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Personal Co-Cultures


Submitted By gunner624
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My co-Cultures
Unit 7 assignment
April 19, 2016

April 19, 2016

When I think about the co-cultures I am affiliated with is not a huge amount, I like to keep a tight circle. So first and for most is my family, which is my closest group it includes my wife, kids, mother, sister, brother, and in laws and nieces and nephews. This is the group that I share the most with and spend the most amount of time with and let them in on my conquers and defeats in my life. The others co-cultures, I would say I am a part of, work so AT&T, my church, political affiliation and sports. I have added a new one recently as my oldest just started playing soccer on Sundays, so I am meeting a whole new group of parents.
When it comes to the most important group I would say my family but outside of that is my sports friends. As a Cleveland sports fan it’s always been hard being a fan. Since the city of Cleveland has not won a title in one of the 3 major sports since 1964 the longest of any city with all 3 major sports teams. So as sports fans the Cleveland Browns have been very bad since 1999, the Cleveland Indians have had highs and low, with 2 World Series loses, 1995 and 1997. In 1997 they were one out away from winning it all, so painful. Finally the Cleveland Cavaliers who were beat by the Chicago Bulls, in 1996 and lost in the finals in 2007 and 2015. In between those year there was also “The Decision’ this is where LeBron James announced he was leaving Cleveland to play in Miami. So being a Cleveland sports fan is extremely hard, we lose often and when we get close they crush our dreams. As a group of fan there is none who are hungrier for a championship.
As a person who is not the most outgoing and likes my little bubble there is no way I could limit myself to just one co-culture. I do like a little variety in my life, plus even in my Cleveland Co-Culture I don’t like everyone who is a part of that group so even though we suffer together I may not enjoy their company outside of that group. So I would still want to be affiliated with other groups to keep things different.
When it comes to working with someone from another Co-Culture I feel the old saying applies, 6 degrees of separation. We may not on the onset find something we are part of together but if we dig I am sure we will find a co-culture we have in common. As someone who from the reading who is part of Generation X as someone who was born in 1980 (O’Hair) to the last year who can say they are a part of that group I have a hard time identifying with Millennials. I find many of them do not have the same work ethic and they are looking to develop an App to make it big or instead of working hard to work up in a company they would rather not work. So as I encounter many of them especially in my work I have to find something we have in common, usually technology as I enjoy phones, tablets, and just mobile technology in general. So I feel I can find something that we have in common to strike a conversation. The one where I find people put up the most walls is political affiliation, when I tell people I am a Republican who they themselves are liberals or even progressive, they generally shut down and no longer want anything to do with me since the assume the worst. When in reality they are being the ones who do not practice what they preach and are not tolerant of different ideas and beliefs. That is the hardest wall I have encountered to get through to have dialog with. So what I find I have to do unfortunly is break down the stereo types (Chand)


O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. O. (n.d.). Real communication: An introduction with mass communication. Retrieved April 15, 2016.

Chand, D. (2003, Fall). Updated 29 May 2014. Retrieved April 18, 2016, from

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