...Personal Ethics Development PHL 323 John Banks UOPX February 14, 2012 Individuals are born without any personal values or beliefs, babies are born with the ability to cry when he or she desire food, attention, or some form of attention. Ethics are learned and developed when a individual is born into the world and ethics continue as a individual goes through life. A parent goal is to develop values in his or her off springs to establish the capability to encourage him or her to make correct judgment and ethical decisions. This paper will focus on personal ethics, business ethics, ground rules, and ethical development. Ethics are principles and the sources from which ethics derives, people, institutions, events and so on. The decision making factors a individual employ to revise his or her values will also be explored. Personal ethics development, are result of personal experiences or examples. This paper will explained why ethics are needed in an organization and how ethics are imparted into organizations to achieve goals and directions. Individuals exist with different values and ethical standards, and other may have ethical standard similar to other people, however no two individuals have identical standards or values. A person ethics and values are related to his or her own culture, background, and environment. An individual mother and father teach their children traditional values which becomes the foundation of his or her upbringing...
Words: 2389 - Pages: 10
...Running head: PERSONAL ETHICS DEVELOPMENT Personal Ethics Development Abstract Prepare a 1,050-1,200 word paper on Personal Values Development examining your personal values, ground rules, and/or ethics development. Focus on the developmental aspect rather than on a particular position on any issue. Define what your values are; the sources (people, institutions, events, etc.) that helped shape your values, and the criteria and decision-making factors you utilize to revise them. Also, discuss the potential impact of your values and your performance in your work place. *This paper should be about you and not copied from another’s paper. Personal Values Development What is Ethics What is ethics, defined by Merriam-Webster, ethics is “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation” (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ethics). These are the moral principles or values of conduct governing an individual or a group. A person ethics is defined by the principles or values and understanding of the society around them and by what society deems expectable. Ethical Development Ethical development starts when a person is young and learns what they can and cannot do by there parents and the parent’s social groups. This is where my I learned that one should act accordingly; honesty, responsible for one-self, respect one-self and others, loyalty to family, friends, and to ones society, open-minded, and fairness...
Words: 1182 - Pages: 5
...Personal Ethics Development University of Phoenix PHL/323 Ethics in Management Week One Assignment 29 January 2012 Personal Ethics Development Ethics are what human beings base our day-day functions and existence on. It is safe to say that ethics is the very compound that links understanding with reason, when developing beliefs and opinions. A person’s character defines his morals and values. In the decision-making process, these two assumptions play a major role in what is right and wrong, substantial, or beneficial. Ethics are essentially developed at birth and practiced, altered and molded into an individual’s personality throughout life. Until the situation arises that ethics are used to base an opinion or make a decision, ethics are not defined or understood. From the reading Trevino and Nelson define ethics as “The principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual...
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...Personal Ethics Development Paper * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- Displaying messages 1 - 2 of 2 Participants: rose.angel13 and Smart-Guru rose.angel13 2015-02-28 23:32 Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word paper on personal ethics development that examines your personal ethical system and ground rules. * Incorporate the terms found in the University of Phoenix Material: Key Terms. * Focus on the developmental aspect of your ethics rather than on a particular position on any issue. * Define your underlying ethical system, its primary principles, the sources that helped shape your ethics—such as people, institutions, events, and so forth—and the criteria and decision-making factors you have used to revise them. * Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your performance or use of them in your workplace. Use a specific personal example. * Explain why ethics are needed in an organization and how ethics are integrated into an organization to achieve its direction and goals. What effect does the application of these ethics have on individuals, organizations, and society? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. KEY TERMS Key Terms Ethical Terms Character: Moral actions based on duty-driven...
