...RehabCare in Carlow with their Person Centred Planning (PCP) approach to client care? ➢ What is the attitude of RehabCare to the concept of empowerment, and how does it fit into the implementation of the PCP process in RehabCare, Carlow? ➢ To what extent does PCP at RehabCare contribute to the underlying goal of greater social inclusion? CONTENTS TITLE PAGE……………………………………… P 1 CONTENTS PAGE………………………………... P2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………….. P3 INTRODUCTION………………………………….. P4 LITERATURE REVIEW………………………….. P5 METHODOLOGY…………………………………. P11 FINDINGS………………………………………….. P13 ANALYSIS…………………………………………. P16 CONCLUSION…………………………………….. P18 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………….. P20 APPENDIX (Interview Transcript)……………….. P22 THE END……………………………………………. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to thank the management at RehabCare in Carlow, for being so helpful and informative. I would also like to thank the lecturer of this course, Ruth Casey, for all of her input and advice. Introduction Hereafter, I will discuss my participation in this endeavour in the third person, as the “researcher”. The researcher’s choice was to conduct a study of RehabCare in Carlow; and through the process of investigation in this organisation, an attempt was made to answer one main question, and two related sub-questions. Main Question: • How successful is RehabCare in Carlow with their Person Centred Planning (PCP) approach...
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...Learning Group Posting Person Centred Therapy 1. The Goals of the therapy Developed by humanist psychologist Carl Rogers as a non-directive form of talk therapy in the 1940’s and 1950’s.The goals of the person-centred approach are different to many traditional approaches to therapy. “Its focus is on the person, not on the person’s presenting problem. The main goal of the therapy is for the client to realise their capacity for self-actualisation” (Davis).To achieve this goal therapists would work on developing an” increased self-esteem within the client and create an environment whereas the client is more open to experience(Person Centered Therapy,2012)” Rogers (1977) did not believe that the aim of therapy was to solve problems. Rather, it was to assist clients in their growth process so clients could better cope with their current and future problems.”(Corey, 2009, p170). Person centred therapists do not set goals for their clients, but assist clients through facilitative therapy to achieve their own goals. As self-concept develops goals would be expected to change. This therapy could not be applied to all clients as some would not possess the natural inclination towards the self-actualisation process even within the context of the supportive, facilitative client-therapist relationship. 2. A description of the processes and procedures of the therapy Person centred therapy differs from other therapies in that it is not technique orientated and the therapist does not assume...
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...PERSON-CENTERED THERAPY Most important person and what they believed: Carl Rogers created Person-Centered Therapy in the 1940’s. Rogers humanistic approach was revolutionary in shifting the mainstream ideology of psychoanalytic and behavior counseling modalities to a client-based approach. Although this counseling modality was initially called nondirective counseling and underwent four main development/evolutionary stages, Rogers maintained his belief that it is ultimately up to the client, not the therapist, to become the agent needed for self-change. Rogers was a humanist who believed that people are ultimately trustworthy, they have the potential to understand themselves and resolve their own problems, and much of the clients’ ability to change lies in the relationship found between they client and the counselor. Philosophy: The main philosophy behind Person-Centered Therapy is that the client is capable of becoming fully functioning individual, whom is responsible for creating change to help resolve issues they face in their lives; people can worked toward self-awareness and self-healing, without the direct influence and techniques used by a therapist. Person-Centered Therapy treats every client as a unique individual and has respect for the client’s subjective world. This approach also believes if a person enters into a positive, genuine relationship with a counselor, every person attains a natural potential to actualize and finding meaning in their life. The client-therapist...
