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Paul Walker Research Paper

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Paul Walker was admired by everyone for the passion he had for acting and also for the charity work he did outside of acting which helped him create his own foundation. Not many actors are as caring and as kind as he was. He helped many people get through natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. Therefore, Paul Walker should be honored with a commemorative stamp as he is one of the most memorable actors of our generation.
When I think of a role model he is the first one to pop in my head for all his great achievements apart from the big screen. Paul Walker made a difference around the world before it was too late. He had witnessed countries or even people go through depression because of natural disasters. For that …show more content…
He admired Jacques-Yves Cousteau, a marine biologist, he joined the Board of Directors of the Billfish Foundation in 2006 and went on to do many projects including the National Geographic series “Expedition Great White” in 2010. He intended on making a movie, paying off his loans and going back to school to get his degree. His father was very proud of him because of how big of a heart he had, he helped everyone that was in need of help. He influenced people so much that at his death site many car fanatics gathered up and all drove around it.(World Entertainment News Network) Around 5,000 people gathered, the event was planned by social media but mourners arrived earlier to leave flowers, candles and stuffed animals. The event concluded with a cruise by the area, 30 miles North-West of downtown Los Angeles. Many actors that made movies with him made posts of how great of a person Walker was. One being Vin Diesel who was very close to the actor teared up when interviewed about Walker’s death. He opened up about how it was hard for him because of how long the had been friends making 7 movies together in the sequel of the movies Too Fast Too Furious. Paul was a man with a very big heart the time and dedication he put into acting and his foundation is just amazing. To me I believe there has never been someone as hard working and caring as Walker himself, he was a man dedicated to helping others, kept a quiet

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