Words: 496 - Pages: 2
...Personal Ethics Development Katherine Poppell June 14, 2016 PHL/323 Vickie Sims Personal Ethics Development The New Oxford American Dictionary defines ethics as "a moral principle that governs a person or a group's behavior." In the most idealistic world, one's morals would help guide them in their best decision-making processes more than anything else. However, we all know that it does not work for everyone as history has proven. One's ethical and developmental traits or skills should continually be improving as a person grows, and though they are constantly evolving the fundamentals will always be the same. With one's capability to integrate their personality, ethics, and standards it only encourages a person's capacity for improving their personal values. This paper aims at observing the importance of personal values and having an ethical system in place. With this understanding the discussion leads to the great mortgage fiasco of the United States in August 2006. The economic debacle permeated to a large-scale proportion not only after the head executives made wrong decisions, but the whole tier of the banking system made multiple unethical decisions with potential homeowners. It was at this time that people began to look honestly at their personal ethical beliefs. Wong and Beckham (1992) made the analysis nearly two decades after what we now refer to as the Subprime Meltdown. They were able to identify two theories that would guide one’s ethical behavior, utilitarianism...
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...Personal Ethics Development PHL/323 August 18, 2012 Ed Williams Personal Ethics Development The ethical system that I derive my life with comes from bringing raised in a stern, Christian family with moral values passed on to the children. Primary principles that shaped the ethics in my life started as a child when my mother and father instilled in me to have respect for others, and to follow my dreams. I grew up as a military brat, with both parents in the Air Force. The work ethic that my parents showed me by being in the military gave me an example that going to work and being responsible is very important in life. School was also instilled in me to show responsibility as well as education. Milestones in life have shaped me to follow morals and know the differences between right and wrong. After graduating high school and gaining an education, I went on to obtain a great job for a major home improvement company. As I started working for this company they had certain rules to abide by that everyone in the company followed. These rules were called the Code of Conducts rules. These rules set the standard for each employee to respect each other and to abide by the rules. When the rules are not followed action against that individual will be taken. Throughout life I was able to have parents, teachers, managers, and coaches to provide and mold the ethical structure that was started as a child. The decisions that I have made within my life are always...
Words: 515 - Pages: 3
...Personal Ethics Development Paper PHL/323 July 15, 2010 In this paper I will discuss my personal ethical system and ground rules. I will talk about how I developed my values and what those values are and the sources I believe I developed them from. I will also discuss how my personal values impact my work environment and how my company values impact my personal values. Development of Values One’s personal values are acquired early in life. At birth we are born with no knowledge. We cry when we are hungry, need our diaper changed or want attention. We lie there content until we need something then we cry. This is the starting point that sets the tone and direction for one’s life and the decision-making process. The goal of developing values in children is to establish the capability to make sound judgments (Kohlberg, 1971). The entire process of value development is lifelong and continuous (Nucci, 2002). Personal Values Personal values are almost like DNA, individual to one person. Personal values are those that define me as a person: •I believe that people are responsible for his/her own actions…•I believe in family unity…•I believe in compassion…•I believe in the importance of a good education…•I believe in having good work ethics…•I believe in love…•I believe in honesty…•I believe in choice…•I believe we are who we want to be…•I believe that we learn from our mistakes…•I believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy…•I believe my dad is...
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...Personal Ethics Development Paper PHL / 323 Ethics In Management 12/13/2014 Personal ethics are extremely important in business decisions, life and any other endeavors. Personal ethics are a set of attributes, morals or skills one possesses throughout his/her lifetime, and they are needed in the workforce and your personal learning process. Personal ethics are the things I’ve learned from my parents, my grandparents, and siblings as I grew up. My mother always tells me to treat others, the one I want to be treated, and as I grew up I understand more and more the values of that phrase. According to our class notes at University of Phoenix our personal ethics need to be in harmony with the ethics of our organization, meaning the guidelines of the organization ethics. Its Vision, Mission statement, Values, Goals, and Code of Ethics those guidelines need to be respected and followed. And here at the UOP it is recommended that your personal ethics come in harmony with the University’s Ethics. My plan and goal is upheld the University’s vision, mission statement and respect it’s code of ethics. In the process of doing so, I will follow and control the following: • Personal conduct • Personal commitments • Time management • Self-direction • Values • Critical thinking • Respect for others/diversity With online courses your personal conduct and commitment have to be intact. Online classes required a different type of...