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...Carl Rodgers(1902-1987) is the individual most responsible for person centered counseling. He was the forth child in a family of six. Carl’s mother was a devout protestant with strict religious standards and was very hard on him and his brothers and sisters. Also, in spite of his he described the relationships in his family as warm and close. As a young child he as he pursued mainly scholarly interests. In addition, Carl was described as very socially introverted . As a result of this and his mother’s harsh treatment, he was discouraged from playing. While Carl was in his youth going through elementary and high school, he developed an active imagination, reflected on life, and concentrated on reading and doing his school work. Also, during this Carl lived on a farm and was responsible to do many chores,due to his parents stressing protestant ethic. Consequetly, he became very dependent and self disciplined. As a student in college he first studied agriculture, then history, then religion, and finally to clinical psychology. Also, in his college years, he was chosen to go to Bejing for the “World Student Federation Christian conference” While there he would learn about different religious philosophies and started to question his own beliefs on religion. As a result, this experience would shape his views of human behavior. The basis of the person centered theory in counseling is that it is a particular view of human nature that proposes that people are basically...
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...Counseling Theory October 12, 2013 Therapist like Bohart and Watson who runs individual therapies such as, person centered therapy; can greatly assume that clients strive to develop a greater degree of independence and integration for individuals in their surroundings and the people in their lives (Corey, 2013). Clients prepare to be open to the experience of counseling, to trust in them, to evaluate themselves internally, and to pursue willingness towards continued growth. Fear of any of these areas requires addressing prior to moving forward with current issues, as these will impede client growth. According to the text, clients will experience therapy differently depending on perceptions of both the past and the possibilities of future events (Corey, 2013). Exploring a wider range of beliefs and feelings aids clients during this process, helping clients to better appreciate who they are and what they are capable of accomplishing. When clients come to counselors that they just want to talk, so they can sort out things and listen to themselves on what they are saying are on of the problems that they would have to the therapist. As a future counselor I believe that setting a topic therapy for the client is a way that can help the client to talk about how they are feeling. For instance I work at Carrier Clinic as a Mental Health Technician and right now I'm a shadowing group with the clients. And eventually as I will run group by my self one of my topics would be, for...
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...Psychology, Other - Year 2 Person-Centered model of helping Prepare a response on a Person-Centered model of helping. I need suggestions, information and ideas for each section in this task to help get me started. TASK: You must integrate your learning from the course and discuss how and why you have, at this point in your development, formed your viewpoint(s). Your response must include the following elements: 1. Presentation of the Person-Centered model 2. Your view of helping and how your chosen model fits within your viewpoint 3. The relationship between the clinician and the participant as it relates to Person-Centered model 4. Techniques or approaches to change as indicated in the Person-Centered model 5. The kinds of problems that can be addressed with Person-Centered model 6. The population(s) that this Person-Centeredmodel can help 7. Limitations and strengths of the Person-Centeredmodel 8. Multicultural issues related to the Person-Centeredmodel Paper must show adequate understanding of the material presented in the workshop, and reflect your ability to integrate and synthesize the course material. • Created: • Jun 01, 2009 11:15 am • Solution By Expert: • Departed Expert Solutiongo to problem One approach to help you with an assignment like this one is to address each question, which you can then draw on for your final copy. This is the approach that this response takes. I also attached a helpful APA resource. Let's take...
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...Person-Centered Therapy HISTORY OF PERSON-CENTERED THERAPY Person-centered therapy is very much embodied in the work of Carl Rogers. He is mainly responsible for the development of person-centered therapy. His focus on the importance of the client-counselor relationship has had an influence on both theorists and practitioners. The following chart describes the personal and professional development of Carl Rogers. As he changed and developed, so did person-centered therapy. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND POSITIONS PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCES Developmental Stage Born in 1902 in a suburb of Chicago Fourth of six children' Religious fundamental upbringing Adolescent interest in agriculture Early career goal: the ministry Graduated from the University of Wisconsin Married Helen Elliott Attended Union Theological Seminary Received Ph.D. from Columbia University Teacher's College in 1931 in clinical psychology 12 years at the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children in Rochester, NY 1940 - academic career at Ohio State University Early work influenced by psychoanalysis Rogers was influenced by Rank through his work with Jessie Taft and Elizabeth Davis. Rank focused on the uniqueness of the individual, as did'Alfred Adler Goldstein and Maslow wrote about self-actualization - a humanist idea Rogers read writings of existentialists The Clinical Treatment of the Problem Child, 1939 Non-directive Stage 1945 - worked at the University of Chicago At Ohio State, started writing...
