail survey method. The researched proposed is job satisfaction among police officers, specifically patrol officers. Patrol officers are often overlooked and it is forgotten that patrol is the backbone of the police department. The goal is to target what most dissatisfies a patrol officer during the work week in regards to human resources. The type of interview structure used will be an email questionnaire multiple choice survey. This will ensure every patrolman participates and multiple choices will provide graphical results. Patrol officers are the beginning and often the end to every criminal case in America. From the start of making the criminal offense report, to making the arrest and then to testifying in court, the patrolman handles almost every case from start to finish. Yes, detectives play a role in most cases, but without the patrolman working the street; it is unlikely crime reduction would occur. It is important to know and understand what makes the patrolman satisfied and dissatisfied while on the job. If the majority of patrolmen are dissatisfied at work, crime reduction suffers. Not many are willing to work while unhappy yet alone risk their life for unhappiness. It is the responsibility of the department to ensure that the majority of its patrol officers are satisfied with working conditions to prevent silent strikes and to ensure that the survey records “expressed attitude or claimed behavior” to...
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...The Purpose and Effectiveness of Police Patrols To begin studying this topic I’d like to provide a brief definition of a patrol officer. In law enforcement, patrol officers are uniformed police officers assigned to patrol specified geographic areas. They are the officers most commonly encountered by the public. Their duties include responding to calls for service, making arrests, resolving disputes, taking crime reports, and conducting traffic enforcement, and other crime prevention measures. The patrol officer is the first on the scene to arrive. What they do or fail to do at the scene can greatly influence the outcome of an investigation. The patrol officer, as the person daily in the field, is closest to potential crime and oftentimes has probably developed contacts that can provide information that may assist in solving the crime. The general purpose of police patrols whether on foot, bicycle, horseback or motor vehicle is to have a visible presence in the community, maintain public order and a sense of security in the community, build relationships with citizens and business owners, and deter crime especially in trouble spots. The basic activities of these patrols are divided into four different categories. Preventive Patrol – By maintaining a presence in a community patrol officers prevent crime from occurring. This usually accounts for about 40% of the officer’s time. Calls For Service – This is when officers are responding to 911 calls for emergency service, or...
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...Patrol accounts for the biggest portion of police work in most police agencies. The terms “patrolling” and ”on patrol” generally refer to what officers do while not handling calls for service—officers do this mostly in patrol cars, but sometimes on foot, on bicycles, on horseback, or the like. While on patrol, officers may look for traffic violations, suspicious behavior, disorder, and unsafe conditions. They may also look for opportunities to interact with the public in casual or more formal situations. This is all considered patrolling. The time that police officers spend handling calls for service is also considered part of patrol work. Officers on patrol respond to calls, take reports, quell disturbances, and so forth. The combination of these two sets of activities—patrolling and handling calls—occupy most of the time of patrol officers, who in turn represent most of the personnel in the typical police department. Thus, patrol is the main business of policing. We closely associate the term ”patrol” with the police today. New police officers are usually assigned to patrol duties and are often called patrol officers. The largest unit in most police departments is the patrol division; in small police departments, everyone patrols. When we call for police assistance, whether for an emergency, to report a crime, to quiet a disturbance, or to request some type of routine service, a patrol officer is typically dispatched. When we encounter the police in that most ubiquitous...
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...3/12/2016 PATROL Hello my name. and this is how I feel about racial tension in the city of St, Louis. I think St Louis City is one of the most racially divided cities in the country. I say that from experience of living here for over 20 years. In my time living here I’ve experienced racism firsthand. Walking downtown approaching a white person I have saw them cross the street and walk on the other side simply because I’m black. I have went to restaurants and been discriminated against just because of my skin color. I have applied for jobs and been turned down and saw lesser applicants of another color be picked over me. Me personally I’m not a racist or anything close to it. I enjoy spending time with other cultures and races. Its like this city is stuck in a time warp from the 1800’s. Just last week a thriving bar in the Soulard neighborhood was shut down simply because most of their patrons were black in color. I have been to bars in the downtown area and told that my boots were the wrong type of boots or my shorts were too long or my t-shirt was white and looked through the window and see white people that are in the same is exact outfit that I have on but they were let in and I was not. The only difference that I could observe between me and the other guests were I was black and they were white. I have worked at bars and have been told by management to not let large groups of blacks in but a party bus with thirty whites on it would pull up and they will...
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...Proposed regulation: Georgia Super Speeder Law 1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interest you. -Office of Highway Safety controls this Georgia Super Speeder regulation. This agency and regulation interests me because as a Georgia resident I have seen the damages that speeding on a Georgia highway can cause. I have had colleagues face bad accidents as a result to speeding and this regulation punishes those drivers that break the new regulation. -This law will directly affect me so much as if I was in violation of the law; I can face an additional $200 in the ticket fee just for being in violation. This fee does not include the actual speeding ticket. 2. Describe the proposal/change -The new law will increase the amount of money that an individual pays along with the speeding ticket fee. The proposal is in place to decrease the number of deaths and accidents from the result of driving above the given speed limit. 3. Write the public comment which you would submit to this proposal. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment. -I am in favor of the new super speeder regulation. I believe this law will decrease the amount of ‘speeders’ on Georgia highways. Georgia has a high rate of motor vehicle accidents a day and with a new law that will punish these drivers with higher fines, I believe that more drivers will take caution and actually...
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...Geography affects the United States border security by making some borders more accessible to cross and making them more feasible spots for illegal crossings while making other borders somewhat problematic to cross. For the United States, the East and West Coasts are sometimes challenging to access due to their geography. They face towards large oceans and are often quite distant from any foreign countries. The northern and southern borders are very long land borders. These borders go through very isolated areas and can be very hard to keep order and patrol. The northern border is generally seen as a less likely spot for illegal crossings because it borders on a prosperous country instead of a poor one. These are ways in which geography determines which United States borders are most likely to be crossed illegally. Mexico’s border is smaller and can be monitored and patrolled with less ability. It also has the most activity of illegal entry with the intent to stay in the United States. I believe that terrorist enter our country from many entry points in addition to Mexico and Canada. In my opinion no one is serious about patrolling borders and stopping illegal entry simply because it’s not cost effective. Greater efforts should be made to bring Mexico, the country that is the primary source of illegal immigrants, into the planning process. The northern border poses a more severe challenge as far as border control given its length, geographic complexity, and comparative lack...
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