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...Personal Ethics Development Paper Shane King 3/19/2012 University of Phoenix Lorelie Kaid Development I think that the area of ethics can have several meanings to people. There are several different things that can affect people’s views on ethics. These things can be, but are not limited to, religion, childhood experiences, political experiences, or parenting. There are a lot of people that view it as more of a “good vs. evil” mentality and believe that it is an integrity issue. I think that as you are younger, you have a foundation with your personal ethics. As you get older, your personality along with your ethics is shaped and grows with you. In the following essay, I am going to cover more about the topic of ethics and how my personal views of ethics came to be what they are today. I will also cover different experiences that have played significant roles in shaping my ethical viewpoints. Parenting I personally believe that a person can start building an ethical foundation from their parents. I know that is true for my situation for sure. I was raised in a loving family with parents that also shared good morals and values. I was not around a violent household at any time in my childhood. I think that if kids are opened up to that kind of surroundings, they may in turn follow that same path due to the fact that the children view that specific behavior as normal. Once the children grow older, the chances grow of them realizing that what they viewed...
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...Personal Ethics Development PHL/323 January 23, 2014 Personal Ethics Development “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1 When growing up, most of us are taught morals and values by our parents or guardians. We are taught to conform to society’s norms, and to behave appropriately, or as others call it, “morally ethically”. When I was growing up my parents took it upon them to teach me good morals, values, and principles. Their views on these were a bit different but somewhat the same. Coming from similar backgrounds and sharing the same culture helped them to agree with what they had in mind my behavior should be like. According to my parents I was to behave like a good moral character. One who does not blurt out her opinions but shares it when asked, always in a respectful way taking into consideration every person in the room. It was kind of hard growing up not knowing when I had to be discreet. One organization in particular that helped me a lot was my local church. The people there gave me great examples to follow and not to follow. The teachings our pastor gave were helpful as well. The stories that old book kept were great and gave me a perspective on so many things. When making decisions on what examples to follow, I always looked to my parents. No one else was ready, as they were, to explain why they did the things they did; a child always needs explanations. In my line of work, I...
Words: 1159 - Pages: 5
...University of Phoenix Personal Ethics Development Jason T. Clark PHL 323 Ethics in Management July 26, 2013 Kent M. Lauderdale Personal Ethics Development Character, morals, and values are factors that assist in creating an ethical system. The development of ethics from childhood to adulthood is individually based. The ethical system is not a process that comes with birth, but core ethical beliefs in which assist an individual in making decisions. As a father who has dreams and aspirations for my children, it is a strong goal to ensure that they learn what it takes to achieve positive success. I have considered myself to be a duty-based individual who focuses on the role of a father who supports his children and takes care of any responsibility to those who I love. I have served in multiply roles where my duty-based responsibility has placed me in positions in which my decisions strongly affect the lives of others. Values are those things or actions upon which the individual or organization spends time and money. The values that define each person sometimes have a similarity that creates relationships, friendship, and marriages. These same values can be disliked by other cultures and people that cause bad situations like wars, terroristic acts, and domestic cultural violence. Key values of most cultures are faith, family, and life. The faith or religion of a cultural can bring friends and families together or divide them. The friends I associate with are Muslim...
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...Personal Ethics Development Rene P. Jordan PHL/323 August 21, 2010 Craig Follins Abstract Ethical development is acquired through a combination of family, peers, teachers, religious leaders, and the community within one lives. When an ethical dilemma arise, one must first recognize and understand the steps to resolve the issue. When making an ethical decision several factors are taken into consideration. Ethical systems are also used to assist in achieving the final decision. This paper will review the stages of personal ethical development and the different components pertinent to each theory. Personal Ethics Development As a child, morals and values develop and are learned by the inner actions with parents and other adults in the family. Knowing right from wrong is an internal belief derived from one's character and values. As a person grows older and starts school, his/her morality develops even further. They gain ethical opinions from teachers, and peers, which reinforce their own concepts of right and wrong. Additionally, as one interacts with society and the community where he/she lives, they develop or follow the beliefs of their norms. In turn, value decides one's friends, and the job they may accept. Morals and values outline the direction a person will take in life. Fairness, responsibility, trusting, and caring assist in building character and forms the ethical systems used to make decisions. When dealing with conflict or difficult situations, several...
