...Clinical Indications for Probiotics: An Overview Abstract Probiotic bacteria are used to treat or prevent a broad range of human diseases, conditions, and syndromes. In addition, there are areas of medical use that have been proposed for future probiotic applications. Randomized double-blind studies have provided evidence of probiotic effectiveness for the treatment and prevention of acute diarrhea and antibiotic-induced diarrhea, as well as for the prevention of cow milk–induced food allergy in infants and young children. Research studies have also provided evidence of effectiveness for the prevention of traveler's diarrhea, relapsing Clostridium difficile–induced colitis, and urinary tract infections. There are also studies indicating that probiotics may be useful for prevention of respiratory infections in children, dental caries, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. Areas of future interest for the application of probiotics include colon and bladder cancers, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The probiotics with the greatest number of proven benefits are Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG and Saccharomyces boulardii. Probiotics have been defined as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host” . Probiotics have been used to treat a wide range of diseases, ailments, and conditions that affect humans and animals. Additional medical applications have been proposed for potential future uses, depending...
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...IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, Vol. 11, January 2011 ISSN (Online): 2230-7893 www.IJCEM.org 71 Attribute Based Perceptual Mapping of Prepaid Mobile Cellular Operators: An Empirical Investigation Among Management Graduates in Central Haryana Ashutosh Nigam1, Rajiv Kaushik 2 1 Department of Management Studies, Vaish College of Engg. Rohtak, India drashutoshnigam@gmail.com 2 Department of Management Studies, Vaish College of Engg. Rohtak, India rajivkaushikprince@gmail.com Abstract A comparison of consumer’s perception regarding cellular mobile operators was done on five cellular operators in the prepaid segment. The paper focuses on how management students associate selected brands of mobile cellular operators. Discriminant analysis is used to map selected mobile cellular operators along with their attributes. Study investigates how consumers associate the attributes in different dimensions with reference to leading service providers. Operators do not differ significantly with regard to attributes. However, they vary in their promotional campaigning and years of existence in the market. Keywords: Perceptual Mapping, Brand, Sevice Quality, Quality of Experience. Introduction With liberalization and internationalization in telecommunication, service quality has become important means of differentiation of the brand to achieve business success. For last two decades the Indian cellular services is experiencing highest growth...
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...Report Outline 01. Introduction 03. An Overview of Nike 04. What is Perception? 05. Perceptual Mapping 06. Tabulated Survey Results 07. Findings 01. Introduction c/b 1.2 Origin of Report The report has been prepared for Mr. Junaid Khan, faculty at School of Business in North South University as a requirement of MKT344 course. This report is compulsory for students majoring in marketing. 1.3 Report Objectives We had the following objectives while writing the report (a). Investigate consumers perception on Nike shoes. (b). Identify underlying causes of perception. (c). Positioning of Nike in consumers mind. (d). Draw a perceptual mapping of Nike compared with other brands. (e). Analysis of respondents perception in terms of social class. 1.4 Limitations We had faced many obstacles in carrying out a successful survey. Some of the limitations faced were as (a). The survey sample was a negligible amount, that was 50 persons to obtain accurate answer. (b). The next problem was in assessing the true income level of respondents as people were not eager to disclose their true income. Surprisingly two respondents filled out the income level after making personal request. (c). The survey was carried out only in a porsche area of Dhaka city i.e. – in Banani not leaving a huge number of respondents outside the survey. 03. An overview of Nike 3.1 The Company “If you have a body, you are an athlete,” this was the saying of Bill Bowerman;...
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...JÖNKÖPING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY St r at egi c Under standi ng A Qualitative Study on Similarities and Differences in Perceptions of Strategy Bachelor Thesis within Business Administration Author: Florance Batamuriza Tobias Berg Tony Hatami Tutor: Jönköping Jens Hultman & Anna Jenkins June 2006 Strategic Understanding - A Qualitative Study On Similarities and Differences in Perceptions of Strategy A Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration by Batamuriza, Berg & Hatami - JIBS 2006 Acknowledgements Since the begging of the year of 2006 we have worked hard to complete this paper. It has been both fun and challenging. We would not have reached this far without the help of our tutors, Jens Hultman and Anna Jenkins, therefore we want to give them a special thanks for helping and guiding us through this struggle. At the same time we would also like to thank the other groups for their constructive criticism and ideas for improvements. In connection to this, another thanks to our anonymous proofreaders without whom this thesis would not look anything like it does. We also want to give big thanks to the company that offered their time, effort and their thoughts during the interviews; without it this paper would have been impossible to complete and for this we will be ever grateful. Last but certainly not least, we would like to thank our families and friends that put up with our never ending discussions about the paper, and for your ever lasting...
