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Permafrost Research Paper

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For thousands of years, bacterias and viruses have laid underneath frozen permafrost also known as a thick subsurface layer of soil. This permafrost is more than 1,000 feet deep in some places, or about the height of the Empire State Building. Due to global warming, all bacterias and viruses that were once frozen can be released into the air. The bacterias and viruses in the permafrost can lead to disease, sickness, and death. All of this is mostly caused by global warming.

In Siberia, A 12 year old boy was killed by anthrax, a disease thought to come from the permafrost. About 100 cases of cases of this disease have left people hospitalized. More than 2,000 reindeer or caribou have died from infection. In the early 20th century, there were anthrax outbreaks in Siberia. More than a million reindeer had died during this time. Now there are around 7,000 burial grounds with infected carcasses scattered across northern Russia. Disease caused by global warming can be infectious. …show more content…
More deaths could happen in the future if the melting of permafrost continues. Researchers have found pieces of the 1918 Spanish flu virus in corpses buried in the graves of Alaska's tundra. It’s a possibility that there is smallpox and bubonic plague buried in Siberia. Even if it may not be certain, it is always a possibility that diseases and viruses can infect people in the future. Janet Jansson, who studies permafrost at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington State, has no concern of ancient viruses. Attempts to discover infectious agents in corpses have not been found. She does think for further research to identify the wide variety of permafrost-dwelling organisms, some of which could pose health risks. To accomplish the goal, she and others have been using molecular tools like DNA sequencing and protein analysis to determine the properties of unknown microorganisms, considered as microbial dark

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