Words: 1268 - Pages: 6
...Personal Ethics Development The ethical system and ground rules that I live by are expressed easy. I treat others as I would like to be treated. The concept that was the central foundation of my life was humility, sacrifice, God and family. The beliefs of my church growing up and the ethical standards used as the guidelines for the members were the driving force in what I defined as acceptable behavior. The church was always the central backbone of my family. I was raised by a single mother and she wanted me to have a strong sense of who God was and how he intended me to live my life. This was the underlying base for my development as a child into adulthood. I was exposed to several different religious views and it also allowed me to become open and accepting of others. My ethical system was formed by several components that include my mother, God, the church and a strong support system through friends and family, prayer and education. The character of an individual should be balanced in all aspects of a person’s life. A person’s personal value system will carry over from their personal life into their professional life. This will translate into their ethical business behavior. Observing the ethical statute of “treating others as I would like to be treated” affords for the emotional and physical protection of all in my personal and professional circle. If this thinking is encompassed by everyone in a group, whether in a single office or the entire company it fosters an environment...
Words: 1292 - Pages: 6
...[pic] LAPORAN PROJEK PELAJAR BAHASA KETIGA TJC501 BAHASA JEPUN III HMT3JA AKADEMI PENGAJIAN BAHASA MAC 2016 [pic] LAPORAN PROJEK PELAJAR BAHASA KETIGA NAMA PELAJAR : NABILAH BINTI MOHD JAMAL 2015126185 NURSHAZLIZA BINTI SHAIFUL KAHAR 2015165675 SYAHIRAH BINTI ABD RAZAK 2015104393 NAMA PENSYARAH : PUAN NOR RASIMAH BT ABDUL RASHID MAC 2016 SINOPSIS: Syahirah : Shazliza-san, shūmatsu ni nani o shitai desu ka? Shazliza : Kaimono o shitai. Nabilah : Aa, sō desu ne. Doko de kaimono o shimasu ka? Shazliza : Setia City Mall de kaimono de shimasu. Summimasen, watashi wa Setia City Mall e itte, eiga o mitai desu ga, dōyatte Setia City Mall e ikimasu ka? Syahirah : Shā aramu eki de nana go san no basu ni norimasu. Shazliza : Hai, wakarimashita. Nabilah : Shazliza-san. Dare to ikimasu ka? Shazliza : Hitori de ikimasu. Koko kara Setia City Mall made donogurai kakarimashita ka? Syahirah : Ichijikan gurai kakarimashita. Nabilah : Syahirah-san, himana toki nani o shimasu ka? Syahirah : Sō desu ne, badominton o shimasu. Shazliza : Sō desu ka, badominton ga suki desu ka? Syahirah : Hai suki desu. Shazliza-san, donna supōtsu ga suki desu ka? Shazliza : Tenisu ga suki desu. Nabila-san, nani ga jōzu desu ka? Nabilah :Watashi wa piano...
Words: 382 - Pages: 2
...Personal Ethics Development Paper Kari Cook January 20, 2015 PHL/323 Amy Peterson Personal Ethics Development Paper Ethics is the outlet of philosophy that pertains to morality. Ethics is concerned with distinguishing between good and evil in the world, between right and wrong human actions, and between virtuous and novirtuous characteristics of people ("Eth-Ics", 2014). Ethical development begins when a person is young and learns what they can and cannot do by their parents (guardians) and the parent’s (guardians) social groups. This is where I was taught that one must act honesty and, responsible for one-self, respect one-self and others, loyalty to family, friends, and to one’s society, open-minded, and fairness. Each of these ethics work together and/or tempered in order to understand what is happening around us. Each has a define set of criteria that we use to evaluate each situation at hand. Are we dishonest if we hold back information to avoiding hurting another person? Do we hold back information to avoid conflict that may lead to violence? Does one ethical thought outweigh or override another? How do we handle conflict within our own ethical principles or values? In the development of one's ethical persona, it is possible that ethical decisions will be based on whether the proposed action, which is morally right, leads to the greatest ratio of benefits compared to costs. In other words, the action should result to the highest utility to all people affected by...
Words: 320 - Pages: 2