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Persian Empire Research Paper

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The most powerful empires of all time gained their strength through implementing educational tactics. The Persian Empire, for instance, used the educational tactics of military training. Living their days fighting for the protection of their empire; boys were taken away from their families at the age of seven to start training for war. This civilization believed in the importance of fighting and it united them to be one strong society. As Dewey said, “ A society is a number of people held together because they are working along common lines, in a common spirit, and with reference to common aims”(Dewey, p. 102). The Persians were one of a kind; the protection of each member of their empire was the most important thing. Mothers didn’t saw their children as being taken away; on the contrary, they were being educated in how to kill the enemy. The Persian had the common aim of protecting their members, and fighting was the only way of doing so. Those who didn’t want to fight were considered the shame of their families, and lost the community’s respect. At the age of 24, after finishing their military training, men were considered ready to fight, as it was all they knew and all they were. Every civilization has its own common aims, …show more content…
I’ll take my own experience for an example. By the time I was in fourth grade I had to wash the dishes, clean the floor, cook lunch for my siblings, and make sure my little sister was decently dressed to go to school. These were some of my responsibilities and I played my role at the moment, but I didn’t do it because I wanted; I did it because I was taught since I was little that everyone has to do something as a part of a family. I was taught that if I wanted to go play with my friends I had to be done with my responsibilities before I could go. This “do and get” system is the basic foundation of our

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