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...Running Head: A BRIEF CRITIQUE OF PERSON CENTERED THERAPY A Brief Critique of Person Centered Therapy Date of submission: 11.09.2008 A Brief Critique of Person Centered Therapy “Existential therapy is a process of searching for the value and meaning in life” “(Corey, p. 131) with a focus on central concerns of the person’s existence; Such as death, freedom, existential isolation and meaningless. “Existential therapy can best be described as a philosophical approach that influences a counselor’s therapeutic practice” (Corey, p. 131). Founders of Existential Therapy include Soren Kagarra, Fredrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and Martin Buber. They employed the humanistic approach. The contributing developers include Victor Frankl, Rollo May, Irvin Yalom, and James Bugental who developed the theory into what we have today. As one looks at the Philosophy and basic assumptions existential therapy looks at the unique characteristics that make us human and uses them as a foundation to build upon. Existential therapy also puts a great emphasis on freedom, choice, responsibility, and self determination. This student applauds that existential therapy suggests that we are the authors of our own lives. Our goal is to create meaning in our lives. There are six key propositions in existential therapy. The first is we have the capacity for self awareness, the second is because we are basically free beings we must accept the responsibility that accompanies...
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...Module 1 Notes In this essay I will define what Person Centred Therapy (PCT) is and I will look at the origins of this therapy with particular reference to Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers and examine the fundamental elements necessary for the therapy to be seen as patient centred. I will compare the benefits and disadvantages of Person-Centred Therapy and try to establish whether a therapist can treat all clients effectively using just the one approach or whether it is more beneficial to the client for the therapist to use a more multi-disciplinary approach. To be able to discuss this subject, it is important to describe first what we mean when discussing PCT. Person-Centred Therapy, also known as client-centred, non-directive, or Rogerian therapy, is an approach to counselling and psychotherapy that places much of the responsibility for the treatment process on the client, with the therapist taking a non-directive role. PCT emphasises person to person relationship between the therapist and client and focuses on the clientâs point of view; through active listening the therapist tries This essay is intended to explore the statement that Person-centered therapy offers therapists all they need to treat clients. In order to do this I intend to further explore the opinions of other individuals practicing and researching counseling therapies. My first thoughts are that if the Person centered approach was sufficient, there might not have been such a great variety of...
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...“Evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy offers the therapist is all that he / she will need to treat clients” In order to evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy is all that is needed for a therapist to treat their clients, it is first necessary to look at the Therapy as a concept and the basic premise on which its theories rest, before looking at how this model effects change in the client, and then considering whether this approach is enough to achieve results in all types of client problems or whether indeed it is found to be somewhat lacking in its effectiveness for some or all cases along with some criticisms voiced by other writers and therapists who follow alternative models as a preference. . The Person-Centred or “Rogerian” model as it is sometimes referred to, was developed by an American, Carl Rogers (Jan 8 1902 – Feb 4 1987) who was one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. He was a humanist thinker and believed that all people are fundamentally good. He also believed that people have a self actualising tendency, or a desire to fulfil their own potential and become the best people they can be. He worked as a psychotherapist for most of his adult life and in developing his model he made some key assumptions. He believed that all individuals are capable of exercising free will and that human beings are basically good and if given the opportunity they will always strive towards goodness...