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...HUMAN DYNAMICS ASSIGNMENT BY: SHREYA BISHT ROLL NO: 323431 DIV: “D” PERCEPTION Perception is the organization, identification,and interpretation of sensory information in order to understand and representthe surroundings. All perception includes signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from chemical or physical stimulation of the sense organs. For example, smell is mediated by odor modules, hearing involves pressure waves and vision includes light striking at the retina of the eye. Perception is not the passive receipt of these signals, but is shaped by memory, learning, attention and expectation. Perception involves these "top-down" effects as well as the "bottom-up" process of processing sensory input. The...
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...processes. Most of the organizations are facing the problem to implement the transparent process during the reward allocation because of the individual perception. The theory regarding the fairness also suggest to implement a structured way that will adhere to the policy of the organization so that no employees remain with the dilemma that justice is coming in the proper way. The theory is used to understand the behavioral aspect of the employees and their superior where researchers have given several feedbacks that influence the process (Lund, Scheer and Kozlenkova 2013). The argument is structured in such a way that helps to understand the several aspects of the importance of the organizational fairness in the compensation management, role of organizational fairness in reward allocation, factors that are influencing fairness in reward allocation, impact of reward distribution on employees and how fairness can be achieved within the process. All the processes are discussed with the view of several researches that establish the fact of issues and solutions of the reward allocation. At the end of the essay, every topic is summarized with the findings that could help to enhance the reward allocation. Discussion Operating an organization always needs fairness to satisfy its employees because every employee have individual perception of their allocated reward that what they are getting form the company and what they are suppose to get. According to the Equity theory of fairness in...
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...facilities of any club in the area. For example , several negative comments by club members regarding the dining facilities prompted the board to survey members to get their feelings and perceptions of the dining facilities and food offerings at the club .Based on the survey findings, the board of directors established a quality control committee to oversee the dining room and a new club manager was hired. Most recently ,the board became concerned about the number of people seeking membership to Chestnut Ridge. Although no records are kept on the number of membership applications received each year, the board sensed that this figure was declining. They also believed that membership applications at the three competing country clubs in the area – Alden, Chalet and Lancaster … were not experiencing similar declines. Because Chestnut Ridge had other facilities , such as tennis club and a pool ,that were comparable to the facilities at these other clubs , the board was perplexed as to why membership applications would be falling at Chestnut Ridge. To gain insight into the matter, the board of directors hired an external research team to conduct a study of the country clubs in Elma Tennessee area and assess their market performance. The goals of the research were (1) to determine people’s overall perception of Chestnut Ridge and (2) to provide recommendations for ways to increase membership...
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...Effect of Color and Word on Response Time Lidia Emelina Brooklyn College of CUNY Abstract Selective attention is the act of focusing on a particular object for a period of time, while simultaneously ignoring irrelevant information. It happens on a daily basis and seen in basically any interactions (at school, at work, at store and etc). Many different researches were done with relevance of Stroop Effect, which allowed scientist to examine differences in gender, age, as well as education on the intervention effect. The METACARD software was used to explore the effect of congruent and incongruent stimuli on the reaction time of participant’s performance. The data is from 46 participants are presented here. Results revealed that when word and color match, participants have faster responses and less errors. When word and color do not match, participants have slower responses and make more errors. The Stroop effect demonstrates the dynamic of selective attention, illustrates the nature of automatic processing, and shows that people can improve their selective attention. Keywords: selective attention, interaction, stroop effect, automatic processing. Introduction The phenomenon of interference takes a large place in experimental psychology and demands our attention. Many psychologist investigate inhibiting effects nowadays. However, the psychologists began to study interference prior to 1890. Many experiments were conducted to investigate...
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...|Consumer’s perception of food quality and its relation to the choice of food | |Master thesis | |Master of Science in Marketing | | | |DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING AND STATISTICS | |HANDELSHØJSKOLEN | |AARHUS UNIVERSITET | | | | | | | | ...
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...MKTG 4120 Case Study – Positioning the ConneCtor 2011 Prepared by LI Danyang Sunny 1155002138 Question 1: Two dimensions were applied in this case since the third dimension did not capture significant variance compared with the sum of first two. (See Figure 1) The variance explained by the horizontal dimension (46.6%) was two times more than the vertical horizontal (20.8%), so the horizontal dimension was more than twice important in explaining customer perceptions than the vertical one. The horizontal axis associated mostly with attributes “Multimedia”, “Stylish” and “Monitor” while the vertical axis associated mostly with “Sturdiness”, “Light Weight” and “Connectivity”. (See Figure 2) From the perception map, Connector 10L performed the best in terms of Connectivity, Data Entry and Third Party Support. Moreover, it also had advantages on its weight. However, Connector 10L was not attractive enough to customers in terms of Multimedia Function, Stylish and Monitor Quality. It is noticed that there was a lack of other brands near Connector 10L’s position (Only Palm VII), which indicated a potential opportunity for new positioning – wireless access feature. (See Figure 2) Question 2: In the positioning map with Preference Vector, it could be found that Connector 10L is the 5th preferred brand chosen by participants, ranked after HP Jornada, Casio Cassuioeia, Compaq IPac and Palm VII. Overall preference for handheld devices increased with Memory, Software and...