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...What Is “Person-Centered”? A Posthumous Conversation with Carl Rogers on the Development of the Person-Centered Approach Sharie Adams Cambridge College The article to be discussed in this journal capture the attention of the critic upon reading the title. It was not wholly morbid-to say the least-it was odd. There was a palm-reader-gypsy-at-the-fair air to the title. Out of the many titles that were perused, the title alone made the selection easy. The author, Howard Kirschenbaum- a notable author and educator in his own right- authored the biography of the late Carl Rogers. A friend, colleague and authority of Person-Centered theory, Kirschenbaum creates an in depth conversation with the disease that creates an interesting way to pique the interest but to also, bring a novice understanding of Carl Rogers’ person-centered counseling. The journal takes place in a dream where the author has a very in-depth conversation with his friend who affectionately refers to him as “Howie”. Howie then is able to ask his friend some very serious questions about his theories definition, challenges, person-centered antagonist, and the future of person-centered being incorporated in to different kinds of counseling. The author does a great job of using previous conversations, writings and interviews with Carl Rogers to give an accurate account of Roger’s point of view. The conversation begins with Kirschenbaum making the reader aware of the atrophy of person-centered approach in...
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...Shortly and clearly describe the topic of your interview. • The topic of my interview is Person Centered Therapy for a client with work related stress and some personal problems. My interview is based on a lady who is having hard times to cope up with her work because she is upset and unsatisfied of her job description. She has moved to a new place so it is also difficult for her to adapt the unfamiliar environment. She also goes to school and due to her stress she is not been able to focus on her studies. She is also not able to sleep properly which is making her fatigue. Describe at least three notable emotions felt by you through the entirety of the interview. • The first is self-awareness. I was self-aware throughout the session about my...
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...This assignment is based on a case study and will explore a person-centered care given to a patient by the student and her supervisor during a clinical placement. The assignment will explore effective communication skills when working with other professionals, the patient, and their families. For clarity, the assignment will also explore the ethical, legal and professional values underpinning nursing practice with a special focus on how professional issues can impact the person-centered care given. It must be acknowledged that the assignment relates to the person-centered care provided by the student to a patient during her stay in the hospital. The person’s confidentiality will be protected in this assignment, with the use of a pseudonym...
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...home in a good suburb and Oliver will go to private school. Anna does not have to work and they plan to try for a second child next year. Despite all of the positives in his life, Joel still feels unhappy. He loves his wife and son, but is feeling oppressed by the constant demands of parenthood and feels that is work is suffering because he has to commit more time at home. He enjoys work less than he did and he feels that his relationship with Anna is also suffering as he finds himself wanting to spend more time away from home and is stressed and frustrated with the situation and worries about whether he can really be a good father and husband. He is also disappointed in himself for not being able to have more control over his life.” *** Person centred therapy is based upon the belief that individuals are resourceful and capable of taking...
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...MODIFICATION AND PERSON-CENTERED THERAPY Behavior Modification and Person-Centered Therapy Grand Canyon University PSY 255 May 15, 2012 Behavior Modification and Person-Centered Therapy Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a treatment that helps patients to understand the feelings and thought that influence his or her behavior. Cognitive behavior treatment can help outpatient client deal with his or her problems. Many approaches can be used for outpatient therapy, two such treatments are Behavior Modification and Person-Centered Therapy. Cognitive treatments are used to treat disorders like depression, addiction, and anxiety, with the right treatment patient can become capable at fulfilling his or her potential for growth. Carl Rogers, a humanistic American psychologist, developed the client-centered therapy. His ideas have been used all over the world. Rogers’s person-centered approach has been used in education, parenting, organizational development, recovery, and administration (Natiello, n.d.). Roger believed that humans “naturally strive to reach an optimal sense of satisfaction with our lives” (Burger, 2008, p. 292.). Roger believe that therapist’s job is to provide an atmosphere where the clients can change themselves, therapist are not there to change the client. He believes that each person can develop in a positive self-actualizing fashion unless in some way his or her progress is impeded (Burger, 2008). Person-centered therapy or client-centered therapy is an...
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