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...More generally, there are three types of positioning concepts: 1. Functional positions o Solve problems o Provide benefits to customers o Get favorable perception by investors (stock profile) and lenders 2. Symbolic positions o Self-image enhancement o Ego identification o Belongingness and social meaningfulness o Affective fulfillment 3. Experiential positions o Provide sensory stimulation o Provide cognitive stimulation Perceptual mapping Perceptual mapping provides answers to these vital questions: • What is your market position relative to your competitors? • What are your strengths and weaknesses? • Where are there gaps in the market? • How do you measure up to the “ideal?” • What strategies will improve your competitive position so that you are both relevant to the market and differentiated from competitors? The process includes developing the attributes—either functional, emotional, or both. Survey respondents rate the client brand and competitive brands on each of the attributes, and attribute importance and ideal attribute ratings are obtained. These perceptions are used to create the maps, and analysis of gaps and ideal points is performed. An Example of Perceptual Mapping This hypothetical example of the beverage market illustrates one of the primary results of a perceptual mapping study—the map itself. For illustrative purposes, this example uses types of beverages instead of actual beverage...
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...Sensation & Perception * Sensation is the detection of physical energy from the environment which we encode as neural signals. * Perception is when we organize and interpret our sensations * The beginning level of sensory analysis is also known as bottom- up processing * Top-down processing is the information processing guided by higher-level mental processes, as when someone constructs perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations. * Bottom up processing is sensory analysis that begins at the entry level, with information flowing from the sensory analysis that begins at the entry level with information flowing from the sensory receptors to the brain * Psychophysics is the study of relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli, such as their intensity, and our psychological experience of them. * Absolute threshold is the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50 percent of the time Sensory Adaptation * Sensory Adaptation- lowered sensitivity due to constant exposure from stimulus. For example, when you go into someone’s house you notice an odor…but this only lasts for a little while because sensory adaptation allows you to focus your attention on changing environment. * This adaptation allows the person to focus on informative changes, leaving out uninformative constant stimulations. Vision * Transduction refers to Sensory energy being convert (transformed) into neural energy/impulses...
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...Visual perception is the interpretation of the visual world by processing the information transmitted by visual light, transducing the information into a medium the brain can understand. Understanding the mechanisms behind visual perception is important in understanding incidences when visual perception goes wrong. Receptive fields are one mechanism to understand how the brain processes the visual world. A receptive field is a discrete area of visual space that elicits a response in a specific neuron (Allman et al, 1985), and hence stimulation in a receptive field should result in activity in its associated cell. Receptive fields display precise organisation and structure that differs in complexity with progression through the visual system,...
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...1. Short Description a) Definition, origin Visual perception[1] is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment by processing information that is contained in visible light. The resulting perception is also known as eyesight or vision. However, what people see is not simply a translation of retinal stimuli (i.e., the image on the retina) [2]. Aesthetic experience of visual perception can therefore be conceptualised in three levels: sensory perception (environmental stimuli), cognition, meanings and values that the viewer may associate with this typology. (Gjerde M. 2010.) The Analysis of visual perception is a method to clarify visual information in physical environment, thus parsing human’s interpreting process into legible components...
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...Release THE 22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF MARKETING. Copyright © 1993 by Al Ries and Jack Trout. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission Contents Introduction 1. The Law of Leadership 2. The Law of the Category 3. The Law of the Mind 4. The Law of Perception 5. The Law of Focus 6. The Law of Exclusivity 7. The Law of the Ladder 8. The Law of Duality 9. The Law of the Opposite 10. The Law of Division 11. The Law of Perspective 12. The Law of Line Extension 13. The Law of Sacrifice 14. The Law of Attributes file:///F|/Business/Marketing/22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing.html 15. The Law of Candor 16. The Law of Singularity 17. The Law of Unpredictability 18. The Law of Success 19. The Law of Failure 20. The Law of Hype 21. The Law of Acceleration 22. The Law of Resources Warning About the Authors Credits Copyright About the Publisher Introduction Billions of dollars have been wasted on marketing programs that couldn’t possibly work, no matter how clever or brilliant. Or how big...
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